The World is too Much with us!!

Though “The World is too Much with us” written by William, Wordsworth, is quite brief and concise, he still manages to get his point across in a drastic and short way. He says that life would be so much easier if he was simply “pagan.” I enjoyed reading this poem because it wasn’t simply a list of facts and complaints stating how materialitic the world had become. He said it in a harmonious and poetic way, grabbing the reader’s attention in a very “un-harsh” way.

This kind of poem reminds me greatly of why I enjoy reading poetry. Poetry offers a certain” something” that normal writing cannot. It allows the reader to feel more and attach to every word in a gentle way. Often writing can be very blunt and harsh, turning the reader off and not taking the words in front of them to heart. But, poetry allows the reader to conjure up certain emotions and feeling that he/she would never have necessarily felt through normal writing. I cannot exactly pinpoint why poerty may produce these emotions, but I do know that when I personally read poetry, I definately get emotional (whether is being good or bad).

About lr129344

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