

May 3, 2013 Written by | 1 Comment


Irworobongdo is a Korean folding screen with a highly stylized landscape painting of a sun and moon, five peaks which
always was set behind Eojwa, the king’s royal throne during the Joseon Dynasty. It literally means “Painting of the Sun, Moon and
the Five Peaks”
and is also called “Irwoldo” or “Irwolgonryundo”. The sun and moon symbolize the king and queen while
the five peaks denotes a mythical place. The screen serves to display the majesty of the Joseon royal court. <Wikipedia>


Categories: 11 gallery

1 response so far ↓

  •   Yi Jun Zhang // May 22nd 2013 at 3:21 pm

    This is very interesting. I like how the folding screen features a symmetric landscape. If you fold the screen in half, the two suns will overlap on each other.