Jul 11 2011 12:31 pm

Posted by under ADMIN ONLY - featured,Extra Credit Assignment

Exploring the Museum Of City Of New York

      It was my second visit to the Museum of City of New York where i found that an artifacts and things were totally being replaced in compare to my first visit in 2009.While going to the museum i saw the immigrants people who were sharing their shelter and culture with each other living in a similar environment which displayed and made me realize the consequences of all those historic wars and movements that an immigrants like Irish and African Americans people stood and fought for their moral rights; the rights for an equality. It was the perfect day for my visit to the museum; as the things went well without any disturbance and conflicts.

Though the museum was not big, it was very well displayed and organized either in terms of portraying anyone’s background or showing the historic evidence or culture that has been followed by today’s world. Since i read and had some knowledge about the power of Dutch and British leader during 1600s, i didn’t find hard on understanding the words and the video called, “Timespace” that showed the evolution of the city and its gradual development until now.

The most interesting exhibits  i enjoyed in the museum was in the area titled, ” New York Interiors 1690-1906)” where things were presented and arranged reflecting the changes over time in styles, production and wealth growth from the colonial era through the dawn of 20th century. The gallery mainly highlighted the furniture and decorative arts made in New York City. It showed the evolution of New York interior design that initiated through the Dutch furniture influence found in early colonial period.


Despite the fact that an architectural features used in this area doesn’t contain an actual interiors, it highly constituted historic incorporating materials, color schemes used in the rooms like ones used to display during those periods. The museum also highlighted on the roles of two immigrants named Duncan Phyfe (1768-1854), born in Scotland, and Charles- Honore Lannuier ( 1779-1819), born in France who played a key role on shaping the city’s character during the early 19th century by bringing the distinctive European- based classical styles to New York. It shows that most of an American styles, Interior designs are originated through a European ideas which we can still see in today’s world.

After exploring the interior styles of both British and Americans, I stepped down to the cafeteria in order to get some snacks and drinks. But as I was walking I saw an exhibition of small cars, horses, ships, that looked like a toys and which attracted my attention to know what it was all about . As I was looking at the exhibits, the information about the fire trucks reminded me of the movie “Gangs of New York”, which relates to late 19th century. Due to the advanced change in technology various changes occurred in the city in terms of rules and regulations. In New York City the volunteer firefighters were replaced by a paid municipal fire department where horses were used to pull the fire engines in 1865. As early fire trucks used to carry everything necessary to fight a fire, including hoses, hooks, and ladders; by the late 19th century, separate hose carriages and hook-and-ladder trucks accompanied the fire wagon to the fire.

 So in overall visit and exploration, I learned about the cause of making the New York City and how and what aspects changed the New York City gradually in terms of art, culture, politics, technologies, and economy of the nation.

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