Author Archives: ir130090

About ir130090


Final exam question

My idea for the final exam question is: Using Metamorphosis and The Tattooer, explain how both stories focus on the importance of physicality.

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Kincaid’s “Girl”

Most girls with a mother figure can relate to the story in that they must have heard at least some variation of the commands and domestic advice given in the story. “Do this so that men will like you, do … Continue reading

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For our midterm, I think we should be allowed to choose our own topic to write about on the short essay. And we can either have the work of literature already chosen for us, or decide to choose one of … Continue reading

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Browning, Sonnets from the Portugese XLIII

(I know I was supposed to comment. Consider this my comment.) I liked Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Sonnets from the Portuguese. The last poem especially caught my interest: XLIII. The poem is must assuredly in sonnet form, but I cannot be … Continue reading

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The Narrative of the Life

One thing that stood out in my mind while reading Frederick Douglass’ narrative is the part of the story where he described how slaves would often fight among themselves for the honor of their masters. I was reminded of the … Continue reading

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Chinese Vernacular Log

First off, the amount of loanwords in the readings overwhelmed me. Prajna-paramita? Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi? I can’t even begin to pronounce those. On another note, the history behind early modern Chinese vernacular literature was an informative read, and only a little dull. The Journey … Continue reading

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Free Write – Candide

While I am not yet finished with Candide, I have done some research on it. I was amused at Voltaire’s inclusion of the character Pangloss the philosopher. He plays the role of teacher to Candide, yet his teachings are flawed. … Continue reading

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“A Vindication of the Rights of Women”

Mary Wollstonecraft’s “A Vindication of the Rights of Women” is, in my opinion, a fairly radical piece of literature for the era in which it was published. In it, Wollstonecraft raises valid points about the gap in the education of … Continue reading

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