You have probably heard the term SEO thrown around, but what does it mean? And how can SEO help you show up on Google? In this post, we will cover a basic overview of SEO So you can start ranking your website fast.
What is SEO?
SEO is a sub-topic of digital marketing. My favorite definition for SEO is: the implementation of strategies and tactics to improve ad websites, web pages or web pages, and rankings on search engines.
SEO is a long-term gameplay. It’s not something you’re going to apply to a website overnight and see immediate results. It takes time.
SEO is a very fast-growing industry. If you search LinkedIn, you’ll find there’s just no shortage of jobs for SEO professionals.
Do you need to know how to code to do SEO?
If you don’t know how to code, good news—you don’t need to know how to code to do SEO. It helps to some understanding of “code,” and you will need some basic understanding to know how to identify when the right code is on the page. But you don’t ever need to write a single line of code to do SEO. you also dont need to go to college to code or refinance any kind of student loan to learn either.
Why does SEO matter?
you might have a boss who is on the fence about investing in SEO, or you have a business but don’t know if investing in SEO is the right move for you. If that’s the case, here are a few reasons why SEO matters for every business.
1. Everyone searching
Search is a primary source of online traffic for pretty much any website on the internet. Everyone’s searching for something. Thus, most websites are getting traffic from people searching for things on a search engine.
2. Free traffic
Traffic from SEO is 100% free. You’re not paying for a single ad. People are naturally coming to the website because they typed a question, and the search engine gave them that answer.
3. Control your first impression
This is a good way to control your first impressions. For example, if you have a website like Joe’ home improvement store, but if a potential visitor searches for you and doesn’t see you on the results, you might lose credibility. Simply put, it’s not a good look, you seem like you’re not a real business if you’re not on google’s index.
4. Become an industry leader
You can quickly become an industry leader by leveraging your google rankings. If you rank #1, Google is essentially saying that you are the most authoritative source on this topic.
5. Keyword Research can reveal industry insights.
Performing keyword research can reveal industry insights you might never have known. You may find that people were searching for words that you had no idea that they were searching for.
6. Nurture potential customers with helpful content
It’s a good way to nurture potential clients and customers with information. On a marketing funnel, awareness and interest are at the top and conversion is obviously at the bottom. SEO allows you to grab people at the top for just looking for a solution for their problem. They’re not ready to buy and keep providing them information until they eventually convert and the traffic for SEO, it’s the best traffic you can get because those people are actively searching for a solution to their problem. This is how you turn a cold lead into warm ones, with value-filled content
How do you do SEO?
So how do we do SEO? SEO professionals wear many hats, and the list of things we “do” in SEO is extensive. In this introductory guide, we will cover just three, just to keep things simple.
Technical analysis.
We do something like technical analysis, which will let us check out if there are any bugs or any problems on the web page. For instance, we have to make sure that Google can even access our pages. Page speed is another good example of something to look out for when conducting technical analysis.
Keyword research.
SEOs will do what we call keyword research, essentially, we are finding out what people are searching for, and how often people are searching for those terms so that we know if it’s worth investing time in writing that content or publishing that article, etc.
Matching the searcher’s intent is also a very important part of keyword research. Matching searcher intent means making sure that when Google shows whatever shows up on the page is what is our web page that we’re trying to publish? It’s relevant to what the searchers are going to want to see.
Publishing content
You’re going to be publishing a lot of pages when you’re doing SEO, you’re not necessarily going to be writing the pages yourself. Someone else might do it, but you’re going to be thinking about publishing strategically. You will also need to know the best practices for writing content on the internet so you can advise the writers on optimizations. Writing for the internet is not the same as writing for a print magazine, or newspaper. For example, a giant column of text, with little to no visual breaks doesn’t work well for the Internet.
So that’s what SEO is. Of course, there is a lot more to it than that but that’s just the basics, and for most marketers and business owners, that’s all you really need to know. If you would like more information on SEO, please email MakerHub. We would love to hear your thoughts.