Final Proposal

At the start of the semester,  I had no idea of the broad spectrum of things that were New Media. Learning different mediums and forms that art could take, I was excited to see and try new things. Though some topics were harder for me to grasp, it was interesting to learn about these concentrations that I would not have pursued on my own. Studying new media also challenged me to question the how of everything I come across. Seeing designs, films, and other forms of art, I immediately want to know how and why it was made.

For my final project, I want to incorporate as much as I can to fully embody what an intro to New Media would look like. I hope to use Photoshop, photography, and animation to bring my ideas to life. Using these tools we learned in class, I want to create new from natural, and do a braod overview of what we learned in class. This projects seeks to show the things we learned, come to life, and develop a personality of their own.