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Archive for December, 2010

Panel # 8 Digital Media: Changing the Face of Business

Team Members: Joseph Hernandez, Katerina Kozlukova, Teodulo Lopez, Ana Ontaneda, Michael Rego, Jessica Tobon,  Corey Trippiedi, Jennifer Yuan, Martin Hoffstein, Shailleen Rodriguez


Marcia Larson
Manager of Recruitment
Wall Street Journal Digital Network / Dow Jones

Marcia Larson is a Manager of Recruitment for Wall Street Journal Digital Network/ Dow Jones, Manager of Talent Acquisition at News Corporation, and a Board member at Micah Global Foundation. Ms. Larson graduated from Vanderbilt College with a French degree in 1999, and then completed 2 Masters degrees: one in French/Art History from NYU and the other in International Affairs from the GBS of Government at Texas A&M.  Marcia Larson joined News Corp in November of 2007 after four years in recruitment at Meridian Capital Group and Sucherman Consulting Group in Manhattan. Marcia’s role at News Corp / Wall Street Journal / Dow Jones incorporates: recruiting star candidates for the digital network, planning monthly meetings to bring together recruiters from our various business units to create synergies and collaboration, promoting virtual career fairs and on-line recruitment tools, and speaking to student groups and business school clubs about who News Corp are and what they do. Ms. Larson’s favorite project is being a part of the lives of her News Corp community via daily blogging about recruitment trends/Gen Y research/and company happenings.

Matthew Barash
Forbes Digital Media
Vice President & Advertising Director

Matthew Barash received his BA in Communication Arts from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Prior to arriving at Forbes, Matthew served as the Senior Director of Publisher Development at Fox Audience Network, where he and his team assembled and managed a portfolio of more than 800 third party publishers. Matt has extensive third party ad network experience at both Traffic Marketplace and 24/7 Real Media, where he worked in various business development capacities on data, technology and strategic publisher partnerships.  Prior to entering the digital world, Matt held sales and strategy roles in both broadcast and print media at Discovery Communications, ESPN/ABC Sports, Conde Nast and Smithsonian. In November of 2010 Matt accepted and started his role as Vice President & Advertising Director at Forbes Digital Media.

Jayd Gardina
Jayd Gardina Photography
Owner and Photographer

Jayd Gardina is a Manhattan Based photographer who has been published in The Knot Magazine, The Knot Online, Ruffled Blog, and Lucky me Blog among others. Jayd began pursuing a career in photography during college, assisting photographers in shooting weddings in her native state of Massachusetts. She moved to NYC in 2005 and worked in Marketing during the well while pursuing photography on the weekends. in 2008, due to word-of-mouth, good online marketing social networking and happy clients, Jayd was able to open her studio full time, working only for herself. She has shot over 100 weddings in the tri-state area. She also shoots musicians, actors, artists, live music, and corporate events. Some high profile events include a private dinner party with the host of Top Chef, Padma Lakshmi, Barry Manilow’s induction to the New York City Friar’s Club, a Donna Karan Holiday Party, and the Barenaked Ladies Live at Tarrytown Music Hall.


1) In about two minutes, can you give us your personal pitch and tell us a little bit about yourself?

2) On the topic, can you tell us how digital media has changed your business in the course of its operations? In other words, how is your business today as compared to your business five years ago?

3) On a similar note, have you ever had to deal with a major transformational change in your company?

4) Do you see a shift in the quality of inter and intra-organizational communication now that this generation is relying more heavily on texting and instant messaging?

5) Do you find that there are significant differences between a digital first impression and a personal first impression?

6) Do you think Facebook and other similar tools are viable in evaluating colleagues, new hires and potential business associates?

7) Do you own a Facebook? (And if so, how do you keep your private life separate from your public online life?)

8) To what extent do you use sites such as Linkedin or Facebook to market your product or service?

9) What is the mission of your business, and how have you used digital media to help you accomplish it?

10) Have you ever faced a situation when cultural biases or preconceived notions threatened your company’s goals and objectives?

11) Would you say digital media has made decision making simpler or more difficult (in terms of reaching a consensus)?

12) How does your company contribute to the expansion of digital media? In other words, what innovations are you working on and what steps are you taking to achieve them?

13) What kind of ethical obligations does your company have?

14) Have you ever faced a challenge to your personal ethical standards?

15) How do you exercise control in your organization? Has digital media made control simpler or more difficult?


Have you ever used Facebook, Skype, Twitted on twitter, used an e-book, learned from a power point, commented on a blog, or even been influenced to make a purchase decision from online advertisements? If you answered yes to any one of these questions you have been exposed to digital media.

With our daily advances in technology digital media is a growing epidemic. Digital media follows us on a personal level with products such as smart phones & now Internet capable televisions.

Not only are our technological aspects improving but also are advertisers efforts reaching consumers. On November 17, 2010, the IAB (interactive advertising bureau), reported that U.S. internet advertising revenue hit 6.4 billion in the third quarter of 2010, representing the highest quarterly results ever for the online advertising industry and a 17% increase from the same period in 2009.

As you can see digital media has impacted our lives on a consumer and personal level, and it will continue to do so with our advances in technology, but it has also transformed the way business is conducted in America & worldwide.

Video Link:


First off, we would like to thank our panelists for taking the time to come to our class and talk about their experiences working in the field of digital media.

Ms. Jayd Gardina talked about her small business and how important it is for her to maintain a personal connection with her clients and respond to their digital requests quickly and effectively.

Ms. Marcia Larson told us about her company’s growing presence in the digital world and her role as a recruiter for creative and digital savvy individuals.

Mr. Matthew Barash talked about his many experiences in several different companies and about all the digital media knowledge he has acquired throughout the years . It is important to know your audience and use digital media to target your market and reach as many consumers as you can.

Ms. Jayd Gardina personally benefits from digital media at a low cost and this helps her since she is a small business owner.  It is important to monitor your online activity and express your opinions in a respectful manner because you never know who is reading what you write.  Businesses must also maintain good ethical standards and follow the unwritten rules of the internet in order to retain their good image in the public eye.

74 responses so far

Panel #6 – Inspiration

Group #6 did a good job on the panel. I enjoyed the topic.  All the chosen panelists had valuable advices to offer from which all of us can benefit. Especially councilman Koo stood out. His presence on the panel was refreshing and entertaining. It was too bad that he had to leave too early. Everybody needs some inspiration in order to accomplish his/her goals. In conclusion, if we will be in the leadership position we should work as hard as we want our employees to work. This kind of approach sets  a good example. Overall, good job group 6!

6 responses so far