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Key to Success after Failure

Key to Success after Failure

Panel 8

Alvarez O. Ivette

Azor, Yasmine

Chen, Garvin

Gaitskhoki, Olga

Kandora, Douglas

Li, Ellen

Seo, Young (Susan)

Wojdat, Jan

Zhu, Feng

Guest Speakers

Richard  Eisner, CPA

Joseph Haddock, CFA Manager at Bloomberg

Mark Kaplan, RAPP representative, Sr. Digital Strategist

Michael, Hickey,Manager at Starbucks

Opening Statement by Doug

-General Introduction

-Gracious Thanks

-Ice breaker (story how Doug played offensive lineman in Football during his High School Career. One game, the opposing player kept pushing Doug back farther and farther, but Doug would give it his all every play. Then eventually the opposing player started laughing at his attempts to stop him. Doug failed. So what did he do? The next play he found a way to win, he put his head down and hit the other player straight in the ‘bread basket’ which knocked him down. Doug was successful)

-Introduction of Speakers

-Format of panel (Questions will be projected and we will ask one at a time to the panel members for answers)

The opening statement was improvised; no physical written document was created.

Panel Questions:

1. What was your definition of success starting your career?

2. What was your biggest asset starting your career?

3. Name a failure you’ve had and the most important lesson you took away from that failure.

4. How did you/do you cope with failure and/or pressures/stress from work?

5. What is your biggest asset today?

6. What is your definition of success?

7. What is one piece of advice you wish to give young people starting off their careers?

Bonus question- Tell us a funny moment that involved you and failure.

Key Points of the Panel

  • Find something you love to do, something that goes with who you are and keep going at it.
  • Take a chance and go where the opportunities are.
  • In business stress and failure are different,  stress is personal, while failure affects other people’s lives.
  • Keep an eye on the bigger picture, understand who you are and match your assets with the company
  • “Comfort is an enemy of progress”
  • After failure, step back and take a lesson- “fail forward”
  • Learn how to think and how to apply what you learn.
  • Know who you are: strengths and weaknesses.
  • If you fail, build up, retrench, and try again.
  • Make the best of failure by learning from your mistake. Take a step back and see what went wrong from a holistic perspective
  • If something did not work out as planned, apologize and make a better model. Go back and say we made these changes. And do not blame.
  • Do not be afraid of failure. You should not be worried.

Closing Statement by: Ivette

Again, we would like to thank our panelists for taking time out of their busy schedules to be here with us today. I would like to sum up what was discussed today into three short and clear points.

1. In previous panels, we have established a long list of C’s, but now we would like to integrate the P’s, but not the Marketing P’s, but two words that were mentioned today a lot: Passion and Patience. You need to find something that you love and you know will motivate you to go to work every day. Also, it will give you that steadiness to remain at peace with yourself and with others.

2. Never Give Up!- There will be many times where you will want to stop and quit what you are doing. Always remember that you should believe in what you do, just keep trying and push on through. You eventually will make it work and be successful.

3.  Take a Risk!- In order to get experience, we should take risks because from these risks, we learn and take away something that will help us grow.

Lastly, before you go, I would like to reiterate what Mark Kaplan said “Perspective is the root of Perception,” so take that with you, think about what it means and how to apply it to your life.

Thank you for coming today!

5 responses so far

Group 7- Employee Engagment

Opening Statement

Welcome to “Who Wants to be a Corporate Millionaire!” I am Mary Fung and I will be your host this morning. Our topic today is “Employee Engagement.” So what exactly is employee engagement? Yes, it is about engaging the employees. The notion that “our people are our most important asset” has been a debatable topic. In the eyes of most employees, money and profit seems to be the company’s most important asset. However, even during the recession, companies are investing large sums of money to their employees to better educate them, satisfy them, and even enhance their self-image. The importance of employee engagement lies within the company through each individual, department, and whole organization. It is about effective communication, support, and development. In our opinion, employee engagement is when an employee is fully involved in, and enthusiastic about his or her own work. They care about the future of the company and are willing to invest a lot of time and effort on their part to exceed their normal responsibilities to make sure that the company succeeds. Today, we will discover different methods that companies uses, the importance of it, and will finish off with a nice, competitive game and then the Q&A session. Let’s start introducing our panelists. To our left, we have Valerie Grubb. She is a Senior Operations and Human Capital Consultant as well as the Principal of Val Grubb & Associates, Ltd. She works on a consulting basis in Operations Management and Training and supports talent/leadership development for corporations and non-profits. John McKeon is VP of Human Resources at Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center. As the top Human Resource executive, he designs, develop, create, and administer human resources and organizational development programs to attract and retain motivated individuals to ensure the continued success and growth of the medical center. Mark Muller is currently the Senior Vice President and Municipal Portfolio Manager for Loews Corporation. Prior to joining Loews Corporation in 1995, he served as the Vice President, Asset Management, Municipal Portfolio Manager with Goldman Sachs.  Eric Hamilton is a social media, internet, web and search marketing veteran with over 20 years of technology work experience. Currently, he works for Yahoo! as an Engagement Manager supporting Yahoo! Web Analytics which is Yahoo’s enterprise level analytics solution. And last but not least, Susan Zhou is currently a human resources consultant as well as an adjunct professor in Baruch College and New York University. She has 12 years of experience for profit and non-profit industries such as in financial services, healthcare, insurance, publishing, marketing and retail.


  1. Employee engagement is such a broad topic. Can you elaborate on what this means to you in relation to your field and how you take part in it? Feel free to use an example.
  2. Does your work environment incorporate employee engagement? If so, how do you think this affects the employees and staff?
  3. Organizations are trying to build a competitive advantage through engaging their employees. However, it is a costly investment. Keeping in mind of the current economic situation, do you think these organizations should invest in their employees?
  4. Have you ever had a bad experience with employee engagement?

10 Famous C’s: Connect, Career, Clarity, Convey, Congratulate, Contribute, Control, Collaborate, Credibility, and Confidence

Closing Statement:

Employee engagement starts with the attitude at the top. However, don’t let bad management sway you from being a great leader yourself. Work on keeping your team engaged regardless of what’s happening above you. You have the greatest impact on your employees. Employees most value recognition from their direct supervisor, more so than from even the CEO. It is proven that companies that implement employee engagment has greater profits than those who don’t. Google is a great example of this. They have in-office doctors, therapists, spas, gyms, and free food including snacks throughout the day. They foster learning and challenges and their success shows how employee engagement is the way to go.

Key Points from each speaker:

Valerie: Make people feel part of the company. One bad apple can spoil the bunch but before firing them, give them a chance. Be nice to everyone. You can engage your team no matter what role you play.

Eric: You have to be involved through constantly interacting and building bonds beyond technology. Every company is like a football game. You would cheer for your teammate after or before an achievement. You are above any pitiness. If people are disrespecting you, embrace the hate. You have to keep yourself above the fold.

Mark: Team organization and communication must occur or the team is bound to fail. The best corporate culture is an environment where a problem exists and it is worked on till it is resolved, bringing you confidence. It is inevitable where there is one unengaged member. You have to commit and invest, if it doesn’t work, let them go.

John: Motivation brings engagement to employees at the micro level. On the macro level, goals and objectives of the organization are clear to employees. You have to understand your management style by recognizing your weakness and rewarding employees. If you don’t have a right mix of people, the goal might not be properly achieved.

Susan: Employee engagement is about building on a strength that an employee has. The employee should think outside the box to better the company and create an engaging environment through activities and programs cuch as yoga and walks in the park. This motivates employees as well as contribute to their overall health and well being. You want the employees to do things that they are interest in, making them feel that you are supporting them.

16 responses so far

Panel 8 Guest Speakers

Key to Success after Overcoming Failure

Panel 8

Guest speakers 


Richard  Eisner, CPA

Richard Eisner, CPA, is a founding partner and member of the Executive Committee of Eisner. He uses his executive skills as well as more than 45 years of diversified accounting experience in administration at Eisner. Dick is currently on the boards of the Columbia School of Public Health and the Legal Aid Society.

Joseph Haddock, CFA 

Manager at Bloomberg

Product Manager for Global Corporate Actions within the Equity Data department. His responsibilities center around managing 9 teams:
Equity Indices – data for the S&P500 index and other similar indices
Corporate Actions – recording dividends, splits, listings/delistings, etc
M&A – post and follow global deals, write commentary the biggest
Earnings – follow earnings releases and get the information up in minutes
Guidance – record company management’s expectations
Events – track meetings & releases, post transcripts/audio where applicable
Equity Issuance – IPO & secondary offering coverage
Dividend forecasting – proprietary forecasts of future dividends
Programing Support – internal team to help manage software developments & roll outs
Joseph Haddock has been with Bloomberg in various roles for 12 years

Mark Kaplan

RAPP representative, Sr. Digital Strategist

Mark Kaplan is a Senior Digital Strategist at RAPP. He’s been at RAPP for over 2 years, and is currently dedicated to the Merck account, the agency’s largest. Prior to RAPP, he was an Information Architect at the digital agency Razorfish, and before that a Business Analyst at MetLife. In his free time, Mark is learning guitar and enjoys longboarding around Central Park.

Michael, Hickey

Manager at Starbucks

 Although originally interested in Computer Science, Micheal Hickey graduated from the University of Central Florida with Business Management degree. He worked two jobs throughout college to support himself. Upon graduation he joined Starbucks as an assistand manager. After one year,  he was promoted to manager for a level 2 (smaller volume) store. A couple years later, he was promoted to manager for level 1 (large volume) store. Michael was then assigned as project manager for store development, which included traveling throughout the U.S. training employees and managing several new Starbucks stores.  In 2008, Mike was assigned to one of Starbucks Flagship stores located in Times Square at 42nd street & 8th Ave. He not only manages one of the busiest Starbucks cafes in the world, but he is also responsable for providing catering for corporate occasions in the area as well training other managers.

20 responses so far

Panel 6: Entrepreneurship in the Service Industry

Panel Speakers:

Danny Meyer – President of Union Square Hospitality Group
Lara Kisielewska – Founder of Optimum Design and Consulting
Ariel Cohen – President of Learning Link
Doug Boxer (represented by Cristine Franco) – Founder of Rare Bar and Grill

Opening Statement:

“Entrepreneurship starts with an idea, a concept that drives one to take the risk of creating a business. In the service industry this feat can be extremely challenging, since there is no tangible product to advertise. In essence, the entrepreneur has to sell an idea to the client. As a result, many obstructions may impede small businesses in their pursuit of success. Among these, a few of the biggest challenges are competition, lack of financing and capital, time management, and difficulties in establishing networks. According to our text, 80% of start-up businesses fail within the first five years of operation, so one can only imagine how difficult it is to start and run a business. Our panels today will be sharing their experiences as entrepreneurs in the service industry. ”

Entrepreneurship in the Service Industry

Questions for Panel Speakers

  1. Introduction: Tell us briefly about your business and why did you choose this service.
  2. Quote: “Competition breeds success.” How do you feel about the competition in your field?
  3. How does establishing your public image and networking contribute to the success of your service?
  4. Conclusion: What have you learned from your entrepreneurial journey and what advice would you give to new entrepreneurs?

Closing Points:

As stated before entrepreneurship starts with an idea. What our panelists revealed to us today is that the key to entreurpernurship is “knowing yourself”. The road to success may start with an idea, but the vehicle to traveling that road lies in combining that idea with your passion. Danny Meyer became the CEO of the Union Square Hospitality Group, one of NYC most popular restaurant chains, by following that which fueled him most, literally- food. Lara started her entreupenurship career because she was sick of working for people that did not respect her ideas or listen to her. Knowing that she had much more to offer Apple and the other jobs that she worked at, she left in order to create her own company. However knowing yourself means much more than following your idea, but also sticking with it. As Rick Cohen stated in the road to success “a big public failure” is an instrumental tool in one’s development. During the economic downturn of 9/11 Lara lost over 5/6 of her business. She could of simply given up, but she kept with it and was better for it. When Ariel clients were unhappy with the tutors that he had sent them he would refund their money back for the time that the parents felt their children had not learned anything. All in all their failures became the inspiration to take a step back evalutate what they were doing, focusing on what could be done better, than taking corrective action to fix the problem. As all of the panelist stated in order to succeed as an entrepernurship you must continue to innovate and improve your ideas. Although any industry is littered with competition, scarce resources, and threats of substitutions the real obstacle to one’s success is themselves. “We are ultimately competing with ourselves” stated Danny Meyer. Most ideas that people think of are not unique for long. In the service industry restaurants and service providers alike are fighting for a piece of space in consumers mind. In order to stay in the mind of consumers, who are bombarded by multiple advertisement, an entreurpuer must be able to transform and build upon the idea that they had the day before. As Doug Boxer said his restaurant continues to draw in people cause they focus on the little things. Rounding off our panel discussion we asked each of our panelist to state one thing that they would tell to future entreupernuers. Ariel had this to stay, “Although we all have goals in life few people ever write them down. There was a study taken of three groups of students, those that had their goals, but never wrote them down, those who wrote their goals down and those who wrote their goals down and their plans to make those goals come true. The study proved that those who wrote down their goals made three times as much money as those who didn’t right them down. Surprisingly still those who wrote down their goals and their plans toward achieving them made ten times as much as those who just wrote down their goals. With that we ask you if you really want to start your own business, you must come up with an idea which originates from something that you are passionate about,ensuring that you will stick with it even when faced with failure.

12 responses so far

Team 5: Entrepreneurship


  • Scot Cosentino; Owner of Goodfella’s Brick Oven Pizza and Pasta Restaurant
  • Jesse Mejia; Founder of New Renaissance Events
  • Antony Wei; Entrepreneur & Owner of Standford Parking Garage


Team 5’s Panel on entrepreneurship will discuss the advantages and disadvantages to starting your own business. Entrepreneurs are defined as those individuals who take risks in order to further succeed in their endeavors of opening a new enterprise, venture, or idea. We would like to please ask the audience to hold any questions or concerns until after the conclusion of the discussion.

To begin, we would appreciate it if each panel member would start off by introducing him or herself, while briefly discussing their current business operations.


  1. What were some of the contributing factors that led you to becoming an entrepreneur?
  2. How did you market yourself and your business as unique compared to your competitors, leading to your success as an entrepreneur?
  3. What are the challenges you face as an entrepreneur that one may NOT face when they work under someone? How do you overcome these challenges? … time, money, management, etc
  4. Was your first attempt in starting your own business a failure or were you successful from the start? If you did fail from the start, how did you pick yourself up again and have the courage to try again? What was your biggest motivational force that pushed you to strive to succeed?
  5. How have you exemplified the important characteristics one must have to be a successful entrepreneur?
  6. What do you think is the one most important piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to start their own business?


There are many risks and benefits to being an entrepreneur. As our panelists discussed, entrepreneurs distinctly take actions of risk, for the chance of success. There are many qualities and characteristics entrepreneurs portray that enable them to succeed. Of course, anyone could be an entrepreneur, but those who strive to pursue the challenge and are able to overcome any obstacles put forth in front of them, are those who will be most successful. Some great key points to take away from today’s discussion include the following:

  • Scot discussed how entrepreneurs should not seek the approval of others, for you will get more “no’s” than yes’s”. Naturally, entrepreneurs are those who separate themselves by others by taking chances of possibly failing. If everyone had the desire to be an entrepreneur, everyone would feel the answer to opening a new business should be “yes”. However, that is precisely what distinguishes entrepreneurs from other individuals, the ability to say “yes” and believe in taking the risks.
  • Scott and Jesse both agreed with the thoughts of surveying the public for their own businesses. Surveys are crucial to marketing and communicating to the public, and enables you to learn about others’ needs and desires.
  • Antony made a solid point by saying that when you are an entrepreneur, you directly see the amount of work and effort you put into your own company. When working in large companies, you may succeed in your operations, but may not realize those successes directly as you would when you run your own business.
  • Antony and Jesse agreed that the happiness of employees influences that happiness of customers. Employers should always want their employees to be happy, for an employees attitude towards his/her line of work shows throughout the company, affecting the customers attitudes.
  • Scot put a emphasis on getting things done as soon as possible, in order to have time “later”. Handle things when you first see the opportunity. Get a lot of “done’s” to ensure that there isn’t a build up of obstacles and challenges to overcome all at once.
  • Antony started that in order to be an entrepreneur, you have to be a risk taker. However, the risk must be calculated.
  • All panelists believe that entrepreneurs should always aim high. Have your vision in front of you and always keep your eye on your vision. If a failure occurs, pick yourself up and try again, never lose sight of what is on top of the mountain.

Other Key Points to be Noted


  1. Everyone has their own dream. Working for yourself you have no one to answer to but yourself. Your success and failures are your own
  2. Your vision is what makes you succeed
  3. You need to have something that works, is wanted, and needed
  4. Focus on every part of your business, you need to know every area of your industry


  1. Make sure everything is going properly in order to have a prosperous cycle, instead of a viscous one
  2. It is good to start young and related what your learning in school to your business
  3. Surround yourself around successful people to be motivated
  4. Have a good perspective on things, take the challenge


  1. When the boss is very personal, customers are more loyal
  2. Be available 24 hours a day, stress is always with you. In order to overcome this, you must manage your stress. It is your business, you will get things done
  3. Don’t be afraid to fail
  4. Make sure you do your research on your business

29 responses so far

Success after Failure


My group has chosen “Success after Failure” as the theme of our panel. We will all experience some type of failure in our career but success will only follow if we deal strategically with our failures. Below are two great articles that relate to our panel discussion. The first teaches us about how to bounce back from failure and the second is about how big businesses too can experience failure.

Hope you enjoy and learn from them.

I wish you all a big public failure soon

Yasmine Azor

Bounce Back After Failure

©Ralph Jean-Paul

One of the best learning tools that are available to us as human beings is also the same tool that we are most afraid of.  It’s interesting how even the thought of failing at even the simplest task can prevent most people from even attempting that task.  In the greater scope of achieving life goals, the fear of failure is an enormous hurdle for most people to jump.  The truth is failure cannot be avoided forever.  Those who attempt to flee from it their entire lives almost certainly miss great opportunities and even greater rewards.

I am a firm believer that your success may be depended upon how well and how quickly you can bounce back from failure.  People bounce back from failure all the time but the difference between those who recover and manage, and those who recover and succeed, lies in the individual’s ability to recover quickly.  The pain and disappointment of coming up short may send you into an emotional spiral filled with questions, doubts, and promises to yourself to never try again, but those normal reactions to failure usually subside.  And when they do, your reaction to that failure will determine if you succeed.

Two Types of Failures

There are two major ways to fail.  One way is to make a mistake or judgment call that turns out to be wrong.  This happens in sports constantly.  The coach of a team may call the wrong play that cost his team the game.  It is also prevalent in business.  The CEO of a company may decide to launch a new product that he thinks will bring dramatic growth for the company, but instead the product may flop on the market and the company rushes to recover from the loss.  You are making hundreds of decisions a day so inevitably some of those decisions are going to be wrong.  This type of failure revolves around what you did wrong.  That is hard for some people to take while others would rather have that burden on their shoulders so that they can improve for the next time.

The other type of failure is when you do everything right, put all of your efforts and energies into your pursuit of success, and even do everything to prevent something from going wrong, but in the end, you still come up short.  These kinds of letdowns are particularly hard to handle because of the feelings of helplessness associated with them.  However, some people take this type of failure as a cue that they are close to reaping their reward.  They view it as a matter of time not a matter of their ability to perform what is needed to achieve what they want.

Although these failures are hard to take, they are not impossible to overcome.  Everyone experiences these defeats and everyone handles them differently. 


Bouncing Back

Change ‘Failure’ to ‘Setback’

The first way to prepare to bounce back from a failure is to change your perception of that failure.  I suggest that you change the word failure to setback.  Once you begin to look at your shortcoming as an event that knocked you back instead of one that knocked you down, you’ll begin to see that it is very possible to recover from the letdown.  This also helps you acknowledge that bumps in the road are common but they are also manageable.

Avoid generalizing

When we get frustrated we tend to generalize our situations and make broad statements that are not necessarily true.  Saying “this always happens….” or “ I never….”  are detrimental to your recovery process because what you are really doing is setting yourself up for another loss.  Understanding that the setback that took place is a solitary event helps you recover quicker.  Instead of generalizing your statements prepare yourself for the future by making saying what you want to happen.

Assess the damage

Along with your change of perception should come a clarity of the situation.  Assessing the damage is looking at what you have lost in the setback and determining how far you have been setback.  To most people the feeling of failure usually makes the situation appear worse than it really is. Begin to take a good look at what has been lost and what has remained.  

Collecting and Resetting

Once you’ve gotten a good idea of what has been lost it is time to start picking up the pieces.  Collecting and resetting is difficult if you have not yet prepared yourself to move forward.  The resetting is not necessarily taking a step back but it is more like readjusting yourself so that you are in a better position to succeed.  

Lot of livin’ to do

An overwhelming majority of life’s failures are not life threatening.  This means that life goes on even though you came up short.  We sometimes overanalyze our setbacks to the point of making them larger than life.  What you have to remember is that there is still a lot of livin’ to do and each second wishing and wondering about things happening differently, is a second wasted.  A perspective that the setback that you’ve experienced is temporary helps aide the emotions that are associated with failure.  Try to remember that even though you’ve experienced a setback, there are still many more opportunities ahead even if you do not see them right away.

Getting up and getting back out there is the only real way to live.  Some of the most successful people in the world credit their success to a failure they’ve experienced.  Bounce back from your failure and you might become one of them.






How Failure Breeds Success


Everyone fears failure. But breakthroughs depend on it. The best companies embrace their mistakes and learn from them


Ever heard of Choglit? How about OK Soda or Surge? Long after “New Coke” became nearly synonymous with innovation failure, these products joined Coca-Cola Co.’s (KO ) graveyard of beverage busts. Choglit, in case you blinked and missed it, was a chocolate-flavored milk drink test-marketed with Nestlé (NSRGY ) in 2002. OK Soda, unveiled in 1994, tried to capture Generation X with edgy marketing. The”OK Manifesto,” parts of which were printed on cans in an attempt at hipster irony, asked: “What’s the point of OK Soda?” It turned out customers wondered the same thing. And while Surge did well initially, this me-too Mountain Dew later did anything but. Sales began drying up after five years.

While few CEOs are as candid about the potential for failure as Isdell, many are wrestling with the same problem, trying to get their organizations to cozy up to the risk-taking that innovation requires. A warning: It’s not going to be an easy shift. After years of cost-cutting initiatives and growing job insecurity, most employees don’t exactly feel like putting themselves on the line. Add to that the heightened expectations by management on individual performance, and it’s easy to see why so many opt to play it safe.

Indeed, for a generation of managers weaned on the rigors of Six Sigma error-elimination programs, embracing failure — gasp! — is close to blasphemy. Stefan H. Thomke, a professor at Harvard Business School and author of Experimentation Matters, says that when he talks to business groups, “I try to be provocative and say: ‘Failure is not a bad thing.’ I always have lots of people staring at me, [thinking] ‘Have you lost your mind?’ That’s O.K. It gets their attention. [Failure] is so important to the experimental process.”

That it is. Crucial, in fact. After all, that’s why true, breakthrough innovation — an imperative in today’s globally competitive world, in which product cycles are shorter than ever — is so extraordinarily hard. It requires well-honed organizations built for efficiency and speed to do what feels unnatural: Explore. Experiment. Foul up, sometimes. Then repeat.

Granted, not all failures are praiseworthy. Some flops are just that: bad ideas. The eVilla, Sony Corp.’s (SNE ) $500 “Internet appliance.” The Pontiac Aztek, General Motors Corp.’s (GM\ ) ugly duckling “crossover” SUV. For good measure, we’ll throw in our own industry’s spectacularly useless flop: the CueCat. A marketer’s dream, the device, which was launched in 2000 (when else?), scanned bar codes from magazine and newspaper ads, directing readers to Web sites so they wouldn’t have to go to the trouble to type in the URL.

But intelligent failures — those that happen early and inexpensively and that contribute new insights about your customers — should be more than just tolerable. They should be encouraged. “Figuring out how to master this process of failing fast and failing cheap and fumbling toward success is probably the most important thing companies have to get good at,” says Scott Anthony, the managing director at consulting firm Innosight.

“Getting good” at failure, however, doesn’t mean creating anarchy out of organization. It means leaders — not just on a podium at the annual meeting, but in the trenches, every day — who create an environment safe for taking risks and who share stories of their own mistakes. It means bringing in outsiders unattached to a project’s past. It means carving out time to reflect on failure, not just success.

Perhaps most important, it means designing ways to measure performance that balance accountability with the freedom to make mistakes. People may fear failure, but they fear the consequences of it even more. “The performance culture really is in deep conflict with the learning culture,” says Paul J. H. Schoemaker, CEO of consulting firm Decision Strategies International Inc. “It’s an unusual executive who can balance these.”

Some organizations have tried to measure performance in a way that accounts for these opposing pressures. At IBM (IBM ) Research, engineers are evaluated on both one- and three-year time frames. The one-year term determines the bonus, while the three-year period decides rank and salary. The longer frame can help neutralize a year of setbacks. “A three-year evaluation cycle sends an important message to our researchers, demonstrating our commitment to investing in the early, risky stages of innovation,” says Armando Garcia, vice-president for technical strategy and worldwide operations at IBM Research.

In addition to making sure performance evaluations take a long-term view, managers should also think about celebrating smart failures. (Those who repeat their mistakes, of course, should hardly be rewarded.) Thomas D. Kuczmarski, a Chicago new-product development consultant, even proposes “failure parties” as a way of recognizing that it’s part of the creative process. “What most companies do is put a wall around a failure as if it’s radioactive,” says Kuczmarski.

Intuit Inc. (INTU ), based in Mountain View, Calif., recently celebrated an adventurous marketing campaign that failed. The company had never targeted young tax filers before, and in early 2005 it tried to reach them through an ill-fated attempt to combine tax-filing drudgery with hip-hop style. Through a Web site called RockYourRefund.com, Intuit offered young people discounts to travel site Expedia Inc. (EXPE ) and retailer Best Buy Co. (BBY ) and the ability to deposit tax refunds directly into prepaid Visa cards issued by hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons.

But even hip-hop stars can’t make 1040s cool enough to get young adults excited about taxes. “We did very few returns” through the site, says Rick Jensen, vice-president for product management at Intuit’s consumer tax group. “It was almost a rounding error.” Through a postmortem process, the team that developed the campaign documented its insights, such as the fact that Gen Yers don’t visit destination Web sites that feel too much like advertising. Then, on a stage at the Dolce Hayes Mansion in San Jose, Calif., last October in front of some 200 Intuit marketers, the team received an award from Intuit Chairman Scott Cook. “It’s only a failure if we fail to get the learning,” says Cook.

In addition to postmortems, Intuit has begun plucking insights from its flops through sessions that focus on failure. Jana Eggers, who heads up Intuit’s Innovation Lab, held the first such “When Learning Hurts” session recently. There, she recounted the story of QuickBase, a software application that failed for its initial market, small business customers, but is now finding fans among large companies. Eggers hopes future conferences will feature even more presentations on failures. She also plans to distribute “narrative storytelling booklets” about failed projects so people can “feel the pain.”

Unlike Intuit, most companies don’t spend enough time and resources looking backward, says Chris Trimble, a professor at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College and co-author of 10 Rules for Strategic Innovators. That’s a mistake. “How do you learn if you don’t examine the past?” asks Trimble.

General Electric Co. (GE ) is trying to do just that. The company, which is well-known for sharing best practices across its many units, has recently begun formally discussing failures, too. Last September the company set up a two-hour conference call for managers of eight “imagination breakthroughs” that didn’t live up to expectations and were being shelved, or “retired,” in GE’s parlance. (“Imagination breakthroughs” — IBs — are new businesses or products that have potential sales of $100 million within three to five years.)

Such discussions can be nerve-racking, especially in companies where failure has traditionally been met with tough consequences. That was the case at GE, which is now three years into the effort spearheaded by Chairman and CEO Jeffrey R. Immelt to make innovation the new mantra at the $150 billion behemoth. “I had some offline conversations with some of the IB leaders reassuring them that this was not a call where they were going to get their pink slips,” says Patia McGrath, a GE marketing director who helped put together the call. “The notion of taking big swings, and that it’s O.K. to miss the swing, is something that’s quite new with Jeff.”

Some companies have gone even further, taking a comprehensive look at all their previous failures. That was the case at Corning Inc. (GLW ), which found itself teetering on the brink of bankruptcy after the once red-hot market for its optical fiber collapsed during the telecom bust. Following that debacle, then-Corning CEO James R. Houghton asked Joseph A. Miller Jr., executive vice-president and chief technology officer, to produce an in-depth review of the company’s 150-year history of innovation, documenting both failures and successes.

One of the failed products Corning investigated was the DNA microarray, or chip, which the company began developing in 1998. Genomics research was heating up at the time, with Dr. J. Craig Venter launching Celera Genomics that year. Corning, which makes laboratory sciences equipment, saw an opportunity. Its DNA chip was designed to print all 28,000 human genes onto a set of slides that could be used by researchers. By 2000, Corning had invested $100 million in the project and announced a partnership with Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

But while Corning was trying to launch the chip, another company, Affymetrix Inc. (AFFX ), commercialized one. “They had the dominant design on microchips, and they were the first out,” says Peter F. Volanakis, now Corning’s chief operating officer. “We were late.” Quality problems plagued the project, and customers had not been brought in early. With Corning in a freefall financially, the DNA chip was killed in 2001.

Still, the experience opened Corning up to a whole new market. “We had discovered the marketplace of drug discovery,” says Miller. By combining its introduction to the drug research market with another failed business, photonics, which manipulates data using light waves, it created Epic, a revolutionary technology for drug testing that it will launch this fall. By using light waves instead of fluorescent dyes, Epic promises to accelerate dramatically the process of testing potential drugs and improve its accuracy.

One key difference? This time, 18 pharmaceutical companies have tested Epic before the launch. By 2010 to 2012, Jeff Mooney, who led Epic’s development, projects that Epic sales could reach $100 million to $300 million a year, and more than $500 million annually long-term.

As Corning learned from the DNA chip and with Epic, getting potential users in before a project goes too far helps to prove the market for it. But outside perspectives can also help neutralize emotions and biases about failing product lines, says Duke University Fuqua School of Business professor William Boulding. In research published in the April issue of the Journal of Marketing, Boulding and his colleagues contradict the common notion that teams cling to a project because they want to save face or salvage the “sunk costs.” Rather, the problem is with the objectivity of the people involved. “Even if you’re not on the hook in terms of financial embarrassment or psychological embarrassment,” says Boulding, “you did form beliefs, and that causes you to warp new feedback.”

That’s why W.L. Gore & Associates Inc. in Newark, Del., makers of the waterproof fabric Gore-Tex, recognizes outsiders — people within Gore but not on the product development team — who make the call on projects that need to be pulled. When Brad Jones led Gore’s Industrial Products Div., which makes sealants and filtration systems, he handed out “Sharp Shooter” trophies to these outside managers when a project was effectively killed. These marksmen, so to speak, freed from the trappings of familiarity, can identify potential snags that the team may have overlooked. “We’re effusive in our thanks for that contribution,” says Jones. “We ask them to write up what they learned from it, and how we could have made the decision [to kill the project] faster.”

The mindset that Gore looks for in these outsiders — the ability to home in on uncertainties — requires employees to reframe their thinking. Most people naturally seek positive outcomes and set about trying to prove that an experiment works.

But designers, inventors, and scientists, all models for companies struggling to be more creative, take the opposite tack. They try to prove themselves wrong. That focus on potential flaws makes failure, and the lessons that come with it, happen earlier. Amy Edmondson, a professor at Harvard Business School who has studied how organizations learn from failure, says managers would do well to think more like scientists. “Failure provides more ‘learning’ in a strictly logical or technical sense” than success, she says. “It’s a principle of the scientific method that you can only disconfirm, never confirm, a hypothesis.”

Failure’s capacity to teach is exactly why venture capitalists often look for managers to run startups whose résumés include experience with a flop. Gordon McCallum, CEO for Richard Branson’s Virgin Management Ltd., can point to managers within Virgin who might have been overlooked by other companies because of failures in their careers. He’s also quick to note that errors on the job, as long as they aren’t repeated, are not only supported, but valued.

One example: Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd.’s J2000 seats, a $67 million investment made in 2000 to create new sleeper seats that reclined at an angle for the airline’s “upper-class” seats. Although sleeper seats had long existed in first class, airlines had not yet adopted them for business class. Virgin was the first to announce it would be offering “a bed in business,” says Joe Ferry, Virgin’s head of design, who led the design of the J2000 seats. Within a year, however, Virgin’s idea was one-upped by its chief competitor, British Airways PLC (BAB ), which rolled out a truly flat bed. While customers were initially enthusiastic about the J2000, some complained about sliding and discomfort. In the end, says McCallum, it “was wildly unsuccessful. Everybody acknowledged that it was not as good a product as our principal competitors’.” Agrees Ferry: “We were an also-ran, which didn’t really sit well with us.”

But Ferry didn’t get the ax. In fact, Virgin entrusted him to take on another extraordinary risk, committing a huge $127 million to an overhaul of the airline’s upper-class seats years before the traditional product life cycle would have ended. And the company stuck by its investment even after September 11. The new version, launched in 2003, has been a solid success. Called the “upper-class suite,” Ferry’s makeover made a design leap beyond merely being flat. Flight attendants flip over the back and seat cushions to make the bed, allowing for different foam consistencies for sitting and sleeping. While Ferry hoped the new seats would eventually improve Virgin’s business-class market share by 1%, they’ve already exceeded that goal.

A company’s reaction in the face of intelligent failures, whether it’s Virgin reinvesting in a pricey design revamp or Intuit giving an award to its marketing team, can send tremors or thrills through a culture. If top executives are accepting, people will embrace risk. But if managers react harshly, people will retreat from it.

That’s something Eric Brinker, JetBlue Airways Corp.’s (JBLU ) director of brand management and customer experience, wants to make sure doesn’t happen. Last year, JetBlue, which tries to limit its in-flight snack mix to keep costs low and reduce complexity, began hearing that some of its customers wanted a healthier choice. Brinker and his team decided to replace a popular but hardly healthy mix of Doritos chips called Munchie Mix. “It’s the ultimate junk food,” says Brinker.

The junk food fans revolted. “The tribe had spoken, and these guys wanted Munchie Mix,” Brinker says. “People wrote really spirited letters, saying: ‘This is the only reason I flew JetBlue!”‘ Brinker realized he would have to reverse course, but he didn’t want his team to think change wasn’t encouraged.

So he decided to make fun of himself to keep the reaction lighthearted. On the company’s intranet, Brinker started up a “Save the Munchie Mix” campaign that read: “Some pinhead in marketing decided to get rid of the Munchie Mix!” He invited employees to write in poems and stories about why the snack should return to JetBlue. The point? By keeping things fun, he hoped employees wouldn’t hesitate to make their own creative decisions. “If we don’t have people willing to risk something, then we’ll really end up like our competitors.” And that, of course, would be a failure indeed.

By Jena McGregor, with William C. Symonds in Boston, Dean Foust in Atlanta, and Diane Brady and Moira Herbst in New York

9 responses so far

Panel 4 Entrepreneurship/Entertainment- Spring 2010


We are very excited to have 3 panelists from the entertainment industry who will be discussing different topics related to entrepreneurship. More specifically, we will be focusing on such areas as what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur, barriers to entry as well as barriers during operation, work-life balance, and ethics.

 Before we get started, I would like to explain to format of our panel. Each panelist will be asked the same question, to which they will have approximately 2-3 minutes to respond. At 10:00, we will be wrapping up our questions and we will open up the panel to the audience. At 10:10, we will offer our closing remarks to be followed by Professor Tawil. We ask the audience to please refrain from asking questions until the designated time.

 Without further delay, I would like to introduce our panelists. Yoni Goldberg, is founder and partner of dGi Management where he represents such artists as Rev Run, Q-tip, The Misshapes, and many others. Justin Homapour, is founder and president of Just Mark It X, where he specializes in event planning, club promotion, and marketing. Jamieson Hill is an open-format bottle-service DJ who in just 4 years has already played the most exclusive venues in Manhattan, including 1Oak, Greenhouse, and many others.


I’d like to thank all of the panelists for joining us today and for speaking about entrepreneurship and entertainment.  To wrap up, I want to point out some key points.
1. Love what you do and be passionate about it. You should be happy and excited with what you’re doing.
2. Justin and Yoni mentioned that you should treat others how you want to be treated. Also, having realistic goals and meeting expectations will you successful.
3. Jamieson mentioned that it is extremely important to maintain good relationships from the past along with connections. If anything ever goes wrong you always have something to fall back on.
4. Regarding obstacles, the best thing is to keep calm and don’t panic before you get frustrated and things get even worse.
5. Finally, make the best out of any type of situation; whether bad or good we can capitalize on them.


Questions Panel 4 Entrepreneurship/ Entertainment

 1. How did you get started?

 2. What do you think it takes to be successful?

 3. Do you believe that a job in the entertainment industry is for a specific personality? 

 4. In entrepreneurship in general, what kind of adversity is faced in your eyes?

 5. Does social networking play a major role in the entertainment business, (ie. Facebook), if so how has it benefited you specifically?

 6. Is age a factor in your success?  Do you believe entering the industry early is to your advantage?

 7. Everybody goes through ups and downs, what strategies do you use to recover and how do you learn from your mistakes?  Please give an example.

 8. Being that your goal is to have your business venture succeed, how do you manage a balance between work and life?

 9. What kind of problems do you usually encounter in the entertainment field?  How do you overcome those obstacles?

 10. Being ethical in today’s world is more important than ever, what strategies do you use to ensure that your practices are ethical and your customers/ client base are happy?

 11. What kind of advise could you give someone interested in venturing into the entertainment business?

22 responses so far

Panel 3- Spring 2010

Team 3:

Kira Brodskaya

Bilal Dakak

Javier Gonzalez

Jinhee Kim

Won Lun Liu

Yuliya Radkevich

Connie Tam

Lam Yip


Communications in Business

Panel speakers:

Kyra Gaunt

Ethnomusicology and Cultural Anthropology Professor

The Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Baruch College

Hoon Lee, RA

Executive Manager


Sue Lee

Director of Database Marketing

Polo Ralph Lauren

James Miller

Senior Vice President, Managing Director

Dentsu Communications

Opening statement:

Communication is used on an everyday basis and plays an important role in the work place. It is defined as the interchange of thoughts, opinions or information by speech, writing or signs. It is through communication that ideas get expressed, shared, heard, and put into action throughout the world. It is what makes our businesses better and our networks stronger. We have seen how important it is to identify the most compatible individual communication method in our DISC exercise. We are all observers of the many problems that arise for the sole reason of miscommunication. For this reason, today, we have brought in professionals who will help us to gain that necessary edge by acquiring more knowledge about communication.  It is through them that we learn the importance of communication, as well as insure a better future in tomorrow’s business world.

Closing statement with key points:

We would like to thank all the speakers for coming today. Your comments were really helpful to all of us. There were many great comments. Here are a few key points our class should take away from this panel:

– The means of communication are changing; we no longer always need a face to face conversation since we can call, e-mail etc.

– Both verbal and written communications are important; you need to find the balance between the two

– Follow up with an e-mail after a face to face conversation

– Decide on visual vs. auditory communication depending on who you are talking to

– Details matter!!!

– Make sure your information is not just clear, but also timely

– Don’t just hear, LISTEN!

– Be interested in what you’re doing

– Everyone has a “predicting machine” that we use to make judgments about people before we even begin interacting with them; we should turn this “machine” off

Some interesting acronyms that were mentioned:


K- know what you want

F- find what you’re getting

C- change strategy to get it








If you’re not great at communicating, it’s okay. Practice makes perfect. As Sue mentioned, there are classes available for those who want to improve their skills. Communication is probably the most important factor in job performance, regardless of which field you are in; its significance is immeasurable.

29 responses so far

Panel 2- Spring 2010

Team 2 members:
Kishwar Ahmed
Cecilia Brignole
Stanley Cohen
Nikita Golubin
Heather Khoury
Darlysha Liriano
Diego Paez
Lev Skokin
Irina Yasina
Panel Speakers:
Dana Humphrey, Whitegate PR, owner
Sabrina Algoo, CPA, KMPG LLC, Audit associate
Our Opening Statement:
Good Morning. We are team 2 and today we want to discuss the topic that will affect each and every one of you very soon and that is students leaving college and entering the workforce in today’s world. To my left, is Dana Humphrey. She is  the lead Marketing and PR Consultant at Whitegate PR with experience publicizing small and large businesses, artists, musicians, authors and non-profits in the U.S. and abroad, with a specific focus in consumer, professional services and retail industries. Our other speaker is Sabrina Algoo, who  graduated from Baruch College in the Spring of 2008 and started full-time at KPMG in the Fall of 2008.  Before we begin with questions,  wouldyou please tell us a little more about yourselves?
Key Points of Presentation:
1. Sometimes wait a little bit longer for the job you actually rather than taking on any job because it is available.
2. It is important to build your network and being confidemt when negotioating.
3. There are many opportunities and resources out there to help you get started, so make sure you find them and take advantage of them.
4. It is essential to have an open line of communication with the people you work with or for.
5. There are basic skills you need that you have learned in school for your degree, but many companies require on-the-job training as well.
Closing Statement:
We would like to thank our panelists or coming in and sharing their knowledge, experience, and advice with us. Some of the key points from the discussion are: (listed above). We hope this helped you in some way in your future endeavors. Thank you and have a good day.

13 responses so far

Panel 1- Spring 2010

Team 1

Topic: Teamwork.

Panel speakers:

Lieutenant Colonel John McElroy, United States Air Force, Major Paul Salas, United States Air Force, Sergey Kuznetsov, AXA Advisors, LLC., Sue Irukulla, AVI Fresh Food Systems Corp, Tanvir Hossain, Undergraduate Student Government, Ryan Wiley, Undergraduate Student Government.

Opening Statement

– Team work is such a simple concept, but yet extremely important. Many people overlook the importance of this attribute, but in reality each and every one of you will encounter this skill as you move along in your careers.

·   What do you associate teamwork with? I have always associated it mostly with sports games. I’m sure most of you have a preconceived association with this concept but truthfully it should be associated with most activities that we all encounter daily.

·   Team work is incorporated into everything from simply maintaining a household where everyone pitches in, to work in the field such as our brave police officers and fire fighters, all the way to a multimillion dollar corporation in the business world. All levels of your life will encounter team work.

·   Today we will hear about team work in different work sectors from various people and see how such different people encounter this skill.

Key Points:

1. Pick up for each other.
2. Encourage your teammates.
3. Kill your ego.
4. Be flexible to deal with challenges when things happen unexpectedly.
5. Communicate with your teammates.
6. Make sure you fulfill your own responsibilities and help others fulfill theirs.

Closing Statement:

Whether it is a business, military, or sports team, without teamwork, everything fails. As the panelist stated, teamwork is one of the most important qualities in their professions. Good teamwork boosts efficiency, performance and effectiveness of the work they put in. Teamwork provides more resources for problem solving, improves creativity, brings stronger commitment to the task and brings better satisfaction of the work due to its success. Hence teamwork exists everywhere, and is very crucial factor of well functioning high performance in every organization.

24 responses so far

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