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Panel # 8 Digital Media: Changing the Face of Business

Team Members: Joseph Hernandez, Katerina Kozlukova, Teodulo Lopez, Ana Ontaneda, Michael Rego, Jessica Tobon,  Corey Trippiedi, Jennifer Yuan, Martin Hoffstein, Shailleen Rodriguez


Marcia Larson
Manager of Recruitment
Wall Street Journal Digital Network / Dow Jones

Marcia Larson is a Manager of Recruitment for Wall Street Journal Digital Network/ Dow Jones, Manager of Talent Acquisition at News Corporation, and a Board member at Micah Global Foundation. Ms. Larson graduated from Vanderbilt College with a French degree in 1999, and then completed 2 Masters degrees: one in French/Art History from NYU and the other in International Affairs from the GBS of Government at Texas A&M.  Marcia Larson joined News Corp in November of 2007 after four years in recruitment at Meridian Capital Group and Sucherman Consulting Group in Manhattan. Marcia’s role at News Corp / Wall Street Journal / Dow Jones incorporates: recruiting star candidates for the digital network, planning monthly meetings to bring together recruiters from our various business units to create synergies and collaboration, promoting virtual career fairs and on-line recruitment tools, and speaking to student groups and business school clubs about who News Corp are and what they do. Ms. Larson’s favorite project is being a part of the lives of her News Corp community via daily blogging about recruitment trends/Gen Y research/and company happenings.

Matthew Barash
Forbes Digital Media
Vice President & Advertising Director

Matthew Barash received his BA in Communication Arts from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Prior to arriving at Forbes, Matthew served as the Senior Director of Publisher Development at Fox Audience Network, where he and his team assembled and managed a portfolio of more than 800 third party publishers. Matt has extensive third party ad network experience at both Traffic Marketplace and 24/7 Real Media, where he worked in various business development capacities on data, technology and strategic publisher partnerships.  Prior to entering the digital world, Matt held sales and strategy roles in both broadcast and print media at Discovery Communications, ESPN/ABC Sports, Conde Nast and Smithsonian. In November of 2010 Matt accepted and started his role as Vice President & Advertising Director at Forbes Digital Media.

Jayd Gardina
Jayd Gardina Photography
Owner and Photographer

Jayd Gardina is a Manhattan Based photographer who has been published in The Knot Magazine, The Knot Online, Ruffled Blog, and Lucky me Blog among others. Jayd began pursuing a career in photography during college, assisting photographers in shooting weddings in her native state of Massachusetts. She moved to NYC in 2005 and worked in Marketing during the well while pursuing photography on the weekends. in 2008, due to word-of-mouth, good online marketing social networking and happy clients, Jayd was able to open her studio full time, working only for herself. She has shot over 100 weddings in the tri-state area. She also shoots musicians, actors, artists, live music, and corporate events. Some high profile events include a private dinner party with the host of Top Chef, Padma Lakshmi, Barry Manilow’s induction to the New York City Friar’s Club, a Donna Karan Holiday Party, and the Barenaked Ladies Live at Tarrytown Music Hall.


1) In about two minutes, can you give us your personal pitch and tell us a little bit about yourself?

2) On the topic, can you tell us how digital media has changed your business in the course of its operations? In other words, how is your business today as compared to your business five years ago?

3) On a similar note, have you ever had to deal with a major transformational change in your company?

4) Do you see a shift in the quality of inter and intra-organizational communication now that this generation is relying more heavily on texting and instant messaging?

5) Do you find that there are significant differences between a digital first impression and a personal first impression?

6) Do you think Facebook and other similar tools are viable in evaluating colleagues, new hires and potential business associates?

7) Do you own a Facebook? (And if so, how do you keep your private life separate from your public online life?)

8) To what extent do you use sites such as Linkedin or Facebook to market your product or service?

9) What is the mission of your business, and how have you used digital media to help you accomplish it?

10) Have you ever faced a situation when cultural biases or preconceived notions threatened your company’s goals and objectives?

11) Would you say digital media has made decision making simpler or more difficult (in terms of reaching a consensus)?

12) How does your company contribute to the expansion of digital media? In other words, what innovations are you working on and what steps are you taking to achieve them?

13) What kind of ethical obligations does your company have?

14) Have you ever faced a challenge to your personal ethical standards?

15) How do you exercise control in your organization? Has digital media made control simpler or more difficult?


Have you ever used Facebook, Skype, Twitted on twitter, used an e-book, learned from a power point, commented on a blog, or even been influenced to make a purchase decision from online advertisements? If you answered yes to any one of these questions you have been exposed to digital media.

With our daily advances in technology digital media is a growing epidemic. Digital media follows us on a personal level with products such as smart phones & now Internet capable televisions.

Not only are our technological aspects improving but also are advertisers efforts reaching consumers. On November 17, 2010, the IAB (interactive advertising bureau), reported that U.S. internet advertising revenue hit 6.4 billion in the third quarter of 2010, representing the highest quarterly results ever for the online advertising industry and a 17% increase from the same period in 2009.

As you can see digital media has impacted our lives on a consumer and personal level, and it will continue to do so with our advances in technology, but it has also transformed the way business is conducted in America & worldwide.

Video Link:


First off, we would like to thank our panelists for taking the time to come to our class and talk about their experiences working in the field of digital media.

Ms. Jayd Gardina talked about her small business and how important it is for her to maintain a personal connection with her clients and respond to their digital requests quickly and effectively.

Ms. Marcia Larson told us about her company’s growing presence in the digital world and her role as a recruiter for creative and digital savvy individuals.

Mr. Matthew Barash talked about his many experiences in several different companies and about all the digital media knowledge he has acquired throughout the years . It is important to know your audience and use digital media to target your market and reach as many consumers as you can.

Ms. Jayd Gardina personally benefits from digital media at a low cost and this helps her since she is a small business owner.  It is important to monitor your online activity and express your opinions in a respectful manner because you never know who is reading what you write.  Businesses must also maintain good ethical standards and follow the unwritten rules of the internet in order to retain their good image in the public eye.

74 responses so far

74 Responses to “Panel # 8 Digital Media: Changing the Face of Business”

  1. yuliya.gumerovaon Dec 6th 2010 at 11:39 am

    This was one of the best panels because they had a very good topic for which everyone could relate to. The speakers themselves were all very interesting because each one had a lot to say about the topic. Marcia Larson pointed out how she prefers the resumes that she looks at to stand out in a creative way as opposed to the original standard requirements most recruiters want to see. I wish more people would think this way instead of being so inflexible because how can you stand out when you are so limited in your resume? This was definetly something I took away from this panel and, overall, they did a great job.

  2. Marco Sardaron Dec 6th 2010 at 11:47 am

    this panel was very interesting and enjoyable because it was a topic where everyone can relate to and something everyone wanted to hear about because it is widely used by many people and companies today. great job it was very interesting and well put together.

  3. brian.bogarton Dec 6th 2010 at 1:58 pm

    This panel picked a very interesting topic that is very relevant today with the great use of social media in today society. So I think the topic was great and I was very interested in this topic. However the speakers were all kind of boring and I think it made a interesting topic turn very uninteresting. I did notice people falling asleep but we do have class really early in the morning so maybe that’s why people were sleeping. I really liked the photographer personally but I think she was really a odd link to have on the panel. I don’t think she was on the same level as the other two speakers in their dealing with social media. I also kind of felt the first man was advertising FORBES and I really didn’t like that. If Forbes isn’t publishing the Celeb 100 Power list I don’t really care about anything in Forbes. Overall I thought this was one of the better panels though I just wish the speakers would have shown more personality. You guys had a great topic though and was one of the more original and interesting panels. Excellent Job It was a great way to finish the panel presentations.

  4. vwanon Dec 6th 2010 at 3:54 pm

    I liked the fact that even though Jayd was a bit sick, she was committed to attending the panel. But setting that aside, I felt the presentation went out smoothly and the timing was fine; there was no overtime. There were many points that I felt were interesting such as the news is not flat, that it wants the readers to begin participating such as the example provided about the man traveling from Florida. Another point is that we all need some sort of online profile and keep it up to date. Also we have to be thoughtful on the web content we put online and not fall under “key board courage” to write something we would never say in person. Basically, the main message I got was that we all need to evolve with the technological society to compete in today’s markets.

  5. niaz.ahsanon Dec 6th 2010 at 4:17 pm

    Panel #8’s topic on Digital Media and how it has changed the face of business was very interesting and engaging. Not only was the topic appropriate for discussion, but the panelists were all very professional and interactive in terms of their discussion. Seeing how Forbes, the Wall Street Journal Digital Media, and Jayd Gardina Photography use the digital world to enhance their work, one can really see how important the digital world has become. For example, Jayd explained to us how her use of her blog, Facebook account, as well as Twitter account led to more views of her blog and more business for her ultimately. The use of social networking mediums and the Internet alone has brought on a whole new revolution for companies and small business to really extract new consumers and provide service. Overall I thought this was an excellent panel.

  6. eric.thaion Dec 6th 2010 at 5:48 pm

    I really enjoyed this panel’s topic about digital media. Digital media is something that can be easily use and extremely benificial to all businesses. Especially with the widely popular social networking sites, information can be seen so much easier now. The three panelist had both positive and negative views of the use of social media and social networking websites and I feel this is a generally normal belief. Although social media makes information much more easiliy obtained it also has many negatives if abused. Overall I believe this panal presentation was very relevent and useful for us today.

  7. rachelrosenthalon Dec 6th 2010 at 7:49 pm

    I thought that this panel was extremely relevant to today’s world especially in terms of people wanting instant response times for everything. I especially liked Jayd Gardina because I felt that everything she said was truthful and gave us insight into what it is like to be a small business owner in the internet age. I think the group had a great and unique topic and panelists who engaged the class with their comments. My uncle is a photographer, so on a personal level I enjoyed hearing from Jayd for a change from the typical business executives we’ve been hearing from.

  8. albertsanmiguelon Dec 6th 2010 at 7:51 pm

    Digital media really has changed many things. Businesses cannot survive without an online presence these days. Firms need to adopt this technological advance or they get left behind the competition.

  9. helen.shiuon Dec 6th 2010 at 8:14 pm

    I really enjoyed this panel topic because it is amazing how digital media plays a huge role in our everyday lives. These panelists are very knowledgeable in their fields and are a perfect fit for this topic. I was especially taken away by Jayd Gardina because she owns a small business and is very successful because she understands the need of digital media. Like she said earlier, unlike other companies, she does not have the resources to post advertisements on The New York Times and therefore needs to look for other ways to spread the word. Her statistics about how the hits she had on her website tripled within the past four months was really surprising because it comes to show how the presence of digital media is changing our world today.

  10. yuriy.minchuk1on Dec 6th 2010 at 8:37 pm

    This panel’s discussion was my favorite for several reasons. Firstly, the discussion was one which the majority of the students could relate to and secondly, it is very interesting to listen to the experiences of professionals who are currently working with an evolving and still somewhat new form of social media and interaction. Jayd Gardina explained how without the use of social networking sites like Twitter, she would have been left behind in an instant. To think that the dawn of social networking sites was not so long ago, and today it may have a crucial impact on thousands of businesses. Mr. Barash had many insightful points about career development and how the path one chooses might have many twists and turns but how each twist and turn should teach us something that we can bring to the table at the next stop in our careers. All in all, the panelists complemented each other very well and the group led an interesting discussion. Great job Team 8!

  11. joyce.tseon Dec 6th 2010 at 8:53 pm

    This panel was very interesting and engaging. The topic of digital media and social networks appealed to all of us in many different ways. Each speakers had amazing experience in their careers that gave us insights into their various paths. I was intrigued by how Matthew Barash kept changing jobs throughout his career and that he seems to excel everywhere he goes. He allowed me to see that it’s okay to change from one specific work field to another and be completely flexible with it that’s how you learn most of your intangible skills. Jayd Gardina gave us an idea of how digital and social media can change a small business like hers drastically. I admire her determination and willingness to try different things while adapting to the changing digital environment we live in today. All in all, this panel was definitely one of the most interesting and most informational, Group 8 did a great job of choosing this topic and picking the right speakers.

  12. Stanley Weinbergon Dec 6th 2010 at 9:04 pm

    Great topic by panel 8. I found this topic to be not only unique, but relevant to all of us. This was definitely one of the better panels that we have had. It was very interesting to hear how each panelist uses the digital media to enhance their corporation of their business. I found it interesting that Mr. Barash has changed a number of jobs yet has found that digital media plays an important role no matter which industry you are in. Great job!

  13. yeeun.kimon Dec 6th 2010 at 9:08 pm

    It was the most interesting topic, and I really enjoyed it. Today, digital media is everywhere in our lives, and it is important that we get familiar with what is going on and how are we going to use it. The panelists had various, different and professional knowledge about digital media, and everything they said was interesting and informative. I knew that social networking is getting more welcomed in business world, but I never thought that organizations or individual small business considered social networking or digital media that crucial. Especially, how Ms. Gardina uses her blog to advertise herself and her work was impressive, and Ms. Larson’s job, recruiting talented people for digital network gave me an idea how companies think of digital media nowadays. It was really enjoyable and excellent panel!

  14. Joseph Francoon Dec 6th 2010 at 9:57 pm

    Today’s panel consisted of well assembled professionals from diverse, yet colliding backgrounds. The questions were on target and allowed the panelists to express their experience and personal opinion about their relative fields. Mr. Barash interested me most and his well rounded experience inspired me to continue my hunt for diversity. The media world is exciting, changing, and exceptionally popular. Great topic, great panel, great work!

  15. yongxin.yangon Dec 6th 2010 at 10:14 pm

    I think this is my favorite panel. I like this topic about social network. Especially when the digital world is becoming a big concern in the business field nowadays. All 3 speakers gave us good examples of why social networking is important to us and we need to be responsible of what we put in our blogs since a lot of business recruiters or managers will look us up online and try to get to know us more by what we write and post on the blogs. Also, Ms.Gardina showed us how to use our social networks to marketing ourselves. As an owner of a small business, Ms. Gardina had gained so much more attentions by join facebook and using facebook to let people know her company. I think this is a really good way of doing advertisement. Overall, I really enjoyed this panel today. Excellent job team 8!

  16. thewiz94on Dec 6th 2010 at 11:12 pm

    I thought that the last groups panel was very good. The people were very well spoken and discussed something very prevalent to people in our day and age. The panelists seemed well prepared and I felt that the questions were extremely eloquent and well thought out. They talked about the positive and negative aspects of digital media in our world. A lot of success and failure can come from the digital media environment. There’s a difference between digital communication and physical communication. Marcia Larson talked about keyboard confidence where people will post the thoughts they would never share in real life. If we can harness the god parts of digital media, and mitigate the negative ones, it would be possible to achieve great things.

  17. Katerina Kozlukovaon Dec 6th 2010 at 11:48 pm

    I was very satisfied with the way our panel went. We delegated all the work equally and all of us did their parts responsibly. Our panelists were engaged in the discussion and they offered to all of us some good reasons why social networking is important and how we have to think carefully about our on-line image, since a lot of job recruiters will not hesitate to check it. I think that the diversity of the backgrounds of our speakers also allowed us to see different points of views based on the environment they all work in. Overall, it was a great experience to work with my teammates.

  18. toni.caion Dec 6th 2010 at 11:53 pm

    Last, but not least! This was a very interesting topic that relates to our generation Y. I especially enjoyed the video introduction. I was really surprised at how much business one can get from just twitter. Even advertising on television is not as effective as advertising for free on the internet. Not only is the internet good for advertising, but if one is not careful, it can also ruin your reputation. This panel gave many examples of how the internet is used to enhance sales and how to avoid problems on the internet. Good job panel 8.

  19. Cameron Moon Dec 7th 2010 at 1:27 am

    I thought this was a very interesting panel. All of the panelists spoke about social media and how it affected their business, which is extremely relevant to all of us. I knew that it was important to watch out for what you post online, but I found out through this panel that not having a web presence can be almost as bad as TMI. I throughly enjoyed what each panelist had to say and thought that their different perspectives were extremely helpful. Very good panel group 8!

    On a side note: Did anyone else feel that Jayd sounded very nervous?

  20. adriana.quizhpion Dec 7th 2010 at 9:42 am

    This topic was extremely important and very interesting. Nowadays, digital media is a very important part of our daily lives, as well as essential for business. All panelists contributed with very important and relevant information. The speakers came from different backgrounds and gave many positive and some negative aspects of social media. I like the fact that we should have our own online page, (Facebook, twitter) but we have to be aware of anything that we post online. We want to give a good “digital” impression to anybody who is watching at us. The group led to a very interesting discussion. Great JOB group 8.

  21. jiaying.lion Dec 7th 2010 at 9:53 am

    After watching panel 8’s presentation I realized that we live in a world today full of technology but we don’t really use it to its full extent. I agree that we should keep our online profiles up to date because you never know who’s going through these things. Plus ms Larson’s idea of having creative aspects in your resume was something I’ve heard in a long time. All in all, great panel.

  22. victoria.kondratenkoon Dec 7th 2010 at 10:48 am

    This was a very good Panel and a very good topic. Digital Media is growing bigger and faster and became a big part of our lives. I think digital media is very relevant to marketing businesses, but as well marketing ourselves. As all the Panelists said, it is important to keep it clean as well as keep it attractive to others. I found it very intersting that these Business basically have to have a web presence in order to attract customesr and be more successful. It is not a choice. The video in the begining was also great. Kind of a shoker that businesses acqure so many customers from using Twitter and Facebook.

  23. martin.hoffsteinon Dec 7th 2010 at 11:16 am

    I really am more then satisfied in how our panel turned out, for one each member of the panel came together and executed their tasks successfully. Each member showed great interest, and the fact that our panelists were compassionate about what they do, made the presentation so much easier for us. It was exciting to hear the background of each panelists because they were so diverse. I was impressed of how real each member was, and I really enjoyed participating in the whole process through. It kept me on my feet, and couldn’t wait to ask the next question. I though each group member did an awesome job, and i think we had a great time doing it!

  24. susan.sullon Dec 7th 2010 at 1:23 pm

    I think this is a very important topic to discuss about. As the world of technology grows improving itself more and more the competition to keep up and be up-to date with the rest of the world is extremely important. As mentioned the need to filter ourselves is extremely important in the digital word because it is just easier to be accessed. I didn’t expect though that if a person didn’t have facebook or linkedin that that person would be perceived as “behind the times”. My only regret was I didn’t think of my question towards Jayd Gardina fast enough to be presented.

  25. magdalena.sikoraon Dec 7th 2010 at 4:12 pm

    Good job, group 8! Interesting topic, which is definitely relevant to everyone these days. Professionally conducted presentation. Interesting, well- thought questions. And the engagement of the whole group expressed in a few comments above!I also liked a lot their introduction- the clip was really well chosen and added to the overall quality of the panel.I felt they could have added couple more questions as they seemed to have some extra time. But overall, it was a pleasure to listen to this panel.

  26. vincent.cianciarusoon Dec 7th 2010 at 8:15 pm

    I think this was one of my favorite panels. I enjoyed the topic and thought they got great speakers to speak about how big digital media really is. Some of the statistics they presented were very shocking to me as well. I liked the introduction and how they made use of the video to give the class a good understanding of what they would be talking about. The only complaint I have is that the questions/answers seemed a little repetitive at times. I also thought it was good that they got a small business owner, Jayd, to speak about how digital media has both positively and negatively affected her business. Overall, great panel!

  27. jcunneenon Dec 7th 2010 at 9:54 pm

    Great panel! First and foremost, I thought the topic was prudent and very relevant. Social media has become an integral part of our personal and business lives. The speakers projected their thoughts clearly and I really took a lot away from it. I liked how the good side as well as the bad side of digital media was brought up. It was overall very interesting and as our entire class is part of that Generation Y grouping. We grew up using digital media and sometimes forget how much of an impact it has. Great job by group 8!

  28. mickey.abbatielloon Dec 7th 2010 at 10:20 pm

    I thought that this was an interesting topic because the digital world is growing rapidly and is something to take note of as we are entering the business world at this time. As you can see the business’s that the panelists are apart of use these social networking systems to promote their business such as the Wall Street Journal and Jayd Gardina’s Photography business. Everything today is wanted 5 seconds ago and the need for information quickly has taken initiative and us as students have to take advantage of the digital world around us. Overall good presentation.

  29. jessica.tobonon Dec 7th 2010 at 11:38 pm

    For this panel, my group members and I chose digital media because it seemed like an interesting topic that is becoming very important in the business world and in our everyday lives. We were very lucky to have such professional and savvy guest panelists. We were also able to effectively delegate tasks and we communicated well throughout the semester through email and text messages. Overall, I would like to thank my group for making this one of the best projects I have worked on throughout my college career.

  30. preya.patelon Dec 8th 2010 at 11:12 am

    I really liked this panel. I think they chose an interesting topic that everyone in the class can relate to. With technology being so advanced, everybody wants everything done as quick as possible. It was interesting to see how this has changed the different ways of doing businesses as the speakers spoke about. I think the speakers were really interested and one thing that I took away was how they said that even though the internet is there for our benefit and makes doing business and networking easier, it is also important to make sure to use it wisely. I think with the advancements that have been done, that is something that everyone should be aware of.

  31. li.huang1on Dec 8th 2010 at 12:47 pm

    This was my favourite panel presentation at all. the panel topic was interesting, both of guest speaker shared their personal experience told us the digital meida is an important role in any coorporation. The company can not success without digital media in today business world, they also mentioned that how they used facebook, twitter to contact their customer. The digital media play a important role in the costomer service

  32. shubkarmen.kauron Dec 8th 2010 at 1:15 pm

    Living in the digital world today, if you don’t have a facebook, you have no identity. This was such an interesting topic, and I believe that it was needed to emphi9size the point that facebook is a great tool not only to market yourself, but also to market your brand/company. You can either use it the right way, or harm your image and abuse the benefits of this social networking website. I enjoyed learning how these panelists used such tech savvy devices religiously to benefit their company and their business. I like the fact that the group chose to include Jayd Gardina. It was great to see how much a small business needs to survive in the business world today. The photography industry is so competitive, you need to show others that you can offer something that others cant, and that is where the digital world is introduced. Digital media has a huge impact on our generation and it will get even bigger in the future. This topic has opened my eyes on to using social media in the business field.

  33. oksana.poweon Dec 8th 2010 at 2:09 pm

    This last panel was great. The topic was very interesting and important as it represented the current trend of going digital. All businesses nowadays are expected to have a website, or represent their products on Facebook and Twitter in order to be up-to-date. The panel was organized very well, and the panelist were chosed well to show the audience that whether it is a small business or a large corporation, the development of marketing or public relation strategies necessarily involves applications of digital media. The panelists were well prepared to answer questions and engaged the interest of the audience. Overall, this presentation was one of the best panels this semester.

  34. valeria.quitoon Dec 8th 2010 at 2:41 pm

    I really enjoyed this panel. Being that I am a Marketing major,digital marketing is one of the things that I want to focus on, therefore I thought this panel was relevent to me personally. I like how the panelist were fairly young in industries that have existed for many years. Mr. Barsha had a long resume which now includes forbes and which gave him a lot of credibility when talking about digital media. Ms. Larson spoke about being innovative and finding new appraoches on an already existing media,prin media. I found Ms. Gardina to be well spoken and to be very knowledgable about her business and how digital media affected her. Although she wasn’t working for one of these big corporations she uses her skills and knowledge of social networksand digital media. Overall great job.

  35. Zhoudion Dec 8th 2010 at 9:58 pm

    The topic was right on. Social media is as relevant as you can get with this generation. The stories of how the panel entered this new area for the sake of business was most interesting. I was inspired by Ms. Larson as she spoke about the drive to start a business. I felt that she had very strong passion for what she is doing right now. Ms. Gardina was amazing even though she was sick. The contrast of her business verses a huge business was interesting as well. I will keep her comment about being aggressive with social media approaches in mind as it worked out so wonderful for her. Overall the presentation was great, their panelists were very convicted in this.

  36. fuxin.zhengon Dec 8th 2010 at 10:01 pm

    This is panel is very interesting and enjoyable. The panelists are apart of use these social networking systems to promote their business such as the Wall Street Journal and Gardina’s Photography business. Digital media is a very important part of our daily lives, as well as essential for business. Great job team 8!

  37. Jennifer Yuanon Dec 9th 2010 at 12:39 am

    I was so blessed to be part of such an amazing group. Everyone really chipped in and helped out. It was a great experience working with everyone. I am thoroughly satisfied with how our panel turned out. I think we could have worked out the timing a bit better but overall I think it went well. Also our topic was general but I felt like it was relevant to everyone especially since we are all in an extremely digitalized world.

  38. Justin Shenon Dec 9th 2010 at 3:02 am

    The topic of this panel was very on point with our generation as we are in a world where it is continuously changing and we must constantly adapt to it to be successful. The panel was very well put together and allowed us, the audience, to see how the changes had affected both big businesses and small businesses alike. Furthermore, it allowed myself to see how big of an effect what we take for granted has had on regular businesses. It was interesting how they explored the negative aspects of the digital world as well. It was a very interesting panel and it was presented in an organized fashion.

  39. diana.barbeiroon Dec 9th 2010 at 9:38 am

    Overall, this was the best panel, in my opinion, in terms of topic. I just loved the topic and thought it was extremely relevant. Independent of major, we are all involved almost 24/7 in digital media. Loved the video they presented before the presentation, even posted on facebook page. Congratulations to the excellent guests you could bring to class. Mrs. Larson and Mr. Barsha were excellent, and Mrs. Gardina was so inspiring. Congratulations to all members of this group.

  40. viorika.rybak99on Dec 9th 2010 at 3:07 pm

    I reaaaally liked this panel. I think it’s so relevant in today’s constantly changing world and everything going digital. The speakers were all very very good and very interesting and had great advice. Mr. Barash was particularly interesting because he does what he loves to do, he loves doing what he’s doing, and he does not have to conform to the norms of what he is doing. He goes to work in jeans and a sweater, working for Forbes Digital Media. I think this can all teach us something. We should do what we love, and not follow the norms of everyone else. Ms. Larson also had some interesting topics – since she recruits for digital media, she expects the applicants to stand out and not look “boring” on paper. Because, after all, you’re not going to be dealing with financial models at this job. Overall, interesting and enjoyable.

  41. darina.goulashvilion Dec 9th 2010 at 5:15 pm

    This panel was very well put together. I thought the questions asked really hit the key points in regard to the panel topic and flowed quite nicely. More than ever, we need to monitor our internet content and make sure that we aren’t depicting ourselves in a light that may preclude us from certain jobs or internships. Most importantly, we need to understand that we do live in a technologically driven world and should exploit all of the resources that are available to us. Good job team 8!

  42. li.tanon Dec 9th 2010 at 11:00 pm

    Social media and the internet is changing dramatically in our lives at the moment. It was interesting to hear how the panelists related this type of change to their businesses, big and small. Every speaker had an interesting story of change, success, and adaptation. Even though Ms. Jayd was sick, she was still very enthusiastic about giving us advice and sharing her experiences. In this way, I think panel 8 did a very good job in choosing their speakers. One thing that really stayed in my mind was Ms. Larson’s advice. She kept telling us that we were part of the digital world and that we should keep getting better at navigating the web. When recruiters look up their applicants, you want to show them that you are alive and a human being, living in the 21st century. While I thought I was best to not be able to be searched online before, I now see the reason why some employers may reject you for this reason. I also like the fact that Ms. Larson advised us to be creative in our resumes if we want to enter in the design field. Panel 8’s topic really relates to us today, which made it an easy and interesting panel to sit through.

  43. Corey Trippiedion Dec 9th 2010 at 11:04 pm

    I’d just like to thank all of my fellow team members for their excellent contributions to this project. I really couldn’t have asked for a better group. Overall, a great success, and I hope to work with each one of you again in the future.

  44. xavia.ortegaon Dec 10th 2010 at 12:04 pm

    I enjoyed this topic because it was relevant and it really shows how fast technology is changing and adapting the work environment. It gave us a preview of new jobs entering then business, as well as how social media affects every type of business. Each panelist was enthusiastic and it really made it enjoyable.
    Once again we also learned that one has to understand the job and the person one is applying for. Where one employer might want one thing, another employer might want something completely different.
    The clip as the intro was also very interesting and relevant to the topic. Overall GREAT JOB!!!!!

  45. gabriela.guazcoon Dec 10th 2010 at 12:31 pm

    I really liked this panel, everyone could be related to this topic. Social media is changing dramatically and as it was presented through the panelist, today everything depends on the internet. I liked the speakers, all of them seem very enthusiastic and informative. It is interesting to hear how their business mostly depend on the internet and sites as Facebook, Twitter.
    ALso the questions were right on target. I enjoyed this presentation.
    Good job group 8!

  46. sheina.hakimion Dec 10th 2010 at 1:37 pm

    Social Media is a great topic that is so relevant to our lives today. We spend so much time on facebook, twitter and myspace that we need to continue maximizing these social media outlets for what they’re worth. I thought the speakers were informative and were also very diverse in the types of businesses they were in. I liked that we had someone from a small business and two people from large businesses. I also liked the questions that were asked, I think they were able to draw out as much information out of the panelists as possible.

    Very well prepared panel, I enjoyed it very much.

  47. alyssa.ipon Dec 10th 2010 at 5:12 pm

    This was my favorite panel by far! All of the panelists were engaging and funny, and its always great to hear from young people. We can all connect to the topic because almost everyone is an avid user of Facebook or Twitter, and its important to learn how those tools are used in the real-life for actual businesses.

  48. yafeng.chenon Dec 10th 2010 at 8:22 pm

    Digital Media is every part of life today. Almost everyone go online to shopping, email, and social networking. This is also the trend in business as well as in personal life. It is great that this topic is bring up by group panel 8. It is important to understand how business uses these tools to their benefits. And important for us to use the advantage of digital media in our careers.

  49. eric.parkon Dec 10th 2010 at 11:23 pm

    I enjoyed this panel because it had something that I could relate to. As a person growing up in the Internet Age, we find that the Internet and social media has become a large part of our lives. This panel was able to hit many of the points in social media, and why it is so important in the business world. People who know how to use social media apparently get ahead in life, and it is definitely something that I’ll need to learn. The panelists did a particularly good job in displaying this information/

  50. Anaon Dec 11th 2010 at 12:28 am

    I want to thank all my group mates for being so cooperative and for contributing to our team. I believe this was a great topic for us to pick because it’s so relevant to college students right now. I am so proud of us! Thank you guys for being so great.

  51. efraim.maubanon Dec 11th 2010 at 1:24 pm

    The topic of social media is a fast growing industry in today’s world. Everyone now is using social medias to interact with others and relying on it more and more. The panelists greatly talked about the importance of things such as social networks for their business. This is specially true for Ms Jayd and her small business. Today marketing your business is very important and since there are so many ways to market now, businesses need to stay on top of everything they do. Like what all the panelists said, how you act and/or make yourself look via a social network can greatly affect whether you get this job or not.

  52. Victoron Dec 11th 2010 at 3:47 pm

    i never realize the importance of social media until now. i thought it is always about being conservative of what you do on the internet since my minor is about social media..it is always about protection of your identity and your information so people wont see it. but it was wrong especially in the social media industry where everything that you do on facebook and twitter is reflected on how you get your job…never knew i learnt this much about the website..great panel

  53. lucky.nguyenon Dec 11th 2010 at 5:26 pm

    This panel was very enjoyable and important to listen to. Each speaker spoke on the importance of social media and how it affects their business and day to day lives. They showed how social media has impacted them in a way so that it is a must for their business to stay up to date with the times and how they must integrate social media into their marketing strategy. All the panelists were enthusiastic and answered the questions in detail. Group 8 did a great job in finding a topic and great panelists for their topic

  54. jeffwongon Dec 11th 2010 at 6:32 pm

    I liked this panel. All the panelists were extremely passionate about what they do. I find it strange that the Internet has become a completely new field in marketing. I am surprised that more experienced professionals in the marketing field have not been able to adapt quickly enough to compete with the digital generation.

  55. Oleg Polovetson Dec 11th 2010 at 6:57 pm

    Extremely important topic, and very informative to our generation. The topic of digital communication is really relevant, and this panel showed a lot of example of how digital space can serve as a boost to the company and individual, and how it also can sink one. Almost everyone is online nowadays, and that is a new place to compete for success. Even my 70-year old grandmother is having business conferences every evening. I am amused sometimes about how this world has changed withing few decades. Great panel.

  56. liaton Dec 11th 2010 at 7:13 pm

    I think that Panel 8 did an amazing job with their panel.
    The topic they chose was interesting and very much relevant. Today, almost every aspect of our daily lives is digitized, or in some form or another digital. The questions that were asked were good, detailed, thoughtful questions. Even more so, the speakers they brought varied in their field of digital media, and were very educated in this particular topic.
    The panel had a great opening, and spoke about topics that relate to us such as facebook and twitter, etc. There were a few phrases given by the speakers that I thought were very interesting. One said that we must be a Mac in a PC world, which in a way is telling us that we need to be unique, and we need to find that quality that makes us different from everyone else. The speakers were able to tell us and explain to us how our digital and online profile really affect us in the long run, including our facebook pages, and our online activities. Because although it may not seem to important to us now, our bosses will care what our online profiles look like. However, the speakers also told us that today, many times, an online profile is needed in order to be successful.
    We were born into a world where digital media, and online services is not only a privilege, they have become a necessity, and as the speakers said, it is our job to make the best of what we were given, and use it to our advantage.

  57. robertsalameon Dec 11th 2010 at 7:25 pm

    The panel was relevant as well as interesting. The handouts that were given to every student as they walked into class were very helpful because throughout the entire presentation, we were able to keep track of who was speaking, and keep in mind their background.
    The opening video that the group presented was great!! And added a lot of excitement to the presentation. Their speakers were very knowledgeable in their field, and knew a lot about the topic being discussed. They were diverse, and came from different parts of the media world, which I thought was very interesting. Because digital media has become a basic part of our everyday lives, the topic and the speakers were very relevant and very informative.
    The speakers made a few key points, which I felt were very important to keep in mind. The news is not flat. It is always circulating and evolving, and we are given a unique opportunity to be a part of it. Although we were born into this era of digital media, the truth is digital media changed the world, especially over the last 5 years.
    In order to be successful in any career, we must evolve with the changing media.
    Overall, panel 8 did a great job, and their presentation was by far one of the most interesting ones.

  58. melissalokon Dec 11th 2010 at 9:40 pm

    Social media is an important topic and relevant issue to discuss for our generation. I learned a lot from the panelists. It was well-organized and I enjoyed it.

  59. raphael.bildiricion Dec 11th 2010 at 9:55 pm

    This was a great presentation. I thought the video they played in the beginning was entertaining, and it had some very relevant information in it also. I was shocked to find out just how important digital advertising was. The small business owner was very interesting, I was surprised that digital media can even grow a business as small as a small photographer. I also thought that Matthew Barash was a very good panelist. You would never expect him to work at a company like Forbes but he seemed like a very good candidate to help make Forbes interesting to college students. Overall it was a great presentation.

  60. Inapton Dec 12th 2010 at 12:42 am

    This is clearly a topic that affects us all in modern day. Digital media affects us all in today’s day age. It doesn’t matter whether it’s twitter, facebook, or other types of digital media. Each member of the panel had something very interesting to bring to the panel and I enjoyed everything each member had to contribute. Each member brought something different to the table. Since this was one of the last panels, I feel they had a big advantage and completely took advantage of that. They did very well. I thought they had easily one of the best panels of the whole class and I enjoyed the entire period. Thank you panel #8 for one of the best panels the entire semester.

  61. yongru chenon Dec 12th 2010 at 2:22 am

    This is one of the most interesting panel, because this topic closely related to not only our generation and our daily life. A lot of people go to twitter, facebook etc everyday. It is smart for people to first generated the idea of post ads on these popular website to get business. Such business ideas is all about techonology, which is also the direction of where businesses are heading. Great job!

  62. dlamon Dec 12th 2010 at 3:09 am

    This panel was very relevant. Interesting to hear about the importance of something that you are already so family with. As I listened to the panels, it really made me realize how important social media is. On one hand, I really took a lot from Marcia, understanding the potential of the cyber world. I have always understood it as a great medium for networking, but it never came to me, at least not at this level, to view Social Media as such a large part of the corporate world, and see all the weight that I can carry. Matthew was a good speaker, and it was interesting listening to him speak about his different careers, yet see how the importance of media isn’t changing, even in a conservative magazine such as Forbes. Overall, this panel did a fine job. Not only was it entertaining, I learned a lot!

  63. ramandeep.singhon Dec 12th 2010 at 8:51 am

    I was unable to attend this panel but reading through the comments, I realize I missed an interesting and relevant panel. Like most students, I have a Facebook page and know how important it is as a tool to reach out to personal connections. However, we should realize that potential employers do search us on Facebook and Twitter, so we need to present a good image and keep our online presence clean. Social websites along with blogs can also help launch businesses by allowing them to reach new markets and spread their company’s visibility. This was the technique Jayd Gardina used to expand her company and she has landed some incredible job opportunities since with high profile clients.

  64. victoria.olivaon Dec 12th 2010 at 9:26 am

    We are currently living in a digital world and this is something we must face. Companies who use digital media and communication definitely have an advantage in not only reaching out to more people but in tracking who is following them. This was an excellent panel because it was appropriate and relevant to us and the modern world we are living in. The selection of panelists was perfect- a mix of people from large corporations and someone from their own small private company. Marcia had a huge influence on me. Her job is something I would definitely consider doing myself. I think it is essential for us as students and job searchers to try to figure out ways in which we could digitally enhance a position because this is what is going to give companies and people advantages over one another. Well done! Great panel and well thought out questions!

  65. Wojciech Balakieron Dec 12th 2010 at 9:43 am

    I enjoyed Panel #8’s presentation a lot because the speakers brought in had a lot of information to share and it was all very relevant to my future. There is no doubt social media has a huge impact on the way different companies can approach what they do. This social media aspect will only grow in the near future, and us, as students and perspective workers, should evolve with it in order to meet the market’s demand for technology savvy young men and women. I enjoyed listening to Mr.Barash and Ms.Larson because it offered me a view into how large companies can now use social media. But what I found most important to me was listening to Ms.Gardina. As a self-employed entrepreneur, I was able to relate to her and found her ways of enhancing her job with social media interesting.

  66. mirlinda.djecbitricon Dec 12th 2010 at 10:26 am

    This was definitely a panel that held my attention. It is interesting how digital media plays a large role in everyones lives. The panelists were very good with their presentation to the class, especially Jayd Gardina. She is at a disadvantage with having a small business, but using digital media is a major plus to her business plan. She has become so successful by being so up to date. When hearing about how much her website has changed with the number of hits from tagging and linking pages, it shows how important digital media has come to change the lives of everyone around us. This panel was one which relates to just about everyone in the class, giving Panel 8 a great topic. Overall, great job.

  67. interlocutoron Dec 12th 2010 at 11:05 am

    This was definitely among the top, if not the best panel presented in our MGT class. This panel related to us the most showing us how digital media plays a large role in our lives. Facebook, Myspace, and other social networking websites aren’t just for our own entertainment purposes, but can also serve as a major factor when incorporated into the business world.
    The panel speakers spoke about how most of their customers like to see how updated they are on Facebook, and also when the panelists themselves look for clients, they like to see how tech-savvy they are. This panel applied to me because it showed me how important digital media can actually be. I also updated my own profile that night knowing that any information put up online can be used against me.

  68. Alina.Kidanovaon Dec 12th 2010 at 11:47 am

    I really enjoyed this panel topic of digital media changing the face of business. In our generation, it is incredible how much social media affects our lives. Facebook has evolved from being targeted at college students to people all over the world of all different ages. This topic is relevant to all our lives since we are living in this era of digital media. The panelist mentioned how they need college students like us who are efficient and knowledgeable of the internet and social media. Marcia Larson mentioned how it is important to recruit college students since they are well aware of how to market themselves through the social media and to use that to make readers more related to the topic. Social networking is more popular with the use of our internet. It is also important to gain clients that way. Amazing job group 8!!!

  69. dshea.ollivierreon Dec 12th 2010 at 11:53 am

    I have to say I really like this panel. The topic was fresh and new because it unlike most topics was something that is happening right now as we are in college. I think the panelist were very good and answered the questions very effectively. I also like the fact that the panelists careers were different and gave us a look at small business (Ms. Gardina, who did excellent despite having a sore throat) and on a larger scale as well as someone (Ms. Larson) who been at a company for awhile as opposed to being at many different companies like Mr. Barash (who I am jealous of working for ESPN, I would love to work there). I don’t think I can find any real criticism about this panel (I personally don’t like using videos for an intro but that didn’t take away from the panel overall anyway).

  70. Boris Ermison Dec 12th 2010 at 2:43 pm

    This was my favorite panel. Today, we live in a world that runs on social media. As Jayd mentioned, she had a blog up that barely received any views. However, once she connected her blog posts to Facebook and Twitter, her blog views trippled up. Same thing happened with the photos that she took which her customers posted on Facebook. People were tagged in the Picture and therefore her marketing expanded simply through social media.

    Personally, I believe social media will be the number one way of marketing in the near future. Thank you Group 8 for having such a great panel!

  71. amanda.medinaon Dec 12th 2010 at 3:06 pm

    I came in 10 minutes late when this presentation was held but I think I just missed the introductions, other than that I thought that this panel did an excellent job. I thought the topic was different than the other panel topics and in a time where social media is a part of almost everyone lives I thought it was fun and relevant to what going on in the world today. I liked how Marcia spoke about when hiring people for a job how they check to see what that person is really about online on like on social media sites. This panel as great, these panel speakers just confirmed to us that social networking and digital media will just keep on growing and growing and the need for it just get stronger.

  72. ilya.peysakhovon Dec 12th 2010 at 7:04 pm

    What stood out the most was that this panel had great diverse speakers. It was great to hear from both Marcia and Mathew who work for giant corporations and from Jayd who is a small business owner. This definitely gave a wholesome view on the digital world and how it’s used on both sides of business. Mathew’s career was really interesting to hear about, because he had such different environments where he worked, and was expected to behave differently. I think overall the message is clear, digital media and social networking today is much bigger than it was just a few years ago. There is money to be made and the digital plane is being taken more seriously and being used more now than ever. All three panelists gave great examples and emphasized how this can help and hurt not only their businesses, but potential employers like ourselves. Great job

  73. edwin.lion Dec 12th 2010 at 11:15 pm

    I believe this was a much needed topic. Every professional currently has to deal with online image and it is becoming more and more important to stay professional online as it is in real life. Websites such as Facebook and myspace have an increasing affect of companies deciding whether or not to hire you. Learning about this, especially in this age, helped me realize how important it is to “clean up my act” online. Great presentation.

  74. russell.muradovon Dec 13th 2010 at 12:06 am

    Technology is becoming more important day by day. Social networking is expanding as well. I missed this panel but I know how important those two things are. The friends that you can make using social networks are just one of the many benefits to social networking online. Another one of those benefits includes diversity because the internet gives individuals from all around the world access to social networking sites.