
Intro Prompt #2

French revolution was one of the biggest changes is European countries, and rest of the world. During the ruler of Napoleon, the brave warrior and king of France ruled most of the Europe countries and made many changes during his time: this also effected many citizens of France and slaves. Percy Bysshe Shelly and Edmund Burke explained the great changes in man’s freedom and tradition. Shelly speaks more about romanticism and believes in the possibility of realizing an ideal of human happiness as based on beauty, whereas Burke explains the point of how this French and Industrial revolution changed the society.


Orature Comparison: English, German and Irish Folktales. Vs. U.S. Slave tales (Anupkumar Senthilkumar)

My group presented about English, German, and Irish folktales, which told us about the how the narrator’s, stated the culture, tradition and types of fairy tales stories of each country. The German, and English folktales we kind of similar traditions and culture. The tales were about women’s who couldn’t spin a flax, were offered to marry the king. Spinning a flax was a tradition especially to women should know to spin flax. These stories was about these woman’s overcome the fear and how they were being helped for the marriage. The Irish Folktales was about brewery egg shells to save her son, Brewery is really famous in Irish, where I have seen and been to many Irish pubs.

I believe that The U.S. Slave stories and Poem were also about tradition and torture of slavery In the USA. During the French revolution 8 million slaves were being transported to America alone. In that time have slaves is like a culturally passed on tradition and slaves were accounted as an asset, so the more slaves the farm owners has the rich they are. The similarities between these narrators from the folktales and the slave history is that they both express tradition and there theme is fear. Language is a big difference between these two stories. The song “All God’s children had wings” the Narrator states that the slaves has spoken different language among themselves to keep them safe. Slave’s language which is called slang in the present day, also used by most African Americans. Slaves spoke different languages because they could help each other during the period of slavery from not getting wiped by the master. In the German, English and Irish folk tales the language was direct but the pronunciation by the poor people were different because the lack of education, but the king from German and English folktales were educated and spoke proper English.

Freedom was a big difference between the U.S slavery and the English and German folktales. German and English folktales, stated that the women’s were from really poor family and were given and opportunity to marry the king and get a great life, where they don’t have to work, have good food and even get to where expensive clothing. Whereas in the Song “All God’s children had wings” stated about if the slaves were in their own continent (Africa) what types freedom would they have and the opportunity to live a better life than working and getting tortures as a slave. Therefore there were different comparison between the German, English, and Irish Folk tales and the US slave story, but the Narrators tried to point out their traditional and the culture that has been passing on to generations.