I am Marcus Dargan, an Adjunct Lecturer at Baruch College in New York City, teaching within the Department of Communications Studies. I have taught public speaking, communication, and theater courses at various CUNY campuses including BMCC, Lehman, CUNY in the Heights, and City Tech.
I hold an Associate’s degree in Theatre from BMCC, and completed my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Theatre and Educational Theatre at City College. My graduate studies focused on applied theatre, which uses techniques like improvisation and role-playing for teaching various subjects.
Through this blog, I share my process of revamping, reworking, and reimagining my courses to align with my teaching philosophy and offer insights to my colleagues for promoting student-centered learning. This includes sharing resources such as lesson plans, course materials, activities, syllabi, and assignment sheets. As this blog grows, I hope to share more about my experiences and perspectives as an educator, former CUNY student, and NYC public school student from K-12.