Jul 05 2011 08:33 am

Posted by under July 5 Assignment

NYC skyscrapers vs. Pennsylvania

NYC had developed very quickly in the 20th century because of the development of steel, skyscrapers and the subway system was able to be built. Because of the density and diversity of NYC it was able to build more and quicker than other cities like Pennsylvania. In Pennsylvania the focus was not as strong, thus skyscrapers were built here and there but they were not all organized in one area like they are in Manhattan.  


4 Responses to “NYC skyscrapers vs. Pennsylvania”

  1. xiaoyan.chen on 05 Jul 2011 at 10:41 pm #

    I agree with Eliezer’s comparison the Skyscraper between New York City and Pennsylvania. But I think the reason why the skyscraper in New York could be ahead of other cities was that New York City was the commercial and financial center, there were great demand for buildings. Business needed to rent the spaces and people would do the investment for the real estate. However the economy system of Pennsylvania was different with New York City, there was not much demand for the real estate as New York; also its resource was not rich as New York as well.

  2. el125594 on 07 Jul 2011 at 12:29 am #

    That is true, i would also add that New York was more money driven and limited on space. You are right to say that New York had a greater budget, thus had the opportunity to grow as quickly as it did, especially during the time of the skyscrapers. Philadelphia was growing pretty quickly at the time as well, and you can see that on chudacoffs population charts.

  3. HuiLing Liang on 14 Jul 2011 at 11:42 am #


  4. HuiLing Liang on 14 Jul 2011 at 11:47 am #

    I am totally agree with post and comments above. In great demands for the business offices and financial places, people gathered together to compromise on the projects.