Movie night

(Description from the YouTube Page)

Watch the movie that critics are raving about!

“5 stars out of 5” – Robert

“Inspiring” – Tenzin

“Wow” – Mom

Two students from Baruch college tries to create a social networking site exclusive for Baruch students and fail. They interview a user to find what they are missing.

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PSA: Signs of Progress

I am glad to announce that there is a sign (1 sign) of progress in the repair of the Baruch Escalators! We have one step in at the moament and more are coming on the way.

"That's one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind"

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Ready to film

Here’s the title of the movie. You will see this logo a few times in the movie.

The scripts are ready and we are going to film tomorrow. It’s estimated length is 5 minutes. I really can’t give away too much information right now but I can tell you a quote. “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” You might have heard this in Baruch many times and we are incorporating it into our movie.

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Lights, Camera, Action!

I am teaming up with Anil, Akram, and Robert to film a short movie about social networks. This is not going to be a documentary but, more story driven just like the movie “The Social Network” if you’ve already seen it.
We are aiming for it to be as dramatic as possible, and to make it entertaining. However, we do plan to make it accurate in its realism. We are researching on the elements of a social networking website and to see how each one attains success. Keep your eyes peeled for the trailer. It might be included in the next post.

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Spring Break

The first weekend was my rest and relaxation period. When monday hit, I was back in top gear. I met with the New Media group to work on our presentation and with the help of “new media” (Facebook), word got out that it was my birthday on April 11th. We went out that night and as we were approaching our destination, Robert did a quick status update, geo-tagging it when doing so.

The ending weekend was the fun part. I performed at Mt. Holyoke College up in Massachusetts which was quite fun. I didn’t get any pictures of the performance but here’s one in the dressing room.

Now how does this relate to topics from our class? Well, the way that I was discovered by the organizers of the event was through YouTube. They were then pointed towards the website, that eventually led to my Facebook page. If anyone in the crowd recorded the event, it should show up on YouTube sometime soon. I have a clip of myself but was too lazy to upload it.

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Escalator update. Enjoy

Before and After

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Attention Span

I’ll be honest, about reading into a fourth of the article, When I came across a sentence that said, “that readers spend more time with a printed article in a magazine than with pieces posted on Web sites”, I stopped reading for a moment and opened a few tabs of different websites. With so many things to do online, my attention span keeps shrinking. Whether its a full blog or a twitter,there are so many people you can follow online. The time spent on each page has to be decreased or else you won’t have enough time to spend doing other important things. I spend quite alot of time on the two gadget blogs Engadget and Gizmodo. However, I dont pay attention to every bit of information in those websites. Back in the day, I used to have a subscription to Popular Science magazine and I was very thorough with it. The Paywall idea sounds interesting where the reader pays for the subscription and the writer gets paid for his work directly. It will help prioritizing what to read and save time. However, the idea of the advertising still somewhat reflects the writers ability. This is because it attracts more readers and that means more money from advertisements.

Does anyone write professionally here? Let me know of your experiences.

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Advancement in technology is giving people all over the world access to an interface which allows us to interact and socialize in new ways. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter have millions of users and most are online almost everyday. Since the online community is vast, one can spend more time online since it enables one to feel more accomplished.

I agree with Rosen with the fact that control is shifting towards the audience; even to an extent where many are actually taking advantage of the system and making an earning from it. for example, Youtube stars make money from the views that they get because of the visibility for the ads that are embedded within them. Granted, Youtube gets most of the ad profit, but the idea is that any normal person who wanted to make a video can make money.

Another example is with various blog sites such as WordPress, Tumblr, and Blogger. People can create their own news sources that usually target specific niches. Some that talk about specific types of sports, and some about a certain kind of hairstyle, the possibilities are endless. My point is that there are viewers for these and almost all are contributors at the same time. Anyone who chooses can also have control of their own production. However, depending of the goal of the creator, it can be targeted towards either a small or large audience.


Side note: Many mass media companies are incorporating these new tools to their benefit. An example is using Twitter hash tags to connect with news and actually showing a live feed of the tweets on TV so that the experience is more participatory.

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gif animation maker

Here is my actual assignment post. I took a few shots of the escalators and compiled them together to create an animated gif. Since the escalators was a hot topic of the school, I thought I should show you how it looks like. This is during a relaxed time. Maybe I’ll make one of the high traffic, if you request it.

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The following video is a documentary that I made with a friend about the Kalmyk Mongolians. My friend was the director and it was her idea to have a video for younger Kalmyks to learn a small bit of their history. This project was our efforts for cultural preservation. We used vimeo because it supported longer video length. Her research took about a month with collecting information and pictures. Recording took 2 days and editing took about a week.

Kalmyk Mongolian Documentary

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