Week 2: China dominates

Wang shows off her first gold medal

The weightlifting competition started off small but strong for China’s Mingjuan Wang who brings home the gold in the 48kg match leaving Japan’s Hiromi Miyaki with the silver and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (PRK) Chun Hwa Ryang trailing behind with the bronze medal.

At 4’11” and weighing only 106lbs, Wang won her first weightlifting gold medal by lifting 91 kg in the snatch and 114 in the clean and jerk for a total of 205, just 8 more kgs than Miyaki who totaled in at 197 kg with 87 kg in the snatch and 110 in the clean and jerk. Ryang only trailed by 5 kgs with 80kg in the snatch and 112 in the clean and jerk.

Chia’s Li Xueying 58 kg weightlifter also brought home the gold for the women’s team. The men’s team is also leading with the most gold medals in weightlifting.

Expect yelps and facial expressions to get crazier as the classes get higher and the weight gets heavier in the upcoming weeks. The US team did not compete in this class.

Two of the team members are competing in the 75+kg competition.

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