Will Millhiser


On this page are links to my publications and presentations.

  1. Jain, A., W.P. Millhiser. 2020. “The Effect of Flexible Service Rates in Appointment Scheduling Systems.” Under review.  Available at SSRN.
  2. Millhiser, W.P., E.A. Veral. 2019. “A decision support system for real-time scheduling of multiple patient classes in outpatient services.” Health Care Management Science, 22(1), 180-195.
  3. Millhiser, W.P., E.A. Veral. 2016. “A decision support system for real-time and dynamic scheduling of multiple patient classifications in ambulatory care services.” In Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference, T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds., IEEE Press, 2053-2064.
  4. W.P. Millhiser, C. Sinha, M.J. Sobel. 2016. “Optimality of the fastest available server policy.” Queueing Systems,  84(3), 237-263 (available “read only” here).
  5. A. Sinha, W.P. Millhiser, Y. He. 2016. “Matching Supply with Demand in Supply Chain Management Education.”  International Journal of Business Logistics, 27(3), 837-861.
  6. W.P. Millhiser. 2016. “A note on the full-neighborhood search of Kaandorp and Koole (2007).”  Health Care Management Science, 19(3), 300-303.
  7. W.P. Millhiser and E.A. Veral. 2015. “Designing appointment system templates with operational performance targets.” IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 5(3), 125-146.
  8. W.P. Millhiser, A.N. Burnetas. 2013. “Optimal admission control in series production systems with blocking.” IIE Transactions, 45(10),  1035 – 1047 (part of special issue on “Operations Engineering & Analytics“).
  9. W.P. Millhiser, E.A. Veral, B.C. Valenti. 2013. “Why do doctors fall behind schedule?” Industrial Engineer, January, 45(1), p. 50.
  10. W.P. Millhiser, E.A. Veral, B.C. Valenti. 2012. “Assessing Appointment Systems’ Operational Performance with Policy Targets.” IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 2(4), 274-289.
  11. W.P. Millhiser, B.C. Valenti. 2012. “Delay distributions in appointment systems with generally and non-identically distributed service times and no-shows.” Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2045074 (23-April-2012).
  12. W.P. Millhiser, E. Kirkizlar, D.A. Karides. 2012. “Optimizing patient contact: the tradeoff between serving a physician’s office practice and hospital referrals.” Baruch College. CUNY, New York, NY.
  13. W.P. Millhiser, J.G. Szmerekovsky. 2012. “Teaching Critical Chain Project Management: The academic debate and illustrative examples.” INFORMS Transactions on Education (ITE), 12(2), 67-77. (INFORMS 2008 presentation).
  14. W.P. Millhiser, C.A. Coen, D. Solow. 2011. “Understanding the role of worker interdependence in team selection.” Organization Science, 22(3), 772-787. A Venn diagram to display the relationships among policies is here.
  15. W.P. Millhiser. 2011. “The value of open-ended questions, part 2: implementation.”  Issues in Education column, OR/MS TodayJune, 38(3), 8-10.
  16. W.P. Millhiser. 2011. “The value of open-ended questions, part 1.” Issues in Education column, OR/MS Today, April, 38(2), 8-10.
  17. W.P. Millhiser. 2010. “Parametric analysis of admission control policies in tandem queues with blocking after service.” In progress.
  18. W.P. Millhiser. 2009. “Quantitative Literacy.” Issues in Education column, OR/MS Today, October, 36(5), 8-10 (also see full text of interviews).
  19. W.P. Millhiser. 2009. “Letter to the Editor” [On Web-Based Homework], Decision Line, 40(2), 8.
  20. Collison, Good, Hazarika, Johnson, Jung, Mayo, Millhiser, Remler. 2008. “Report of the Provost’s Task Force on Quantitative Pedagogy,” Baruch College, 5-Sep-2008. (download)
  21. J.K. Hazy, W.P. Millhiser, D. Solow. 2007.  “Mathematical and computational models of leadership: past and future.” Chapter 9 in J.K. Hazy, J. Goldstein & B.B. Lichtenstein (Eds.), Complex Systems Leadership Theory: New Perspectives from Complexity Science on Social and Organizational Effectiveness. Mansfield, MA: ISCE Publishing Co. 163-193. (pdf)
  22. W.P. Millhiser, D. Solow. 2007. “How large should a complex system be? An application in organizational teams.” Complexity, 12(4), 54-70.

Please email me to request an electronic copy.

(Revised 11-Feb-2019).