— Anonymous
During the beginning of the semester a great work of literature that was bestowed in me was Crash of Civilizations. This novel told a story of nationalism in the country of Italy in which many believe that there were major differences between north and south. As nationalism goes people took great pride in being part of their respective faction and this led to many different interpretations. Racism was one part in which people separated themselves from others or blaming people for being part of either the north or the south for being a certain way. This was not just towards people that were from the country it did happen to outsiders that build their way into their country. People like one of the two of the characters of this novel Parviz which was an interesting case. He has spent years and years in Italy to not learn any bit of Italian to continue progressing in life. Every time he is trying to have a new job, he gets drunk and gets fired in a never-ending loop of harm to himself and his self-esteem. While on the other side there is Amedeo which is the center of the novel with its own half of storytelling. His perspective is to be better in a land of opportunities as well as to start a new life from what has been keeping him up at night which was his past. While the trust was never there living in a building in Pizzao Victoria. Both were presented with challenges and remarks from being foreigners. Whether it was racism or separation and not feeling welcomed at the full extend into everyone else lives, there was a great conflict that came to both Amedeo and Parviz. Sharing light to this topic through literally elements such a satire and exaggeration, making this a fantastic read to shed light on real conflicts around the world from a different perspective one story at a time.