The “Greatest” Composers by Anthony Tommasini

Anthony Tommasini, a classical music critic at The New York Times, wrote a piece entitled, “The Greatest.”   Tommasini provides his top 10 list of THE GREATEST classical composers of all time.  What a daunting task… He has chosen from hundreds of composers over hundreds of years.

Here’s his list:

  1. Bach
  2. Beethoven
  3. Mozart
  4. Schubert
  5. Debussy
  6. Stravinsky
  7. Brahms
  8. Verdi
  9. Wagner
  10. Bartok

How handy. Tommasini has done my job for me… He even provided the list in chronological order. Well, almost. He’s given me an article to start blogging.

Read his article and watch a video or two.

To help you get started on your comment, think about a couple of things…

  1. Why are these lists so appealing?
  2. What are the positive effects of these lists? the negative effects?
  3. What do you think of Tommasini’s reasoning for making the list?
  4. Who would make your list? Why?

About Jennifer Wilson

FPA Adjunct
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