— Anonymous In my catholic high school, my English teacher praised Walt Whitman yet never once mentioned anything regarding his sexuality. I was surprised to find out how openly gay he was, and how I had never known. Finding out Whitman’s sexuality only enhanced his poetry to me and added a more personal level. Looking […]
As weird as relating to a large roach may sound, we ourselves can relate and we don’t even know.
—Shawn Bendeck Upon the conclusion of my first semester at Baruch we have came across some exciting texts as well as many great works. Although this course wasn’t completely what I imagined in distant learning and literally being trapped in my house, I have made the most of it and gotten as much as I […]
The Doum Tree of Wad Hamid was honestly my favorite text in this whole course…
— Patricia Alvarado The Doum Tree of Wad Hamid was honestly my favorite text in this whole course. I have always had interest in Middle Eastern studies , even though not being Middle Eastern myself. The reason is because of all the rich history and culture the Middle East and North Africa have. But reading […]
History often represents the greatest indicator of things to come…
— Anonymous History often represents the greatest indicator of things to come. If we do not learn from the past mistakes people make, then we are destined to make it once again. Every so often humanity is faced with challenges that we see once every couple of generations. In our case in our current time […]
A Piece of Great Work that You Deserve
—Anonymous Before attending this class, I would never imagine myself recommending a love story to others. Well, it’s not fair to say The Lady With The Dog is just a love story. It does involve two lovers who started as strangers and fell in love with each other. You definitely can see the spark of […]