— Patricia Alvarado The Doum Tree of Wad Hamid was honestly my favorite text in this whole course. I have always had interest in Middle Eastern studies , even though not being Middle Eastern myself. The reason is because of all the rich history and culture the Middle East and North Africa have. But reading […]
Who’s Playing Chess
—Anonymous The most absurd text I have read so far this semester is the “Endgame”. It’s really difficult to understand because it’s my first time to read a drama script in English and it’s super illogical. The characters keep repeating same or similar words and behaviors. When the first time I read this text, I […]
Throughout the course of the semester …
— Elizabeth Nguyen Throughout the course of the semester while reading the play, Endgame by Samuel Beckett, was first to understand at first because I didn’t really understand what was going on in the play. After reading it a second time and responding to the questions asked by my other classmates, I started to realize […]