The Mental Side: It’s Not Just About Soccer

“It’s not just about soccer…”

This may be one of the most impactful quotes that I have heard in my coaching career. We all start off wanting to teach tactics, formations, and all of these other aspects of the game, but how do we get our players to buy into what we are selling them? Well first it takes making them into great people, not just great soccer players.

Joe Misso, our technical director, has taught me so many more aspects of success and hard work, that not only apply to becoming the best coach I can be, but also to becoming the best human being that I can be. If we instill that attitude into our players, then we will truly see success.

For those of you who don’t know Joe Misso, here is a short film made about him and his career coaching soccer and developing human beings:


Hello world!

The Corner Kick: A Guide to Coaching in the U.S.

My name is Cristian Velasquez, a USSF D licensed coach, currently working towards my C license. I’ve been coaching for 3 years now, but have been involved in the beautiful game for my whole life.

My goal from this blog is to share my as well as my colleague’s experiences in the game, but most importantly it is to build a strong community of coaches in the U.S. soccer landscape. I want to hear about your experiences as a coach in the U.S and even around the world! If we can build a strong community of coaches, then together we can tackle the challenges we face as coaches and most importantly, learn from one another.

“A true teacher would never tell you what to do. But he would give you the knowledge with which you could decide what would be best for you to do.”

– Christopher Pike