Corporate Culture Quotes

Within all corporations, having a strong identity and culture, has deep impact on your day-to-day business. We have curated a list of quotes to help define your companies corporate culture. These quotes have been pulled from people such as Luanna Kelchner. We hope these quotes servce as inspiration for you, when trying to implement a strong culture within your corporation.

•“A healthy corporate culture values each employee in the organization regardless of his job duties, which results in employees working as a team to meet the company’s and their own personal needs.” Luanne Kelchner

•“Your organizational culture is part of the package that prospective employees look at when assessing your organization.” Kevin Eikenberry

•“To make employees work better, make sure they like the place they go to work.” Marlen Kruzhkov

•“Company culture is important because it can make or break your company. Companies with an adaptive culture that is aligned to their business goals routinely outperform their competitors.” F. John Reh

•“Corporate culture is what directs how people work and think, what creates tangible and intangible restrictions, establishes risk tolerances and sets attitudes and behaviors. There’s probably no more powerful intangible force in any business than corporate culture.” Jeffrey Phillips

•“A great company culture also attracts a great partner which, in turn, creates great success! People will want to do business with you because of what you believe in and stand for, rather than solely on your products alone.” Tony Gareri

•“Corporate culture is the personality of a company and it can’t be faked. Through social networks, review sites and word-of-mouth, a company’s culture is revealed. If employees are happy and fit in the culture, then the company gets a strong name and more people want to work there.” Dan Schawbel

•“Focusing on building and sustaining an organizational culture is one way of showing that people are the organization’s most valuable asset.” Kevin Eikenberry

•“Companies with a healthy corporate culture gain a positive reputation among potential workers, which may attract talented and skilled workers to the organization.” Luanne Kelchner

•“ It should come as no surprise that people find their company’s culture as important to their satisfaction as the actual job duties they perform.” Taunee Besson

•“Searching out the value structure of a company culture is more important than ever as it relates to recruiting and retaining talent.” Meghan M. Biro

•“Corporate culture is what defines what a company is, why it does what it does, and in many ways sustains a presence and a facade to the outside world.” Jeffrey Phillips

•“The term is overused, but I believe corporate culture is important. In particular, understanding how your culture works can help you decide who is a good fit for your company.” Josh Patrick

•“A company’s culture is the only truly unique identifier. Things like your products, your strategies and even your techniques can be duplicated. The only truly unique identifiers are the values and norms of the organization. In short, its personality!” Tony Gareri

•“If you have a strong culture, people will not only want to work for you, but they won’t want to work for anyone else so it’s well worth the investment of money and time.” Dan Schawbel

•“Only a company culture that is aligned with your goals, one that helps you anticipate and adapt to change, will help you achieve superior performance over the long run.” F. John Reh

•“In companies where culture is well-defined, it is reflected in every hiring decision.” Josh Patrick

•“A strong culture is a talent-attractor.” Kevin Eikenberry

•“Corporate culture is the most powerful and most intangible barrier to innovation.” Jeffrey Phillips

•“Healthy corporate cultures encourage workers to deliver quality products and services. Companies with cultures valuing the highest standards create an atmosphere for workers to deliver products that meet those high standards.” Luanne Kelchner


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