Registration is Open For Fall 2024 “Launching a High School Newspaper” Online Course for NYC Public High School Teachers

Dear NYC Public High School Teachers and Administrators,

We are pleased to be offering the Baruch College High School Journalism Program’s free, five-session Zoom course, “Launching a High School Newspaper.” 

The course will run on five consecutive Mondays beginning Nov. 11 from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 

Here is the link to register:

Best regards,


Posted Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Baruch College’s High School Journalism Program is offering its free “Launching a High School Newspaper” online CTLE-credit course for NYC public high school teachers from schools that do not presently have student newspapers. The class takes place via Zoom from 4:30 p.m. until 6 p.m. for five Monday sessions. Session dates are Sept. 16, Sept. 23, Sept. 30, Oct. 7 and Oct. 21.

The course, offered each year beginning in Fall 2021, has contributed to the successful launch of approximately twenty-five new high school newspapers in NYC public high schools.

This certificate course was designed and is taught by Baruch College Department of Journalism Professor Geanne Belton, director of Baruch College’s High School Journalism Program.

“Launching a High School Newspaper” instructs potential high school newspaper advisors on the nuts and bolts of launching a school newspaper. The course addresses a range of topics related to creating an online high school newspaper including how to organize a new newspaper, brainstorming story ideas, fact-based news reporting, how to use an online platform to easily create and launch a new newspaper, interviewing strategies, journalistic writing, weaving in news literacy education, photojournalism and illustrating stories, navigating ethical and legal concerns, staff-building, fact checking, and copy editing.

“Launching a High School Newspaper” is open to NYC public high school teachers who have the support of their administrations to launch high school student newspapers in schools that currently do not have newspapers.

To Register, Please Complete This Google Form:

In addition, Baruch College’s High School Journalism Program offers incentive awards for the new newspaper programs of NYC public high schools. A total of at least twenty-five $1,000 success awards will be awarded to encourage and provide resources to new NYC public high school newspapers. Schools of teachers who have taken the “Launching a High School Newspaper” course and launched successful new newspapers in NYC public high schools that previously lacked student newspapers are eligible. 

Each school that participates in this program is invited to send a delegation of teacher-advisors and student editors/journalists to Baruch College’s Annual High School Journalism Conference. They also are encouraged to enter their new newspapers and new journalism into Baruch College’s Annual City-wide Best in NYC Public High School Journalism “Newsies” Competition, which, beginning in 2023, features a New Newspapers Division for high schools that launched their newspapers after 2020.

Thanks to foundation support, including from The Google News Initiative, the Charles H. Revson Foundation, and the David and Katherine Moore Family Foundation, Baruch offers our High School Journalism Program opportunities to NYC public high schools free of charge. 

Questions? Please email Professor Geanne Belton at with the subject line “Launching a High School Newspaper” and please provide your full name, the full name of your high school, and high school address.