— Anuradha Rampersaud In my opinion, a great work has several meanings. For a story to be a great work it should connect readers to the characters and at the same time inspire them. Additionally, it should keep the reader’s attention hooked, and the themes and messages that the story is conveying is of some […]
I believe everyone must have their own interpretation…
—Kelvin Hui I believe everyone must have their own interpretation of what is a great work, and what qualities it must have to be considered as great. But one main quality I think most of us will agree is our enjoyment of the work. My definition of Great Work is something that is interesting, point […]
I had an idea that I would be reading…
—Ana Bushi I had an idea that I would be reading a Homeric work as soon as I knew that I was going to enroll for an English course on “great works of literature”, so The Odyssey did not come as a surprise to me. I believe that it is fair to consider this literary […]