Why Driving and Social Media Don’t Mix

Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. With several carmakers now including social media built right into their vehicles, this could become a problem. Just as many states and communities have outlawed cell phone usage while driving for good reasons. Social media is just one more item you should leave until you are not behind the wheel.

Yes, the apps built into the cars are voice activated, but so is a cell phone. It isn’t just about holding onto something other than the wheel or stick shift, it is about keeping your attention focused on the road and what is happening there. When you are driving, you are operating a hazardous tool that has deadly potential. Do you really need a reminder not to take your eyes off what is important, even for those brief seconds to see what outfit Brittany is showing in her most recent selfie?
Don’t talk on the cell phone, don’t text, and don’t post on or check your social media sites when you are driving.

Out of courtesy, even when you are a passenger, you should skip it too. It is just too tempting to distract the driver with a sneak preview of what is happening. And, as just a reminder, you are sitting there with a friend, so enjoy that interaction for what it is. You don’t need even more social stimulation in those moments.

There would be nothing wrong with turning off your cell phones and social media for the time you are in the car so you can enjoy the passing scenery. You can also enjoy the company of a friend or loved one. And taking a few moments to breathe deep, relax a bit, and think about all the good things you have and enjoy in your life won’t go amiss either.

If you are alone in a car and need some mental stimulation, put in an audio book or some music you love and sing along while you stay alert. You can even take the time to make plans for your next great post about a charity event you have attended or something you heard about that will benefit many people you know. Just make sure you don’t create or submit the post until you are no longer driving.

Drive safely and leave social media for when you are not behind the wheel.