

As i continued to read the book, Candide started to question Pangloss’s philosophy, that “everthing is for the best.” When he met the negro, whose left leg and right hand are cut off, he said:”Oh Pangloss!You had no notion of these abominations! I’m through, I must give up your optimism after all.” And when asked what optimism is, he said, it is a mania for saying thing are well when one is in hell. We can see that Candide is not the naive person in the beginning, who always believe Pangloss. In the end, they found that work is the only way to render life supportable and everyone should exercise their talents.

And other thing i found fascinating is the land of Eldorado. It’s the perfect world that we all dream about it. But what’s the point of Candide encountered this land when he was suffering from all kinds of things? I believe the existence of Eldorado is to give Candide some hope to move on. And it could be the ideal society Voltaire was fighting for, no one is suffered from starvation or persecution, no prisoners, only one religion and the king is in harmony with people.

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