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Winners and losers at the Grammys

Once again the Grammys proved to be more than a music awards show. It was a cultural referendum, a PR barometer of where the public and the industry is. Who the big players are, and where music is headed next. Every year there are winners and losers. And there’s a theme, intended or not.

This year’s theme ended up being nostalgia. I don’t know that it started out that way, but music has been losing royalty all year long, and the Academy had to do more than offer a nod of acknowledgment.

Grammy producers responded to the public mood by bringing together some excellent tribute performances to honor music superstars like Glenn Frey of the Eagles and David Bowie, both died unexpectedly earlier this year.
The Eagles tribute was a no brainer. The surviving members came out and sang some of Frey’s biggest hits. The crowd loved it. This was nostalgia distilled. One of the best bands of all time singing a tribute to a guy who made significant contributions to America’s modern songbook.

When it came time to honor Ziggy Stardust, there was really only one performer who could pull it off convincingly. Lady Gaga, fresh off an incredible performance of the National Anthem at Super Bowl 50, wowed audiences as she not only performed Bowie’s music but embodied his many musical personas. According to New York Real Estate Developer Roman Temkin, “This performance proved, beyond all doubt, who the leading candidate is to fill the void left by Bowie, who was an artist in every sense of the word.”

Then it came time to honor blues legend BB King. Who would it be? In an interesting move, Grammy producers tapped country crooner Chris Stapleton. While many have already tapped Stapleton as the future of country music, who knew he had the soul of the blues hiding under that battered cowboy hat?

YouTube chanteuse Meghan Trainor took home an award for best new artist, crying on stage and affecting a perfect underdog makes good narrative.

The moment of the night, though, may have been when Taylor Swift took the stage to accept the award for album of the year. She beat some truly solid performers, cementing herself as the real deal in pop music. Then she took the stage and poked the entire cannibalistic industry in the eye. Telling up and coming artists to keep working and not let anyone take credit for your accomplishments, Swift looked nothing like the uncertain waif who was famously interrupted by Kanye West a few years back.

Speaking of losers, West, didn’t do much at the Grammys, so he tried a spectacularly misguided attempt to gain attention subsequent to the show. So far, that’s done nothing to endear him to the consumer music buying public, most of whom seem to wish West would just shut up … or get back to making music.

Calendar Marketing: Creating a 365 Day Marketing Calendar Based around Holidays and Events

Marketing is a process that thrives every day of the year. However, you cannot dive into each day the same way that you did the year before. Instead, craft a calendar that considers the importance of holidays and events in the grand scheme of your marketing and advertising plans.

Space Events Properly

Chances are, you want to host events where customers can receive a discount on certain items or where you promote new products that your company has to offer. Still though, hosting them randomly does not leave as much of an effect on customers, nor does it offer you the best chance for profits. Without a schedule, you may end up planning them practically right on top of each other, which drains funds from your budget. Also, you want to use these events as branding opportunities. Dubbing an event the “Semi-Annual Sale” or the “Yearly Summer Sale” will help to leave an impression in the minds of your consumers.

Target Holiday Shopping Seasons

As the owner of a company that sells products directly to customers, you probably have already determined the importance of Black Friday and the rest of the Christmas season. Keep in mind, however, that you do not have to confine these extra sales to that shopping season only. Consider the nature of your products. If you sell goods that people can use outdoors, market sales and promotions right before Memorial Day. On the other hand, you might produce cooking and baking gear. Start to get your big events into order toward the end of the summer and beginning of the fall when people are turning on their ovens again after a season of outdoor activities.

Turn an Eye Toward the School Calendar

Chances are, you see an influx of customers coming to your shop during the weekends. Parents are off from working, and they aren’t racing around to bring their kids from activity to activity. While you don’t want to have a big sale every weekend, you are interested in getting more people into the shop during the week. Find out when the local schools are off, and you may have the chance to bring more families into your place of business. Not only are you attracting families to the store, but you are also calling in teachers and others who are off from work that day.

The holidays and the seasons should be used to your advantage to create a dynamic marketing plan.

What’s wrong with Jawbone?

Once the darling of Silicon Valley, one of a new breed of “Unicorns” (privately held companies worth more than one billion), Jawbone is hurting. In fact, the tech firm recently told CNN it has laid off up to 15% of its staff…that’s 60 people for those scoring at home. Worse, the company has elected to close its NYC offices, officially evacuating the east coast. Continue reading →

How to NOT Ruin Your Career at Your Company Outing

Office parties, picnics and team-building events are a great way to interact with co-workers in a more casual and festive atmosphere. Regardless of the venue or activity, casual should not be confused with careless when it comes to hanging out with the boss. The following list outlines ways to keep a career intact.

Do Not Become Intoxicated
Drinking too much at an office party is a common employee misstep. Aside from the obnoxious, non-stop talking alcohol tends to bring on, there are lowered inhibitions that may require a humble apology later. No one attends a work event to inhale beer fumes and be inappropriately touched. Leave the booze alone or switch to soda after a couple of drinks.

Do Not Flirt
Even a casual office outing is still work related and is not the same as being in a bar on Saturday night. Flirting with co-workers is annoying and awkward and almost universally not welcome. This behavior is especially dangerous when the boss is on the receiving end of it. Do not flirt.

Do Not Bring Uninvited Guests
Many office events are planned months in advance and only will support a given number of people. Showing up with siblings, cousins and friends who just happen to be in town to eat, drink and tell off-color jokes on the company dime will not bode well for a career. In addition, the extra bodies may cause invited attendees to not get the refreshments, gifts or swag they are entitled to receive. Unless otherwise specified, it is best to leave the freeloaders at home.

Do Not Forget It is a Company Function
Company activities are intended as a way to get to know co-workers better without the demands and pressures of being in the office. It is also an opportunity to get introduced to people from other departments and to have informal discussions with bosses. These casual conversations should not include griping about the job, engaging in gossip and innuendo or asking for a raise. In fact, doing any of these things will likely have the effect of stalling or even ending a career.

Do Not Be the Last Person Standing
Staying too long at a company outing is like moving back home at age 40. It gets on everyone’s nerves very fast. The longer a person stays, the more likely it is that there will be drunkenness and other damaging behaviors. A good rule of thumb is to show up, stay for a couple of hours, talk pleasantly with everyone and then leave.

Do Network
While there are many do nots for a company event, a big do is networking. Since there are people mingling from different departments or even different divisions, an event is often the only chance to talk and brainstorm together. According to NY Real Estate Developer Roman Temkin, “Whether it is about various projects or the work culture in general, networking can open doors and bring opportunities for career advancement.” Those interested in transferring can get a clear picture of what goes on elsewhere in the company, which can help them decide if moving on is a step ahead or a step off a cliff.

Do Ask Questions
New employees should always attend office events. There is no better way to learn about company culture, expectations and what to avoid to get ahead. Parties are a low-pressure way to have a chat with the boss and ask pointed questions about a career path as well as being introduced to department heads and other important people.

Show Up
This point may seem obvious, but it is surprising how many excuses employees will use to duck out of a company event. Some feel the outing is not worth the time, or there are certain personalities to be avoided or the thought of hanging out with the boss gives them hives. Aside from someone dying, there is no reason to skip an office party or outing. “Being a no-show sends the message of not caring about the company or career advancement. Do not be a no-show. Suck it up and attend.”, says Mobile Entrepreneur Jonah Engler.

Following the tips above will help avoid career suicide. Heed the wisdom.

Amazon Debuts the Six Pack Tablet

If you needed any more notice that the digital tablet has become the latest Former Luxury Item to Become a Necessity, look no further. Amazon recently released a $50, seven-inch Fire tablet. Yes, $50. Sure, it’s bottom of the line, but, hey, you can even buy the thing in six packs like your favorite microbrew.

Yes, seriously. A tablet for every room in your house. Can’t remember where you put it? No worries. Leave one in the car? Not a big deal. Leave one on the roof of your car and spread it out all over the freeway? Irritating, but not a huge loss. Continue reading →

When Does Success Come in Entrepreneurship?

One of the main things that new entrepreneurs ask of their more experienced peers is how long it will take before they start seeing success. This kind of question depends on far too many factors to get a definitive answer. Before even trying to quantitate a timeframe, the individual’s definition of success must be explored. Continue reading →

How Amazon and the USPS changed shipping forever

Nothing can stop the United States Postal Service from delivering your stuff, and nothing can stop Amazon from trying to take over the retail world. Turns out, the ultimate “government program” and the “top retailer” are a match made in commercial heaven. Continue reading →

Why Smartphone Companies LOVE India

In a world where China made all the things we know, there is a new player becoming the next big manufacturer of world products. India is the new frontier for many of the cheaply made goods the world will be using now and in the future. Within the next decade or so, you may be reading “Made in India” more than you will the Chinese counterpart.
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Jonah Engler on Technology in the Classroom

In today’s classrooms, the 21st-century has arrived. Laptop computers, tablets, and whiteboards are used by students and teachers on a daily basis. Traditional blackboards and chalk are becoming a thing of the past, as is using a pen and paper to complete assignments and tests. While today’s technology has opened up many new avenues for education, it nevertheless offers a number of advantages and disadvantages in many aspects of teaching and learning.
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Innovations in Healthcare Technology

There are many innovations in healthcare being developed and considered that create major opportunities for those in healthcare marketing. In the future, for example, we may see nanotechnology and reasonably priced holographics for diagnosis and treatment. Here are a few innovations that are expected to make a vast difference.
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