Note: this outline may change as we progress through the semester so please watch out for updates. These will be announced in class and posted on Blackboard.
Weekly tasks and assignments – check the “weekly homework” tab on the right.
You can better understand the GPA equivalency of grades here.
Grading rubric for overall grades:
A | 93.0–100.0 |
A- | 90.0–92.9 |
B+ | 87.1–89.9 |
B | 83.0–87.0 |
B- | 80.0–82.9 |
C+ | 77.1–79.9 |
C | 73.0–77.0 |
C- | 70.0–72.9 |
D+ | 67.1–69.9 |
D | 60.0–67.0 |
F | below 60.0 |