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Panel #6: Inspiration

Team Members: Brian Bogart, D’Shea Ollivierre, Efraim Mauban, Francisco Gomez, Rachel Rosenthal, Susan Sull, Vincent Wan, Yafeng Chen, Zhoudi Tang


Zoravar Dhaliwal, CEO

Community Lab

Zoravar S. Dhaliwal is the CEO of Community Lab, a nonprofit providing tools and resources to strengthen health, nutrition and education systems globally. He gained extensive experience in finance through his work at Merrill Lynch, UBS and Trinorth Capital, and in management consulting during five years at Accenture, specializing in technology, process engineering, strategy and performance analytics. He has also created start-up firms in real estate investment and development.

Ayman Zameli, Managing Director

Private Equity at Pivotal Group

Ayman Zameli helps to identify and facilitate acquisitions. Prior to joining Pivotal, Mr. Zameli spent over 12 years in the financial sector providing debt financing for leveraged buyouts including transactions for private equity investors as well as corporate borrowers. From 2004 through 2009, Mr. Zameli was a Principal in Bank of America’s New York Leveraged Finance Group where he helped raise over $35 billion in total debt financing. Additionally, Mr. Zameli was a Vice President with JP Morgan Chase Syndicated Leveraged Finance group for five years where he was responsible for advising borrowers on appropriate capital structures. Mr. Zameli is currently a board member of ABANA; a non-profit organization that promotes financial services industry relations between the Arab world and North America. He is also a supporter of several New York based charities. Mr. Zameli holds an MBA from The George Washington University.

Peter Koo, Council Member-Republican

District 20

Peter Koo is currently a City Councilman, the founder and CEO of Starside pharmacy and a philanthropist. Peter Koo, who was born in Hong Kong, immigrated to the US in 1971. He attended college in the University of New Mexico by working odd jobs at KFC and Dunkin Donuts to put himself through pharmacy school. Thereafter, he obtained his BS degree and within a few years he opened his first pharmacy in Flushing Queens known as Starside pharmacy, which eventually expanded into several different chains located in Queens. Within the Flushing community, he served as the Chairman of the Flushing Business Improvement District and President of the Flushing Chinese Business Association. Although he was a Republican candidate he was able to win over the community in an area that is primarily a Democratic-stronghold in the elections of November 2009. In terms of his philanthropist acts, he has donated $100,000 to LaGuardia Community College by founding a scholarship, donated 20 wheelchairs to Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, donated to several senior centers in the local community and he also donates his entire councilman salary back to the community.

Opening Statement:

We are living in a society where continually on the news we hear about people being killed in wars, people starving all over the world, and it seems with every new year comes a new disaster somewhere around the world. Today’s current economy only intensifies all these horrible situations. That is why inspiration is more important than ever. In order to get through any situation one must be inspired to do great things and help the people and the world around them thus inspiring other people in the process. Today we have four great speakers who are all inspiring in their own right. All have overcome incredible odds to be become successful and all take the time to give back to community. Through our panel we hope everyone in the class can take a little inspiration and make the world a better place.


1. To start off, how about each of you give us a brief synopsis about what your current occupations are and how you got there.

2. Did you have a long-term strategy in mind when you began your career or did you just take advantage of opportunities as they came up?

3. We pretty much all know that we have to fight hard and put some effort to get what we want, like as the old cliché goes, “No Pain, No Gain”, so what hardships can you say you faced in accomplishing your goals? And what do you feel you learned from them?

4. In terms of business how do you feel that you inspire your workers and/or yourself to make everyone feel united under a common goal?

5. Is inspiration valued in your company structure? Does it get implemented?

6. How do you incorporate “inspiration” and how do you inspire people within your decision making process (how do you go about solving problems)?

7. Do you think failure can help create new inspiration? Do you have any personal examples?

8. Despite the great progress our country has had when it comes to accepting others cultures, some may argue that tension conflicts are still major issues.  How can a leader or group member help a team collaborate despite cultural tension?

9. Beside culturally, in terms of conflict what kinds of situations have you encountered in your own profession? Explain what is the conflict was about, who was involved and how you resolved it (or was it never resolved). What kind of method is best used to approach and resolve a conflict in a professional setting?

10. How is inspiration useful in planning for the future?

Closing Statement:

I first and foremost want to thank our panelists for coming here to speak in front of all of us today. In the hard times that we face today as well as the hard times we will undoubtedly have in the future, we must always remember not only to work hard but to also stay optimistic and stay inspired. This inspiration, whether you get it from inside yourself or from those around you, will be vital not only in your own future careers but in also how you go about your everyday lives. Because remember, there will always be another generation looking at what we are all doing, and we need to be a positive guiding force for the continuous improvement of our society. Some of the main key points I would like all of us to take from this discussion today are…

Main Points:

Peter Koo

Build a great foundation so that when opportunity for success presents itself, you’ll be able to grab it

Timing, location, support of people will help you achieve your goals

Make own determination to succeed

Life isn’t easy but it’s not hard

Not every path is the right path

Stop saying whatever, things are important, make it happen, don’t give up or let others give up

Two different types of intelligence: book intelligence and “street smarts”

The first 100 years are the hardest

Ayman Zameli

Failure is part of life, success will follow

Discover opportunities. Once you know what you want, go get it

Do your best every time and success will come naturally

Zorovar Dhaliwal

Sometimes we aim for the golden ticket, but it is necessary for us to figure out our skill sets and relationships to do what we really love

To be a good team leader you need 80% positive reinforcement, 20% constructive action

71 responses so far

71 Responses to “Panel #6: Inspiration”

  1. li.tanon Nov 22nd 2010 at 2:24 pm

    Team 6 had a very diverse panel that supported their topic. All of them had inspirational stories, which were interesting because some of them come from backgrounds much more difficult than what we may face. Even though they started with almost nothing, they worked hard to get to where they are today–some are CEOs, others are managers of successful companies. While their answers were inspirational, some were also very entertaining. For example, Peter Koo told us stories of his life in Hong Kong and how even though some people were against him coming to America, he never lost his hope and managed to prove them wrong. Likewise, Ms. Hott’s grandmother gave her good advice that she shared with us. With these personal touches and examples, it was easier for me to relate their experiences with my own life. It is always motivating for me to hear real-life examples from a successful person’s own mouth. Overall, I think the panelists had some very good quotes. Because they didn’t start out any more advantageous than we were, they fit very well as panelists for Team 6. I also liked the fact that they limited the number of questions so that the class had a lot of time to ask questions and direct the panel the way wanted it to go. Inspiration is an important topic and I am glad Team 6 chose it.

  2. niaz.ahsanon Nov 22nd 2010 at 4:19 pm

    I found Panel #6 topic on Inspiration to be very motivating and interesting. Many of panelists originally did not plan on the current career they now hold, many in nonprofit organizations. Each panelist showed a keen interest in giving back to the community and helping others because that is what they felt they really had a passion for. I found it quite interesting how Zoravar Dhaliwal built up his education with an MBA, worked for Merrill Lynch, and ultimately did not like what he was doing there. As he said during the presentation, he worked so hard for something he thought would be great but it did not turn out that way. Overall, I found this panel presentation to be very organized and I thought they all did a great job. In addition, the topic was very relevant.

  3. Corey Trippiedion Nov 22nd 2010 at 8:56 pm

    What inspires me personally? That’s a difficult question to answer. This panel dealt primarily with inspiration, which is an integral aspect of any managerial role. And often, inspiring is an incredibly difficult task. Any manager can emulate a sports coach and try to psych his team up, but the effectiveness of such a tactic depends heavily on the manager’s personality and distinctive characteristics.

    First off, I’m jealous of Dhaliwal’s voice. He spoke with authority and conviction, and it becomes apparent that his presence in his organization is respectable and inspirational.

    The most important aspect of this presentation I feel is the whole concept of not being afraid of failure. Personally, I’m terrified of failure and I loathe asking my peers for help. They might think I’m stupid. But to get to the top, networking is of the utmost importance. My peers around me are the wind beneath my wings, the very people I can reach out to and beg for a job in the not-too-distant future.

    I thought the panel overall was conducted very well. The questions were relevant and the information was extremely insightful. Well done.

  4. jcunneenon Nov 22nd 2010 at 10:11 pm

    Other than that music playing during the first 10 minutes of the presentation (don’t know if it was the group’s fault or not), the speakers of panel 6 all spoke clearly with unique points of view. I was particularly intrigued with Mr. Koo’s story. Growing up in Shanghai, moving to Hong Kong and eventually ending up in New York City as a city councilman is pretty inspirational. I enjoyed hearing how he opened up his own pharmacy in Flushing and eventually branched out to 4 other locations. It was also neat to hear about Mr. Dhaliwal’s start up surviving for several months without any funding. That takes obvious dedication and inspiration.

  5. darina.goulashvilion Nov 23rd 2010 at 11:27 am

    Because of the nature of this topic, I would have been disappointed if the panel failed to inspire me. Fortunately, I think Team 6 definitely hit the nail on the head and absolutely succeeded in their presentation. I really enjoyed every speaker separately but thought they definitely complemented each other and created a great atmosphere throughout the presentation. Although I was sad to see Mr. Koo go so early, his story inspired me – especially because I live in Flushing and have seen that pharmacy. Most of all, I enjoyed that each speaker seemed very sociable and approachable; people you would like to get to know and work with. There were endless one-liners, but I believe that most importantly, we should live by the golden rule and remember to always give back when we can. Great job.

  6. yongxin.yangon Nov 23rd 2010 at 6:37 pm

    I like Peter Koo! He’s very funny! As an international student I am very impressed by him about how he been through and his never-give-up personality. It’s a pity that he left early. I would like to hear more stories from him and how he got to his success. The other speakers were also very interesting. I like how Ms. Hott said that her inspiration is her family especially her grandma. I feel the same way as her that family is actually the most important thing in our lives and my grandma is also the greatest women I’ve seen in my life. Overall I like this panel. You did a great job of connecting to the topic and the flow. Good job!

  7. thewiz94on Nov 23rd 2010 at 8:28 pm

    I thought this group did a good job of their panel. The panelists were from a diverse variety of backgrounds. They clearly demonstrated their leadership talents and showed us how to lead as well. One thing they highlighted during the discussion was the power of inspiration. Positive reinforcement should be 80% of your criticism and the rest should be constructive criticism. People want to hear positive things and it helps things get done. They also talked about being engaged in what you do and doing everything to it’s fullest. It’s important to find your niche. I also liked Tiffany Hott’s grandmother’s saying “The first hundred years are the hardest!” We’re all in for the long ride. They also said to make the relationships with the people around you because you don’t know where they’re going to be in a few years. It’s something that has been said in multiple panels and I believe it is truly important.

  8. Cameron Moon Nov 24th 2010 at 12:17 am

    I thought the panel went well. Peter Koo was the most entertaining of the panelists, a pity that he had to leave early. That being said, the other panelists did bring up valid points that very well hold true, and things that I might start to incorporate into my everyday life. One example would be to eliminate “whatever” from my vocabulary because it shows a lack of care. Things are important and need to be recognized as such.
    I enjoyed the diversity that this group had to offer, people from differing backgrounds and how they came to inspire or be inspired. I feel that we could learn a lot from Mr. Dhaliwal due to his first ventures leading to failure, and yet him still being able to pick himself up and move on.

  9. ramandeep.singhon Nov 24th 2010 at 6:59 am

    I thought this was a great discussion because inspiration is definitely needed at 9am to keep you alert and motivated. Peter Koo’s story was especially incredible and his struggles are what some student endure this very day. He worked odd jobs, long hours to put himself through school and I think those difficulties helped keep him humble even after his great success. It also reinforced my belief that with education, you can achieve anything. Another aspect that contributed to his accomplishments is his generosity and kindness- he was committed to involved in his community, hearing people’s issues and helping them solve their problems. That is exactly what helped him gain John Liu’s seat despite being a Republican and having the odds against him.
    Dhaliwal and Tiffany’s work is also inspirational and their current position is not what they initially intended to do. Dhaliwal transitioned from finance to nonprofit and despite having her law degree, Tiffany operates a test center for children.They both have solid foundations that allowed them to pursue their goals and failure, although an obstacle, never hindered them. As Ayman Zameli said, failure is part of life but success will follow. I thought this group overall did a great job, especially with the timing. All the students had a chance to ask questions and Prof. Tawil, instead of being rushed, was given enough time to make his closing statement. The only issue was the technical difficulty in the beginning, which is of no fault to the group. The music was just distracting from the panelists’ introductions.

  10. evan.khordipouron Nov 24th 2010 at 10:00 am

    Panel 6 on inspiration was quite interesting because it the general topic of inspiration alone is very dull and boring after you hear it the first time, but these panelists brought up some key points that I hope everyone knows about. I agree that it’s never a good idea to say “whatever” because from that point on both parties might jump to conclusions that the relationship is over. And secondly, the proverb “treat others the way you want to be treated” cannot be emphasized enough. Everyone must know this before they graduate college. I’m glad she brought it up. The panelists all sounded honest and realistic and didn’t exaggerate too much. But at some point, I was afraid the Tiffany was trying to impress us instead teach us. The conclusion was good and right on point but she did rush it and mumble it a bit at the end. Overall it was above average panel presentation.

  11. Victoria.Kondratenkoon Nov 24th 2010 at 11:01 am

    I found this Panel to be very relevant and motivating. A lot of people, including myself, come from different countries to study here and it’s great to hear that there are a lot of successful stories. Even though most of them did not have a long term plan, when it came to make decisions, they made the right ones that lead them in great directions. All Panelists mentioned that failure is a part of life and that it is actually important to fail once, but not give up and move on instead. Even thought it was hard for them, especially for Mr. Dhaliwal who said he was working extremely long hours, but in the end it paid off. It is important to keep working for your dreams and not give up, it is important “to make a determination to succeed.” Once a person is determined, I think anything can be achieved. I found this Panel really good and inspirational.

  12. dianan.barbeiroon Nov 24th 2010 at 11:17 am

    What a great panel!!!!! Panel 6 did a great job. It was definitely inspirational. A great plus was the diversity of speakers, but at the same time all of them had so much in common. I wish Mr. Koo had stayed during the entire panel; he definitely would have a lot more to share and inspire all of us.
    Definitely, Mr. Koo and Mr. Dhaliwal were the most inspiring to me. Specially Mr. Dhaliwal for working in a non-profit organization. Nowadays, more than never, society is in need for people who are willing to go beyond their needs in order to help others and society in general. Mr. Koo is an inspiration to me because he showed that we can always go beyond our expectations. As an international student, we always face culture conflicts and question marks about how far we can get.

  13. Joseph Hernandezon Nov 24th 2010 at 12:13 pm

    Even though his panel shine was short lived, Mr. Koo seemed very sincere. Inspired by his passion for helping anyone even if their illness is minor. As I mentioned before for the women of marketing panel, it’s nice to see women who educate themselves and become successful within their field. Ms. Hott mentioned that her grandmother said that the first hundred years are the hardest. I know that life isn’t easy and I honestly believe that valiant effort will produce productivity along with success, and I prove my theory right on a daily basis. Mr. Zameil also mentioned that failure is a part of success, I also believe that risk breeds rewards. Overall great panel, its was diverse, and as long as I can take at least one thing away from the other groups panel’s it will always be a success.

  14. joyce.tseon Nov 24th 2010 at 1:13 pm

    Team #6’s panel definitely inspired us with their various perspectives and advices that they’ve learned from their own experience. I extremely admire Peter Koo with his struggles and efforts to grow and accomplish something when he moved here from Hong Kong. I felt very close to him because we shared the same experience of emigrating from Hong Kong to New York. However, compared to him, I am by far very lucky in terms of how my parents were here with me, assisting me financially and emotionally.
    The other panelists also motivated me in other ways. Tiffany was able to put forth her knowledge passed down from her grandmother (the first 100 years are the hardest) and like the other panel speakers, she is very eager to help those who are in need. And I believe that is the most important of all. Yes, find a job that you’re passionate about is most crucial, yet I believe that at the same time, if this job allows you to help others as well, it would be the most fulfilling and satisfying job ever.

  15. brian.bogarton Nov 24th 2010 at 1:30 pm

    When I think of perfection I think of this panel. Jk but seriously. Our panel was so much better than I had anticipated. Our four speakers were wonderful and everyone came together great. As for the music at the start of the presentation who doesn’t like a little bit of the “Go-Go’s” to get you going in the morning. I was really impressed with my group and thought everyone did an amazing job and I really hope the class enjoyed our panel as much as we enjoyed putting it together.

  16. joseph.francoon Nov 24th 2010 at 3:05 pm

    Because I came to class late, I wasn’t able to get the full experience of “getting inspired.” What I did hear, however was the common theme of “falling forward” or “learn from your mistakes.” If I take those cliches to heart I am sure that nothing will stop me from ultimately meeting the expectations that I set for myself.

  17. Stanley Weinbergon Nov 24th 2010 at 6:44 pm

    I very much enjoyed panel 6’s topic. I think in this economic climate we are always looking for a source of inspiration to take the next step. Each panelist presented a compelling story of how they got to where they are now, which personally inspired myself. Specifically, Peter Koo, who came to this country with virtually nothing but now holds pubic office. These storied inspired me to reach and help and achieve more. I was sorry that he had to leave so early. I got the sense that Ms. Hott was bragging about her accomplishments which turned me off a little. Otherwise I enjoyed their presentation very much. Great work team 6.

  18. vwanon Nov 24th 2010 at 7:16 pm

    My group members and I feel our panel had really gone much better than any of us had anticipated and we are glad that everyone in the class had a chance to be inspired in any small way possible. The point of all the group panels in the class is to get everyone to learn something unique and insightful. I had personally learned some great advice from previous group panels who had presented already and it means my group did something right if everyone feels inspired by our panel also. And a word about the “music” in the background during our panel; it was not our fault, someone who was using the computer before us left a radio website on, which happened to automatically start playing while our group was presenting. I just felt we needed to clear that up.

  19. toni.caion Nov 24th 2010 at 9:30 pm

    This panel did a pretty good job in finding 4 panelists from different backgrounds and ethnicity. Too bad Mr. koo had to leave. His story was really funny, yet inspiring. With how many pharmacies he has and how he strive to live up to the american dream. Ms. Hott’s story was also very touching, how she worked her way up without any of her family supporting her financially. I also envy her for owning so many properties. But i found her to be a bit arrogant which is alright because she’s rich. All of the panelists were really inspiring people. Its good to have heard from them.

  20. vincent.cianciarusoon Nov 26th 2010 at 2:54 pm

    I think this panel did a good job. The speakers were very well prepared and had interesting stories to share with the class. The topic of this panel somewhat overlapped with the Teamwork and Motivation panel, so I found some questions a little redundant. I think they did a good job of picking the panelists however, since they all came from different backgrounds. I thought it was crazy when I heard about the panelist who said he worked 7am to 11pm everyday for a while. It shows that inspiration is important to get you through the day no matter how hard things are.

    good job group 6

  21. amanda.medinaon Nov 26th 2010 at 3:34 pm

    Unfortunately I was not present during this panel, I have heard from some of my classmates that this was a very good panel and did a great job of inspiring others with there stories. I’m upset I missed this but I woke up really late and by the time I made it to class the presentation was over, so I missed the whole thing.

  22. Justin Shenon Nov 26th 2010 at 11:48 pm

    I was glad to see a familiar face such as Peter Koo in the panel and was even gladder to hear of his experiences as an immigrant who worked his way up. His work ethic is something to be admired and it is something we all can learn from. Also, some points I picked up from the panel was that positive reinforcement is important for inspiration. It is always better than negative reinforcement by far. Also, leading by example is something that will always hold true but is often lacking in society. I forgot who said it but something that I really agreed with was the fact that the word “whatever” implies giving up. I personally hate hearing this from people when they are encountered with a problem. Great job and interesting topic.

  23. yeeun.kimon Nov 27th 2010 at 12:36 am

    When I heard that the topic of group 6 is inspiration, I thought it’d be boring. However, it turned out that this panel was inspiring. This panel was very well-organized, and gave me the idea of inspiration from four different perspectives. It was nice to hear about four different people’s background, career, and their dreams, and some of the stories were touching. Personally, I was very moved by Ms. Hott’s story, and when she mentioned how she inspired her employees by telling them the truth, and treating them like family, I thought I want to be someone to inspire others in that way. Overall, this panel was inspiring.

  24. ilya.peysakhovon Nov 27th 2010 at 3:22 pm

    I liked this panel a lot. I was really surprised by Mr. Dhaliwal and his determination to work in the finance field which ultimately led to him leaving it and pursuing something else entirely. I also liked how Ms. Hott story of how she came up from the NYC public education system to have her own business from her own apartment, i think that’s as inspiring as any other story we will hear. Overall i think Peter Koo was the most hilarious and entertaining out of any of the panelists. Not only because of the demeanor with which he spoke but the stories he told and his enthusiasm really made the presentation live and exciting. I think all panelists made great points about inspiration and certainly gave advice that could be applied in everyday life. Great job Team 6

  25. eric.thaion Nov 28th 2010 at 12:09 am

    The panelist shared their stories of how they got to where they are today which was interesting that none ended up in what they plan to be in. It shows that sometimes we should keep an open mind and not follow a strict path. Mr Koo was inspiring, he was the perfect example of someone who reach out and achieve with his hard work. I felt some of the information and discussion were repeated and questions came back to things discussed already but it was overall an inspiring presentation.

  26. liaton Nov 28th 2010 at 9:10 pm

    Inspiration is needed in a lot of the things that we go through in life. Without a certain push, without a certain level of inspiration it may be hard for us to go forth with our dreams because of fears of failure etc. However, after listening to these 4 speakers, who I believe are the epitome of the “American Dream”, I truly feel inspired to go after any goal I have ever set for myself. Mr Koo especially made an impression on me. His story was inspiring all on its own. How he had to escape from China, and the life he created for himself was amazing. The way he was able to do that with a sense of inspiration that came completely from within himself, was in itself inspirational. The advice that Mr Koo gave was not only valuable for business, but in every aspect of our lives. I believe that, although he only stayed for a short period of time, he set the standard for the panel, and he carried the panel.
    Another speaker mentioned the idea of “paying it forward” which I believed was a very generous way of looking and living life. I feel that the only way people can really truly continue on their path to finding themselves, and making themselves successful is with the help of others, and therefore, the best thing for everyone to do is pay the favor forward, and help someone else once we accomplish our own goals.
    There were a few quotes that I thought everyone would be able to carry with them forever, and will help in our careers and in every day life: ” The word WHATEVER makes things less important.” “Change is Inevitable.” “Pay it forward.” and ” Education is the key to opportunity.”
    All in all is was a very inspirational panel, and I believe that every single one of the speakers had something very valuable to offer every single student who was in that classroom.

  27. li.huang1on Nov 29th 2010 at 12:23 am

    The topic and speakers are great. Mr Koo is a nice and funny person. I like Mr Koo’s story.
    Mrs. Hott said do not say whatever to people. I strongly agree with her. when people say whatever, it mean they do not concentrate with what you said and this action let people feel less respect. Also she said if you respect anyone you meet in your life, people also would respect your family.

  28. shailleen.rodriguezon Nov 29th 2010 at 10:47 am

    I was really surprised with this panel. Given the topic I thought it would be a boring panel, but it was great. It definitely exceeded my expectations. It was really interesting to see inspirations across such diverse panel. The different combined experiences made this panel a great one. What I really took away from this panel was that one cannot be afraid of failure. That is one of the most important things that I have taken away from all of the panelist that have been presented in class. This panel was actually one of the few panels to follow the time line and do everything in a timely fashion. I wasn’t sure if the background music was intentional, but it was a little bothersome, it misguided the attention of the audience. Overall, it was a great job

  29. jiaying.lion Nov 29th 2010 at 10:52 am

    Inspiration is something that I like to have whenever I’m losing hope with any task. That’s why I thought this topic was an excellent one. Hearing stories from Mr. Koo and Mrs. Hott really gave me more motivation to do what I wanted to do and to never give up. Especially when people were against Mr. Koo coming to America and he did it anyways. That’s dedication and doing what you believe and I believe that I need some of his mentality as well.

  30. Inapton Nov 29th 2010 at 11:04 am

    This panel was very diverse and well thought out. My favorite speaker out of the group had to be Mr. Koo even though he wasn’t able to be there the whole time. He seemed very sincere about what he was speaking and seemed to really care about the clients that his company treats. This does not mean that the other panelists were not as well spoken. Each of them brought something very valuable to the panel and that is one of the reasons this panel really succeeded. Although I feel myself saying this may be very redundant, this was a very well put together panel that captured my attention and worked out very nicely.

  31. teodulo.lopezon Nov 29th 2010 at 11:33 am

    This panel was very engaging. All of the guest speakers seemed enthused when answering the questions asked. Their answers were very informational since their responses were based on their personal experiences. Inspiration is a difficult topic to discuss, but these speakers did a phenomenal job handling it. Good Job!

  32. helen.shiuon Nov 29th 2010 at 2:00 pm

    I thought these panelists were great for this panel topic. Some of these panelists were immigrants who were inspired to succeed in what they want to do. I can’t imagine how hard it was for some of these panelists to come here from where they were and, in a way, start their lives over. I was born here and I think sometimes it is hard getting through day. However, these panelists had the inspiration they needed to get to where they are today. They all had their sight set on a goal and set out to achieve it. I agree with Ayman Zameli when he said if we do our best every time, success will come naturally. I think this panel was very inspiring and we could all learn from them. We should never forget the motivation and inspiration that started all our achievements.

  33. susan.sullon Nov 29th 2010 at 2:16 pm

    Overall I loved the content, flow and the interaction between the students and audience. All of our speakers influenced each student and gave a piece of who they really are to show what life is really all about. Each speaker has their own background and own path, but in the end everyone was affected by failures, the ability to struggle through life and succeed. I’m honored that we were able to have such great panelist and I wish them the very best in their lives.

  34. mickey.abbatielloon Nov 29th 2010 at 9:14 pm

    I thought that this panel was interesting and the panel members were very well spoken and gave good insight. Inspiration as a topic was a good pick because in order to be successful you have to have the drive and motivation to get to where you want to be in life. My favorite panelist was Tiffany Hott because she spoke to the audience as if we were the same. She didn’t talk all proper and like a higher professional, but she spoke in a way that we were able to relate to. The panelists were very diverse in the backrounds which also gave a good variety to open up our eyes to what other people have to go through to get to the point of being successful.

  35. xavia.ortegaon Nov 29th 2010 at 11:48 pm

    I enjoyed this panel very much as it related to me on a more personal level. As of right now i am president of BEST BUDDIES Baruch Chapter….we are a small group in which students form one on one relationships with mentally and physically disabled individuals. I know first hand how hard it is to motivate others….its very challenging to get others involved in something that doesn’t benefit them in some way.
    But aside from my personal life, i believe that the panelist made some very good points. For example: Inspiration and motivation is everywhere and can be from anyone. Ms. Hott found it from her grandparents. Everyday i find something that inspires me whether its someone that helps the blind cross the street or someone giving money to the homeless.
    Another insight was the idea of finding something you are passionate about and attack it now. In life you either believe you are too young or too old to start something. Next thing you know you are wondering where all the opportunities went. Overall very well done.

  36. rachelrosenthalon Nov 30th 2010 at 8:00 am

    I thought that our panel was extremely well executed in terms of timing, questions, and relevance of the speakers’ comments to the class. Each and every panelist had something valuable to say. I personally fell in love with Councilman Koo because his story was very inspirational and he spoke in a very engaging manner. I really like what he said about education being a foundation for everything else you do in life. Sometimes when things get hard, I feel like giving up, however the stories of these panelists definitely gave me inspiration and motivation for the future.

  37. valeria.quitoon Nov 30th 2010 at 8:58 am

    I liked this panel. The panelist were people from all walks of life who started something great. Their inpirations and how they inspired others was interesting. Ms. Tiffany Hott had some very insightful things to say. She started her own business, a tutoring company from her very own home. She mentioned her grandmother saying “the first hundred years are the hardest”. Perserverence and finding inspiration all around you was something I took from this panel.

  38. Martin Hoffsteinon Nov 30th 2010 at 1:17 pm

    I was very intrigued by this panel. I found the stories of the panelists to be interesting and insightful. Everything they mentioned we are able to learn something from. I am impressed with everything they spoke about and the inspired from it all. Giving back is something very important, its a way to be grateful for what you have and help the unfortunate. The questions, opening and closing statements were perfect. i think the group did an unbelievable job and succeed in all their goals. I am very impressed by all the organization the whole way through and really enjoyed this panel!

  39. shubkarmen.kauron Nov 30th 2010 at 3:35 pm

    I am quite upset I wasn’t able to make it to class that day for this Panel, but from what I heard, I had missed a great panel discussion that let many inspired. I was glas to find out that Zoravar S. Dhaliwal was one of the panelists because I had attended an event two years ago where he was one of the guest speakers. He was truly and inspiration and he had a great personality. I hope this panel had left many inspired to persure their future career goals. From reading the Opening/closing statements and the key points listed above, the main point stressed is that you have to be your own inspiration; you have to motivate yourself to do well in the future. Hard work isn’t hard when you break it down into small steps. I cant say much about Team 6 since i wasn’t there, but I think that they picked out great questions for the panelists.

  40. Oleg Polovetson Nov 30th 2010 at 4:35 pm

    The panel was very touching and very emotionally challenging. Panelists have touched upon the topics thats are really important. I think we all shall be grateful for being alive and try to help other stay alive. Thanks for the group and panelists for bring up such and important topic.

  41. efraim.maubanon Nov 30th 2010 at 11:41 pm

    Overall I thought that our panel did better than expected. Everyone came in on time and well prepared, specially the panelists. It was unfortunate that Peter Koo had to leave, but he still had some great contributions to the panel. I thought that some of the questions did not really go with the topic but the panelists were still able to relate their answers to inspiration, and it was great.
    The different stories that each of the panelist told such as Peter Koo’s journey here and Tiffany Hott’s life in New York were really engaging and inspirational in there own ways. I guess I can relate myself to them in terms of what they had to go through. Ayman Zameli’s story showed that anyone can make it no matter where you are and Mr. Dhaliwal showed that you can do anything. All of these stories fit perfectly together.
    Great job guys!

  42. jessica.tobonon Dec 1st 2010 at 2:59 am

    Along with the Marketing panel, this has been one of my favorite panels of the semester. This group definitely organized the topic well and made the questions relevant to the panelists and to the theme of the panel. I was truly inspired by the panelists and their experiences. I feel that I can never hear enough information and stories about the importance of helping others and stepping out of your comfort zone in order to help others and make a positive impact in the world. Great Panel!

  43. victoria.olivaon Dec 1st 2010 at 1:24 pm

    I found this panel to be refreshing because much of what we have been hearing lately relates to financial topics and I think there comes a time when we have to think about helping others and not constantly about money. These panelists had amazing stories to tell and they’ve helped a lot of people along the way. I think the fact that Tiffany Hott really cares about the education and well being of young children is amazing. I think this says so much about a person. These panelists were so down to earth and comforting to listen to. I think the questions asked were appropriate and so was the topic as well. We all need to be inspired but the bigger question is what is it that inspires you?

  44. fuxin.zhengon Dec 1st 2010 at 2:40 pm

    It was a great panel with good topic. The panelists were very diverse in the backrounds which also gave a good variety to open up our eyes to what other people have to go through to get to the point of being successful. I enjoyed that each speaker seemed very sociable and approachable; people you would like to get to know and work with.

  45. preya.patelon Dec 1st 2010 at 8:38 pm

    I really liked the topic of this panel. I think inspiration and motivation is something that everyone needs. Inspiration is what drives us to do accomplish our goals and move on with what we do everyday. I think the panelists were interesting and had a lot to say to inspire us. It was good to hear the stories about how they all did not think they would end up where they are now. It just goes to show that you just have to keep moving on and working hard at what you do and eventually you will end up doing something that you are happy with. Overall, good job.

  46. Zhoudion Dec 1st 2010 at 9:17 pm

    I couldn’t be happier with another panel. Everybody had something to bring to the table. Each panelist had their own path of struggle to get through to get to where they were sitting. I wished Councilman Koo could have stayed for the entire presentation because his story was unbelievable. Ms. Hott also gave so many good advices that everybody can use in their lives. The timing of the presentation worked out well as Mr. Tawil was not rushed to close the presentation. Overall I enjoyed presenting our panelists to the class as well as working with everybody in my group.

  47. albertsanmiguelon Dec 1st 2010 at 10:05 pm

    Inspiration is something important that we may overlook in our day to day lives. The things that inspire us is what gives us the power to persevere in the face of failure. The presenters were great and experienced enough to let us know what they had to go through in order to get to where they are today. I will remember that the first 100 years are the hardest.

  48. Alyssa Ipon Dec 2nd 2010 at 3:25 pm

    This panel was particularly engaging because everyone can connect to the issue of inspiration. It is extremely important in the workplace in terms of motivating people to do work and increase job satisfaction. I liked Tiffany Hott’s story of sacrificing her time and job to work for her project to help educate children. It is hard to find people who believe so strongly in a goal that they can put aside financial worries. All the speakers were engaging and had very interesting backgrounds. The main point I came away with is that everyone has different goals, and that at the end of the day, we should be able to go to sleep satisfied with our day’s work.

  49. edwin.lion Dec 2nd 2010 at 5:33 pm

    The panel discussion on inspiration was very interesting. Because inspiration varies from person to person, having such different panelists helped with the presentation. While each panelist is inspired by different reasons, it has helped every one of them become successful. One point from Tiffany Hott that stuck with me was “Stop saying whatever, things are important, make it happen, don’t give up or let others give up.”. This was a very interesting perspective of how people perceive different matters and I completely agree with her views in not settling and instead, aim for your goals. I also respect Zoravar S. Dhaliwal and his ways. Although being successful in the business world, he was later inspired to work for a non profit organization. This points out to me that money is not always an inspiration factor.

  50. yongru.chenon Dec 2nd 2010 at 11:01 pm

    It was awesome hearing this panel, especially councilman Koo. He sure did had an interesting life for that he switched many jobs in different fields and all of his jobs contributed to the society as we needed.

  51. gabriela.guazcoon Dec 4th 2010 at 3:40 pm

    It was a nice topic. I really enjoyed listening to the panelists, especially Peter Koo. He really work hard to get where he is right now. I also enjoyed the things Tiffany Hott had to say.

    Good job team 6!!!

  52. lucky.nguyenon Dec 5th 2010 at 11:06 am

    I found this panel to be relevant to Baruch. A lot of students come in to Baruch with the mindset of majoring in Finance and becoming investment bankers but do not realize the time and work it takes to get into the field. Many of the speakers had background in IB and were seasoned professionals. Panel 6 chose great speakers to come in and the questions that they asked them were very relevant to the class and course. Also, by adding the theme of inspiration made their presentation unique. Group 6 did a great job

  53. robertsalameon Dec 5th 2010 at 12:33 pm

    Although the panel was kind of short, it was very interesting, and I believe one of the best panels thus far. The topic chosen was amazing, and the way the panelists responded to the questions, and told us of their lives was also pretty amazing. The way that the councilman was able to share his personal story with us was incredible. One of the comments that were made during the presentation that I feel relates to everyone, no matter what their situation is, is the use of the word “Whatever.” – the way it negates what is being said, and how it makes things less important. Everything we do in our lives should be addressed and we should not want to just forget about it and drop it all, and that is what the word “whatever” does.
    I think all panelists made a point of this fact- that education is the key to opportunity. Being educated creates so many opportunities that we have never even dreamed of, and just by having a certain amount of knowledge, we can go so far.
    This presentation was truly inspiring, and I feel that it was not only relevant and informative but unbelievably useful in everyones life.
    Great presentation.

  54. Marco Sardaron Dec 6th 2010 at 11:40 am

    inspiration is a notion that is very important and used in almost every decision we make. it was interesting to hear about what interests kept these individuals going and for some what intrigued them to make wild and vast changes in their career. ones inspiration from articles they read or people they talk to is very important in where they are headed in their career and it was nice to hear about the panelists experience with this.

  55. oksana.poweon Dec 6th 2010 at 1:54 pm

    I personally loved the presentation # 6 the most, because it reminded the audience about the importance of social responsibility of success. The topic was very informative and inspiring! There is always an opportunity to give back to community and help people. As all the panelists share their great success stories and the ways they try to help and inspire people, Mr. Koo’s life story was extremely interesting to hear, he was able to show the audience that just doing business and making money without paying it forward is not good enough. Great topic, and great panel!

  56. yafeng.chenon Dec 6th 2010 at 8:48 pm

    This presentation is beyond my expectation. I think everyone in this group did a wonderful job. It is great to have these good friends working together. I don’t think there is anything we can do to improve it because it is always the best. Thank you all for participating and listening. I hope everyone get inspired on what road they will take in the future.

  57. yuliya.gumerovaon Dec 7th 2010 at 10:13 pm

    This was a good panel and my favorite speaker would have to be Mr. Koo. I wish he didn’t have to leave so early because he was very interesting. Tiffany Hott was also very outspoken and gave very insightful information of how she got where she is today. What i found interesting was none of the speakers said their inspiration was money related but it was more about their family and if it made them happy.

  58. Jennifer Yuanon Dec 9th 2010 at 12:21 am

    I really enjoyed this panel. Each panelist brought a unique flavor to the overall panel. Mr Koo particularly hit home literally since he actually is a big figure where i live which is flushing. It was really interesting hearing what he had to say in terms of bettering the community and inspiring the members of the community. Thats not to say the other members were not as equally if not more so interesting. I was however disappointed with what Ms. Hott had to say. While she did preach about inspiration and how she uses it in her daily activities and how it helped her get to where she wanted to be but I felt she did just that, PREACH. I had a hard time listening to her because it sounded like she was forcing this idea on us and spent a lot of time basking in her own glory. I think the panel overall good however.

  59. viorika.rybak99on Dec 9th 2010 at 2:53 pm

    Peter Koo is really an inspirational role model for so many people, especially immigrants. Coming to the country with almost nothing and building up to open 6 pharmacies AND hold a position in government. I think this is something that so many of us want to achieve and I think what made his story stand out is how honest he was and his motivations behind his actions. He did it all because he wanted to help others. Other immigrants who didn’t know the language/laws/rules came to him asking for advice, and this advice span off into this man doing so much. I think his story was great. He seemed very kind and very smart, I wish he could have stayed a bit longer. Mr. Dhaliwal and Mr. Zameli were also very interesting to listen to since they came from a sector which so many students in Baruch are focused on. It was great hearing about their experience especially coming into the finance field right when things started falling apart. Great speakers and great job.

  60. sheina.hakimion Dec 10th 2010 at 12:01 pm

    I thought this was a great panel and very applicable to all our lives. We all need to find inspiration in order to be happy and succeed in what we do. These professionals offered insight and advice for how we can find our own inspiration. I thought Mr. Koo had a very nice idea and that was the Chinese Formula which is everything happens because of Timing, Location and People and I think it is very true.
    I loved Ms. Hott. I thought she was awesome and really made an impression on me when she said we should all remove the word “whatever” from our vocabulary. She is absolutely right. Our generation as a whole does not care enough about what is going on around us and by saying that she really got her message across.
    I thought this was a great panel, great topic. It was very well organized and they asked great questions. Good job!!

  61. eric.parkon Dec 10th 2010 at 11:20 pm

    I really enjoyed this panel because it was different from everyone else’s. While the other panels talked about the business aspect and what they do, this panel explained why they did what they do. It was a real heart-warming experience to see that there were people doing good things to the benefit of others. Apart from that, the group was pretty good. The speakers spoke very clearly and they answered the questions instead of giving a generic answer that doesn’t really answer the question.

  62. magdalena.sikoraon Dec 11th 2010 at 6:07 pm

    I really really wish I didn’t miss this panel. Inspiration and motivation are very important topics (at least for me.)I think its presence or lack can determine if we are able to succeed in life or not. I have been reading the “words of wisdom” that panelists shared with the class and I find them really inspiring. I especially liked the sentence “Stop saying whatever, things are important, make it happen, don’t give up or let others give up”. As well as this inspiring one – “Failure is a part of life, success will follow.”

  63. jeffwongon Dec 11th 2010 at 6:39 pm

    My favorite part was Councilman Koo’s story of coming to New York and opening his pharmacy to help people, and eventually looking for even more powerful methods to help his community. It was very inspiring to hear his story of finding his passion (helping people) and shaping his life to achieve that goal.

  64. raphael.bildiricion Dec 11th 2010 at 9:37 pm

    This panel presentation was really enjoyable. Inspiration is a very important topic that and I hope everyone paid attention to what was being said. The panelists were saying that after failure instead of being down on yourself you should learn from your mistakes and success will follow. I liked how one of the panelists was saying how she disliked the word whatever. These panelists were very impressive. Good Job.

  65. melissalokon Dec 11th 2010 at 10:41 pm

    I learned a lot about inspiration from these panelists. It was a great topic to learn about and I am motivated to achieve my full potential.

  66. dlamon Dec 12th 2010 at 2:45 am

    I found this topic and panel to be very informative and, unlike many others, actually kept me captivated and listening. I found the panelists, for one, to all be very interesting in their own individual ways. I really appreciated Mr Daliwal’s background and seeing how he has gotten to where he is now, really encouraged me and future career. Seeing how they are such successful business owners, yet still working for a greater purpose than to simply make money is amazing. I think inspiration is very important, and the panelists certainly left a mark in my head. I also really appreciated the basic, practical tips the panelists had, such as Ms Hott’s advice on the use of “whatever”. It was definitely a good panel. I think this group was perhaps one of the better groups than many of the other ones, aside from Group 2.

    I also found it amazing that they were able to bring in Councilman Koo, that must have taken a lot of hard work, and something like that must not be overlooked.

  67. Wojciech Balakieron Dec 12th 2010 at 9:57 am

    I really enjoyed this panel on Inspiration. I felt like it crossed that line where everything we study is all about business and made it more about just being inspired as a human being. I enjoyed listening to Mr.Dhaliwal because of his involvement in the non-profit sector. Starting a non-profit company is one of the hardest things an individual can do, especially when they are early in their careers. Listening to him talk about how he stayed inspired throughout the process was great. Mr.Zameli and Ms.Hott talked about their personal lives in order to inspire us as well. I particularly connected to Ms.Hott as I am in a similar situation where I am not set in what I want to do for the rest of my life. Mr. Koo was a great choice for the panel even though he could not stay for the whole presentation. The man is an embodiment of a success story and how the US can open up doors to anyone. Overall, a very inspirational presentation indeed.

  68. interlocutoron Dec 12th 2010 at 11:00 am

    Everyone seemed to have something that inspires them, whether it be materialistic or a role model. Having something that motivates you is a vital part in our lives. If there is no drive that moves you, it is hard to push yourself forward. This panel concentrated and showed us the importance of having something as your inspiration. Because I never really had a role model, this panel made me think more and want me to have one.

  69. Alina.Kidanovaon Dec 12th 2010 at 11:25 am

    I particularly enjoyed this panel on the topic of inspiration. It was important to hear what the panelist felt inspired them to work in their field and how they came about their job. “Failure is part of life, success will follow” was said by Ayman Zameli. I agree that everyone experiences failure, and that is what leads them to success. I enjoyed how the speakers said that money is no the only inspiration they have, and how their family and happiness is what drives them at the end of the day. It was sad that Mr. Koo had to leave early, however, in the time that he was present, he was very informative and relatable.

  70. Boris Ermison Dec 12th 2010 at 2:30 pm

    Inspiration is a vital topic to discuss in the business world and in life in general. Group 6 successfully covered this topic in their panel. The thing that intrigued me most was that none of the speakers ended up in the career they planned to be in. This shows that following your inspiration can be more important than following your plans. Mr. Dhaliwal was the most interesting panelist for me because he discussed his involvement in a non-profit organization. This is unique nowadays where people are constantly thinking about how to make a quick buck rather than following what truly inspires them. Good job Group 6!

  71. russell.muradovon Dec 12th 2010 at 11:57 pm

    This panel was one of my favorites because of the panelists that were on it. Peter Koo was my favorite panelist. He didn’t speak english that well but he spoke from the heart and that set him apart from everyone else. I also found it interesting that there was some man just waiting for Mr.Koo so they can leave. That just shows that the panelists are busy individuals and it takes a lot to take off time from their careers and come in to speak to us. Mr. Dhaliwal surprised me as well. He had a lot to say about his involvement in his organization. I worked at a non-profit organization so it was interesting to hear what he had to say. Great Job Group 6.