—Anonymous Is the Epic of Gilgamesh a Great Work? To be brutally honest I am not quite sure whether or not I would consider the Epic of Gilgamesh to be a great work. Sure, the piece itself contains many different messages that can be interpreted and derived from the epic but I don’t believe that […]
What is great work?…
—Anonymous What is great work? We define literature as great work, by looking at three approaches. Existence and immortality, meaningful themes of the story, and well-written work. “The Epic of Gilgamesh” has lasted for thousands of years since the Mesopotamian times. A story that was written in 2000 BC, translated and taught still in 2020, […]
A Deeper Look into Pygmalion
—Anonymous “Pygmalion” should be considered a great work. A great work is any form of expression (whether it be writing, art, music etc.) that has many different interpretations as well as different lessons that can be learned from the piece. This is so people can connect to the great work in many different ways and […]
Tao Te Ching was interesting to read …
— Anonymous Tao Te Ching was interesting to read, and I consider it a great work. The text contains the characteristics necessary to be considered a great work. My definition of a great work would be “a story that can be assimilated to any culture and time period. A story that can be slightly tweaked […]
For me, a “great work” is …
—Kelly Leung For me, a “great work” is essentially a work of timeless meaning, which encompasses several important life lessons that can be applied to anybody regardless of what time period they live in. It is also a plus that the story portrays it in a way that can be easy to understand yet deep […]