Reading Assignment 4

I picked a few sounds to listen, such as Tellus #1, #2 and 3….2….1…..ZERO, they all have a common similarity where they only have instruments are playing rather than people singing or having background noises of people clapping or shouting with the music. They all sound really classic and very old music back in the 80s, where rapping wasn’t as big as right now and certain music was ban because of the culture or censored. However, according to the reading where it mentioned the categories of futurist used to noise and implied them into music, which makes it more exciting and fun to listen to. One example of including clapping, roars or whistles will make the music more lively when artists sing them.

The Medium is the message

Technologies have been a big impact on our lives because of how much it provides to us in terms of immediate news about what is going on in the world. Back in the day, we would have to wait a couple of days before finding out something happened. But because of the advancement of technologies, our phone and tablet become one essential tool that we have to have with us daily. One of the disadvantages of providing this information is that they will take out some important information out because they want to hide them. Sometime the critical part of the new may be taken out because it might be got involved with an influencer or someone that is important that their images can not be ruin. But back in the day, information was shared out no matter what. In my opinion, nowadays people tend to believe what they see, and jump to the conclusion right away without standing from the point of view of the victims or the actual idea that is why a lot of the time reading something online may not be crucial.