Othello Syndrome

Othello’s syndrome it is a delusional disorder in which the person is suffering jealousy to the state that he/she is strongly  convinced that his/her partner is cheating on him/her. It is a delusional delirium where the person waste his time irrationally to try to find “evidence” to confirm his suspicions. David Enouch in the Uncommon Psychiatric Syndromes talks abOthello-Syndrome-Drayton-Theatre(210x295)out deeply about this syndrome. (David Enouch, Uncommon Psychiatric Syndromes)

The origin of this term comes from the play written by Shakespeare, Othello. Where the jealousy of Othello it is well shown at the end of the play. This jealousy it is put by Iago in Othellos mind. Iago, a great manipulator, achieves what he wants, drive Othello to his maximum madness to the point of killing her “D: let me live tonight” (5.2.100) “O: It is too late. He smothers her.” (5.2.105-106) He does not give her any chance to let her live. His jealousy drove him crazy to the point of get rid of the problem instead of trying to fix it.

This Syndrome comes from that story. And it is more common in men in his forty’s, as the case of Othello. The patient with this syndrome is looking continuously for proves to find out the infidelity to the extreme to count the other person underwear to know how many times he change in one day, as well as the changes in the position of furniture or clothes that do not suppose to be moved during the day and for this patients it is a reason of infidelity.


Are Othello and Odysseus Real Leaders?

Odysseus and Othello could look like leaders in the first stage of the books but by the end of story both of them do not show enough strength and skills to be considered good leaders.




Odysseus seems to be a very good leader, for the population, wife and even for his son Telemachus. He can be described as a leader with courage fighting for his motherland. As the story goes through Odysseus failed being a leader in many cases. One of the most popular ones are in the Odyssey 10, when Odysseus receives the West wind bag from Aeolus, and he does not tell his cheeky crew what is inside. The decision that he made when later on he goes to sleep when you could almost see the horizon of Ithaca leaving the bag away from his hands it is not the most smarter idea and therefore not the best idea for a leader. What leader would go to sleep before finishing his task and knowing that the bag could blow them against Ithaca.



In the same way Othello is a noble figure with great authority. He is admire by the duke and senate of Venice as well as by Cassiojoffrey-othello, Montano and Lodovico. The only one that depict Othello since the beginning is Iago. Othello, as Odysseus seems to be a good leader and someone loyal that will fight for the motherland and killed the unfaithful Venetians along the way. But a good leader to follow is that one that do not let himself get corrupt by other manipulators’ characters as the case of Iago when he let himself be manipulated by Iago. He was trying to get him corrupted by the thought that Desdemona was cheating on him with Cassio, “ Who dotes, yet doubts; suspects,yet strongly love!” (3.3.200) and he knew that Othello will get out of his mind and murder whoever was in his way, therefore he will not be seen as a good leader anymore. Othello felt in his tramp and in an outbreak of anger he killed her love, Desdemona.


As Odysseus, Othello did not act in the most smarter way and therefore it is not a good example to follow and be considered a leader. Both of them are courageous but not smart and strong enough in extreme situations.