— Patricia Alvarado
Honestly reading ‘The Death of Ivan Ilyich’ made me thing more about my own mortality and what people will remember about me. Ivan led a regular life he was a a run of the mill guy. Having this pause in my life happen if i’ve thought more about what I want to do when life goes back to normal and how I need to really take some time to be grateful and appreciate eventing I have. Over this quarantine, I’ve also realized how much I need to take advantage of everyday because now I’m just going to college online. Family has always been important to me but with this pandemic happening , it has become something I rely on. Even Family that I rarely talk to have reached out which really surprised me but I think people are realizing more and more how important people they haven’t reached out to in years are important to them. Small aspects of your life that seem trivial and not at the forefront of anyone mind are so important now. In my case journaling, I always thought it would take up my time and just waste my time but my mom found her journals from high school and I thought well I have the time I should start writing because I do enjoy it, especially writing about my dreams since I remember most of them so it’s always nice to look back at it. Ivan was more preoccupied with his job and money and was surprised when his family didn’t pay attention to him , yet honestly I sympathized with his family because I have been in the situation. Ivan felt isolated but he created that isolation on his own he created that rift between him and his family. Hopefully during this quarantine people take time to appreciate the people around them and figure out what’s really important to them versus just being workaholics or always stressed and taking time to enjoy life because you only have one.