We are born in a country where all citizens are given equal right. From view of God, this statement strongly insist that all human are created equal which is the fundamental of American Society and something that we don’t feel in daily life and forgot to appreciate that we have given fundamental right. This fundamental right include that we have right to seek happiness by your own effort which is something that we don’t see in some other countries. Preamble state that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the people to alter or to abolish it and to institute new Government. This statement gives right to citizen to seek best government which helps America to have unique and best government in the world and help America to grow rapidly in the world.
One of the Reasons that America is attractive to immigrant since nation was found was that regardless of race, people are given right to live, sustain lives, seek happiness and own success. It took quite many years that all people are treated equal truly because of existence of racism among people. However, In today’s America, thanks to the great activists regarding racism and women’s right, we experience best freedom in the world. This United States Declaration of Independence was declared in 1776 and many other countries had influenced and adopted. My country of Japan also greatly affected and 1946, 170years later, Japan also declared the statement that provide all citizen regardless of race and social status equal right. Amazing things is that great politician like Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and , Benjamin Franklin came up with this statement in 17th century and constantly improving it.