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Panel 7: Hot Industries in the Next Decade

Executive Summary:

What constitutes a “hot industry?” Does the income per capita have to come out to at least six figures? Is the industry growing very fast? Maybe hot industry employees have the highest career satisfaction. Panel 7 came to the conclusion that a hot industry was a combination of all these descriptions. The panelists present were all part of an industry that was fast growing or allowed the individual to pursue a personal goal that he was very passionate about. A few of these industries include the Information Technology sector and the Green Movement.

A very, if not the most, important lesson that all panelists agreed on was that in order to succeed, one must be passionate about his or her own work. When you are apathetic towards what you do, it is hard to muster the energy to work your best – you want to get out of bed every morning. In addition, to be successful in business, you need to maintain a good balance of life and work – money cannot be your only motivating factor. Ralph Bianculli, a panelist who spoke about Green Tech, elaborated on that point by describing what his work allowed him to do, what he was able to change. By aiding other businesses in transitioning to sustainable infrastructure, he not only helps them save money, he helps save the planet by saving resources. Furthermore, another point that all panelists agreed on what that in order to be successful, one must be able to build and maintain strong relationships. It is impossible for any one person to know everything, so he or she needs to rely on the expertise of someone else to complement his or her own weakness. This is also why teamwork is so important – collaboration allows different individuals to combine all their different skill sets into something that is not simply a sum of parts; it is that and much more.

A hot industry is hot because they have something new to offer. Originality and creativity is what a hot industry demands. Through constant trial and error, people fail and learn, allowing the continuation of innovation and discovery.


Memorable Quotes:

“If money is your only motivation when you wake up in the morning, go back to bed!” “Nothing happens overnight. There are no shortcuts. Only shortcut is hard work.”

Ralph Bianculli

“To be successful you must be relentless and persistent…”

“Figure out the balance in life because if you don’t, the engine’s gonna run out of steam.” –Joseph Bonelli

“Take the emotion out, sit back and evaluate the situation…” –Adam Furman

“Start small, take your passion, and stay dedicated to your vision.”

“Adversity gives you gifts for business.”

Michael Caslin

“Don’t be afraid to fail. Failure is part of what ultimately turns someone successful.”

“It’s all about relationships– sincere relationships –needed to communicate with others.”

Jesse Sutton

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