Jul 12 2011 01:19 pm

Posted by under ADMIN ONLY - featured,Extra Credit Assignment

Ellis Island “The Immigration Museum”

Ellis Island main building

Ellis Island, one of the historical sites of the United States, is located in New York City Harbor and the upper bay just off the New Jersey Coast within the shadow of the Statue of Liberty. Ellis Island used to be the gateway for the immigrants. From 1892 to 1954, over twelve million immigrants entered into the United States through the portal of Ellis Island. Today this Island is known as the Ellis Island Immigration Museum. Even though I been to Ellis Island before, I didn’t have that much of knowledge about the history of the United States and most specifically of Ellis Island. However, this time when I went to Ellis Island I had a different feelings and emotions in my mind.

Wooden boxes and baskets

When I went inside, I saw the pictures of wooden and steel boxes, the bamboo baskets, the pillows which compel me to smell of their hometown. Even when I saw immigrants who were standing on line with their luggage and everybody’s face looked nervous at the same the hope inside them. I remember the similar situation when I came to the United States; I had the same feelings, the feeling of nervousness on my face and the new hope in my heart.

The pictures and the other things were same; however, the way that I perceived

Registry Room

 those pictures and other stuffs weren’t the same way which I did perceive in my first visit. Honestly, this time I was more connected with the pictures and the things which were inside there. When I was there first time the huge hall on the second floor seemed to me just a hall (Registry Room, but after learning in class and reading the description on the display board I stand there for a while and imagined how people lined up in the fence and waited for their turn for inspectors to ask the information from them and to confirm the answer in the manifest.



I was imagining how each person was inspected by the doctors within six seconds. The doctor viewed a person and if there was something wrong with the person, then the doctor chalked them letters like “H” which meaning heart problem or “E” which meaning eye problems. I was thinking how one would feel that when the doctors chalked them in their clothes. Do they lose their hope to start the new life, does their dream die? How would one feel that?

Kissing Post

Immigration that passed legal inspection proceeded down the west stairway. Here many were greeted by the waiting relatives. Because of the emotional reunion take place here, it was known as the “Kissing Post.” I can’t imagine how one would feel at that moment in the new land with the new dreams, and then new life. It would have been thrilling movement. I was kind a feeling the same sentiment when I was standing there.

West stairways

The experience which I had before visiting Ellis Island was totally different this time. The reason I must mention was because of the materials which I learned in my class. It helps me not only to know about the immigration process for the new comers, but also gives me a sense of how one would feel to go inside and tries to experience the same way which new comers did during 1892 to 1954. I think it was great to see those old pictures and things inside the museum which forced us to go back in the past and think how life would be at that time.

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