Thoughts on Blog Posts and Articles

Journalist can be bloggers, but can bloggers become journalist? This issue has been discussed from as early as mid 2000s. For the most part, blogging is not journalism.  There is a significant difference between them that may not appear black and white on the surface. Ultimately, they both achieve the same results.

The Right to Write

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In today’s digital age, it is not required to be an established journalist to be able to write, publish and share content. There have been instances where blog’s content has been more easily accepted than a journalist writing simply because the content is relatable. 

Opinion vs. Reporting

Without a doubt, blog content is much different from journalistic content. A blogger has a “me-to-you” relationship with readers. Most commonly, conversational voice is used. While journalist has a ”us-to-you” relationship, often operates on behalf of an organization. A journalistic story begins with professional statements and attempt to answer the “5 Ws” (Who, What, Where, When, and Why).

Blog writers often publish content from opinion of experts. The information may not be necessarily backed by facts and its purpose is to drive into conversation and share experiences. In fact, the best blogs incorporated mostly opinion statements and very little journalism. In contrast, newsreaders and audiences expect unbiased, well-balanced, and objective material. Statements are backed by facts from reliable and reputable sources.

Blogging Leads to Journalism

Blogging can arguably be a stepping-stone to journalism. A blog allows people to start as a freelance writer and build a portfolio. Sample pieces cam be published to display writing prowess.

Shane Evans, Deputy Editor of and Major League Soccer’s beat writer for the Philadelphia Union, is a big proponent of this opinion. Evans sees blogging as a training ground for journalist. A prime example of this is the aforementioned, which has been bought out by the New York Times.

A number of Philadelphia-area sports blogs have recently been bought out by the big TV and Newspaper companies because they realize the potential of people writing for the people.

Evan continues on the idea that bloggers can gain the tools to operate in a environment effectively. In fact, there here is a growing trend of enthusiast blogs and bloggers moving up to jobs with much larger news outlets due to the quality of their coverage and the strength of their following.

Essentially, the line between the blogger and the journalist is much more blurred than it once was, and frankly, I’m quite pleased about this. It means that if you have an interest in writing or posting your thoughts online and get other people to read them, you can become a success.

In addition, blog allows people to write about their interest and build expertise.

Final Thoughts

Bloggers and journalist each hold a great amount of value. These two titles are not interchangeable terms. Although we are all granted the freedom to right, both titles hold different writing styles. Blogging can lead to journalism.

This blog post is a response to Social Media in Organization’s Week 13 Assignment: Journalism vs. Blogging.