Category Archives: 2012 Election Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney

2012 Election: Spacial Foreshadowing

In 2012 Presidential Election, Barack Obama won: 7/10 top states with largest population 8/10 top states with most internet users 7/10 top states with most Facebook users Based on this 2010 data.

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2012 Election: Data Mining Candidate Websites

Mitt Romney’s Job Creation Barack Obama’s Jobs and the Economy   Make sure to click on the images themselves. Their enlarged versions quite possibly show us why Obama won the election. Romney’s picture is almost completely filled up with words … Continue reading

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2012 Election: Harper Reed and New Technology

While researching the impact of new technology on the Obama campaign, I kept running into the same name – Harper Reed. Reed was the campaign’s chief technology officer. He was responsible for all successes and failures of the new tech … Continue reading

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2012 Election: Infographics

Source This infographic is meant to show the increasing number of people going online(social media) for anything relating to the election. Additionally, it shows that liberals are moreĀ  likely to use social media websites like Twitter and Facebook.   Source … Continue reading

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2012 Election: Sources – used – used – used – used  

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