— Afshara Choudhury Dear Best Friend, As you know I just transferred to Baruch and I am taking a course named English literature 2800. In the beginning when I registered for this class, I didn’t think I would like the reading material and the process of reading these gigantic plays or stories but after 4th […]
Reading Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich is complementary to the current state of the world…
— Jeremy Ramirez Reading Tolstoy’s “The Death of Ivan Ilyich” is complementary to the current state of the world. A vast majority of people’s lives were interrupted due to the pandemic. We’ve been for many years in a deep nap of our reality and once in a while we are awakened in a state of […]
The Doum Tree of Wad Hamid was honestly my favorite text in this whole course…
— Patricia Alvarado The Doum Tree of Wad Hamid was honestly my favorite text in this whole course. I have always had interest in Middle Eastern studies , even though not being Middle Eastern myself. The reason is because of all the rich history and culture the Middle East and North Africa have. But reading […]
For one to be considered great…
—Anonymous For one to be considered great, it has to be considerably above the normal or average. Any literature can be good, but it’s different for a literature to be considered a “Great Work.” In order for a story to be considered a “Great Work”, it must have lessons that pertain to one’s life no […]