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Monthly Archives: September 2010
Genesis and Gilgamesh Comparison
The Epic of Gilgamesh and Genesis have many similarities as well as differences. When comparing the details within the stories, they are very different. The flood is a major connection between The Epic of Gilgamesh and Genesis. A similarity is the amount of people God or the gods chose to save. In both stories, it is the one good man which is Noah from Genesis and Utnapishtism from The Epic of Gilgamesh. They were both told to build an arc or boat. In Genesis, God wasn’t pleased with the people he created. “And the Lord saw that the evil of the human creature was great on the Earth and that every scheme of his heart’s devising was only perpetually evil” (G 6:34). There’s too much evil for God. So he tells Noah to build an arc. God use the flood to punish the people for being evil by going against his word. God ask Noah to collect different pairs of animals that exist. God told Noah to bring his family: his wife, sons, and his sons’ wives. In The Epic of Gilgamesh the people on Earth became too noisy for the gods. The gods didn’t like how the situation is unfolding so they send a flood to destroy the humans. The gods chose Utnapishtm to create a ship and collect pairs of animals to bring on the ship to preserve.
In both stories, while the arc or boat is floating, Noah and Utnapishtim sent out birds. Noah sent two and Utnapishtim sent three birds. “The dove went off, but came back to me…I sent forth a swallow and released it. The swallow went off, but came back to me….I sent forth a raven and released it. The raven went off…but does not circle back to me.” (Gilgamesh 94) When the last bird didn’t come back that meant that the flood is gone and they can settle down.
Posted in Genesis - Gilgamesh
The Book of Job
The Book of Job Blog
The Book of Job teaches us that wisdom is meaningless and some things in life are just not for us to understand. Typically, some stories follow Aesop’s fables that are full of morals. This is not the case in The Book of Job, for it is actually an anti-wisdom story. This story is about a righteous, faithful, person who has been tested to see if appreciates his fortunes and if he truly deserves them. “Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on earth, a blameless and upright man who fears God and turns away from evil?” (A158) The LORD allows Satan to test Job, knowing that Job has strong faith and truly does appreciate and deserve his fortune.
In The Book of Job, although Job was tested by losing his herd, servants, camels, treasures and family he still showed appreciation for his blessings and remained faithful. Job was even tested a second time to see if he truly deserved his fortunes. “So Satan went forth from the presence of the LORD, and afflicted Job with loathsome sores from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head.” (A159).
China shows that they appreciate their fortunes however they are not doing a good job in showing that they deserve them. “In barely a decade, the Chinese economy has created at least 117 billionaires…” (NY Times), but the article also states, “The China Reform Foundation, an economic research group based in Beijing, estimated last month that about $870 billion in corrupt gray money was being hidden by the wealthiest 10 percent of China’s population.” This is entirely opposite from Job and creates a huge difference between the two stories.
Works Cited
Wines, Michael. “In China, Attitudes on Generosity Are Tested”. New York Times. 24 September 2010, New York ed.: The New York Times International A4 Print.
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Genesis and Gilgamesh comparison
There are many connections that can be made between the “Epic of Gilgamesh and “Genesis.” The most clear connection is the idea of a higher being. In Genesis, the higher being is God, and in the Epic of Gilgamesh there are a lot of higher beings. In both stories there is a flood sent by the higher being to destroy mankind. However, in Genesis God wanted to destroy mankind for being evil while in Gilgamesh it was done on a whim. “The lord saw that the evil of human creature was great on the earth and that every scheme of his heart’s devising was only perpetually evil (A, 34).
Another similarity is in the instructions given to the creators of the ark. In both stories the higher being gives clear instructions on what size the ship should be and who should be present on the ship. In Gilgamesh, Utanapishtim brings his family as well as craftsmen, while in Genesis, Noah only brings his family and the animals.
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Gilgamesh Vs. Genesis
The floods seem to be the greatest comparison between Genesis and Gilgamesh, yet have many differences. In Genesis, God realizes that things haven’t gone as planned and is not pleased with the evil that is now settling upon the earth he has just created. “And the Lord saw that the evil of the human creature was great on the earth and that every scheme of his heart’s devising was only perpetually evil” (G6:34).God then decides to destroy the earth as it is and start over. “I will wipe out the human race I created from the face of the earth, from cattle to crawling thing to the fowl of the heavens, for I regret that I have made them. But Noah found favor in God’s eyes” (G6:34). Noah is the one man chosen, by God to survive this terrible flood he is planning to send forth along with a group of selected animals so there is something to start from once the flood is over.
In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim is the character closest related to Noah and is also told to build a ship and is promised to survive the flood that is to come and wipeout mankind. The Gods reasons for the floods are the following. In Genesis it was man’s wickedness, in Gilgamesh it was the loudness of the people that irritated the Gods who then decided to destroy all the people below them. “The hearts of the Great Gods moved them to inflict the Flood” (GigameshPg.91/14). Although there are a few differences between the stories such as the size of the ships and the length of the floods, the main point is the same. The Gods in both stories are unhappy with what is taking place on the earth below them and feel it is necessary to destroy everything on the earth and start over new. In Genesis the Gods ultimately regret their decision and in Genesis God promises to never do something of that nature again.
Posted in Genesis - Gilgamesh
Comparison: Gilgamesh and Genesis
The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the oldest pieces of writing which was discovered by people, so far. It was written in around 1000B.C.E in the Near East region in ancient Mesopotamia. Similarly, Genesis is one of the best books known worldwide which was written in around 400 B.C.E. In addition, it came from the region of Mesopotamia.
The Epic of Gilgamesh presents the polytheistic world where gods and goddesses play a big role. Even if they hold great power and are able to influence people’s actions, sometimes they are weak and imperfect. Also, mortal people and immortal gods have many things in common. They both experience positive and negative feelings such as love, happiness, and anger. For example, when Gilgamesh refuses to marry goodness Ishtar “in a fury she went up to the heavens, going to Anu, her father, and crying, going to Antum, her mother, and weeping” (A 77). Correspondingly, Genesis also describes the world where God plays a big role. However, he is the only monotheistic God and other gods don’t exist. In addition, he is the God who holds all the power; thus, everything depends on his will. For example, he says “Let there be light. And there was light” (A 29). Moreover, he doesn’t have many things in common with mortal people whom he created.
Both readings mention the flood; however, the reason of it is different. In the Epic of Gilgamesh people multiply very fast and earth become too noisy. Gods can’t stand that situation and send flood to destroy human beings. Gods choose a mortal human being, Utnapishtim, to create a ship and collect the pairs of all animals existing in the world. He says “I had all my kith and kin go up into the boat, all the beasts, and animals of the field” (A 92). In addition, gods let him to protect his family and craftsmen “and the craftsmen I had go up” who have a great amount of knowledge which can be reused later on (A 92). On the other hand, Genesis talks about flood from different perspective. It is a punishment for people who want to be equal to God. “And the Lord saw that the evil of the human creature was great on the earth and that every scheme of his heart’s devising was only perpetually evil. And Lord regretted having made the human on earth” (A 34). As a result, he lets Noah to build an arc and collect the pairs of all animals existing in the world. God says to Noah “and you shall enter the ark, you and your sons and your wife and the wives of your sons, with you. And from all that lives, from all flesh, two of each thing you shall bring to the ark to keep alive with you, male and female they shall be” (A 34). Also, Noah family is one who survives and populates the earth.
Posted in Genesis - Gilgamesh
Gilgamesh and Genesis comparison
Upon reading the Epic of Gilgamesh and the first eleven chapters of the Book of Genesis many comparisons arise. The strongest of these would have to be the globally destructive flood which is caused in both by Gods as a punishment for the behavior of the human race. In the epic Utanapishtim tells Gilgamesh the story of his survival during the great flood. “The hearts of the Great Gods moved them to inflict the flood.” (Epic of Gilgamesh, 91) The people of Uruk had basically gotten on the nerves of the great gods by making too much noise and this was motivation to destroy everyone. The only person to know of the flood was Utanapishtim and he built a large boat by the commands of Ea, “…Make all living beings go up into the boat. The boat which you are to build…” (Gilgamesh, 91) This situation is comparable to what happens in Chapter 6 of Genesis. In the book God exclaims, “I will wipe out the human race I created from the earth, from human to cattle to crawling thing to the fowl of the heavens, for I regret that I have made them.” (Genesis, 34) God is frustrated with the evil ways that his creations are acting and in order to wipe them out he creates a world-wide flood. Just like in Gilgamesh, God selects a one person, Noah, whom he will save by warning him to create a boat. God commands Noah, “…two of each thing you shall bring to the ark to keep alive with you…” (Genesis, 34) If you notice, the God or Gods in both stories tells their one chosen hero almost the exact scenario and actions to take.
– Amanda Trexler
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Comparisons:Gilgamesh and Genesis
The Epic of Gilgamesh and Genesis have many things in common. Both of them were written in antique period and are very well known. The Epic of Gilgamesh was evolved over the course of many centuries and it is about three thousand years old. Similarly, Genesis was written before the birth of Jesus Christ and it’s about two thousand and four hundred years old.
A flood is the unifying similarity that both share; however, the reasons are different. In the Epic of Gilgamesh gods get angry at the human kind because they produce enormous amount of noise. Thus, gods send flood to destroy people. However, they let the mortal Utnapishtim to create an ark and save his family and animals. Utnapishtim says “I had all my kith and kin go up into the boat, all the beasts, and animals of the field” (A 92). In addition, he takes craftsman to save the existence of knowledge for next generations. In Genesis, God sends flood because people want to be equal to him. He decides to destroy them and says “the end of all flesh is come before me, for the earth is filled with outrage by them…I am now about to destroy them” (A 6). However, he lets Noah to construct an ark for saving his family and animals to populate the earth after the flood.
The Epic of Gilgamesh describes polytheistic world; whereas, in Genesis, only one God is presented. Gods in the Epic of Gilgamesh are immortal and they have many things in common with mortal human beings, for example, characters and behaviors. They have similar emotion, such as, happiness, sadness, anger and sexual desire. Some of them also have the urge to make relationship with human being as goddess Ishtar “Come along, Gilgamesh, be you my husband” (A 75). In Genesis, the immortal God doesn’t have anything in common with people. In addition, he holds absolute power and he wants to regulate everything according to his rule. For instance, he says, “For in seven days’ time I will make it rain on the earth forty days and forty nights and I will wipe out from the face of earth and all existing things that I have made” (A 35).
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Genesis and Gilgamesh
I never knew that there was another flood than the one in genesis. It is so impressive how the two stories are identical. For example, in both stories something angers the gods in Gilgamesh and God in Genesis. In Gilgamesh the gods decide to destroy mankind because they are making noise, which I don’t understand because being gods they should have the power to intercept noise. In genesis, God decides to destroy mankind because he sees “that the evil of the human creature was great on the earth and that every scheme of his heart’s devising was only perpetually evil.” (A, 34)
Another similarity between the two histories is the amount of people God and the gods decide to save. In both accounts, one good man Utanapishtim from Gilgamesh and Noah from Genesis are selected and ordered to build a boat or an ark. In Genesis God decides to save Noah because he “found favor in the eyes of the LORD.” (A, 34) So Noah is the only person elected by God to create the future of humankind. In Gilgamesh, Ea informs Utanapishtim in a dream that he will be the one to help civilization to survive. However, there is a small difference between the two histories. For example, in Genesis Noah decides to take his family members and no other human beings, but in Gilgamesh Utanapishtim takes his family and the craftsman.
Also in both accounts when the boat or the ark comes to a stop after the flood, Noah and Utanapishtim send out birds to find out if it is safe to come out from the boat or ark. Utanapishtim sends out three different birds, the first was a dove but it returned, then he sends a swallow and the bird also returns, finally he sends out a raven and the bird finds land and never returns. In Genesis, Noah sends out a raven but the bird didn’t find land and returns to him, then he send a dove the first time the bird didn’t find land and returns to the ark, the second time the dove didn’t return.
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Relation between the “Epic of Gilgamesh” and “Genesis”
The readings of the “Epic of Gilgamesh” and “Genesis” both present a common theme of human lives under the control of a higher being. In the “Epic of Gilgamesh”, one of the gods, Enlil almost annihilated the entire human population. In the “Genesis”, God also almost annihilated the entire human population. Although both stories present the common theme of a higher being controlling the lives of human, there are differences. One difference between the “Epic of Gilgamesh” and the “Genesis” is the reason of the annihilation. Enlil decided to destroy humankind at his whim because “The gods may come to the incense offering, but Enlil may not come to the incense offering, because without considering he brought about the Flood and consigned my people to annihilation (A, 94). God in the “Genesis” desired to destroy humankind entirely because God wanted to punish humans for being evil and regretted creating humans. “And the LORD saw that the evil of human creature was great on the earth and that every scheme of his heart’s devising was only perpetually evil…. ‘I will wipe out the human race I created from the face of the earth, from human to cattle to crawling thing to the fowl of the heavens, for I regret that I have made them’” (A, 34). Another difference between the two stories is that in the “Epic of Gilgamesh”, there are several gods who conflict with each other and even among the gods; there are gods that are superior while in the “Genesis”, there is only one all-powerful God who is undisputed.
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Utanapishtim and Noah
In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the story of Utanapishtim is similar to Noah from the Holy Bible’s first book, Genesis, in a few ways. Both Noah and Utanapishtim face the same problem, the flood that wipes out humanity. Utanapishtim is given a blueprint from the gods of an arc he must build. God also tells Noah how he must build his arc, even though his is much bigger than Utanapishtim’s.
Noah is also instructed by God to bring “… his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives…” and every animal, each with a mate. (pg. 35) Utanapishtim brings similar people and animals, but with a twist. The Epic states,
“I had all my kith and kin go up into the boat,
All the beasts and animals of the field and the craftsmen I had go up.” (pg. 92, lines 80-81)
Utanapishtim brings along the craftsmen so, when the flood is over, they can rebuild cities. Noah is not interested in bringing craftsmen. He only wants to follow what God orders.
God believes humankind is evil and regrets creating them, so he must cleanse the Earth with a flood. Genesis states, “And the LORD saw that the evil of the human creature was great on the earth… And the LORD said, ‘I will wipe out the human race I created from the face of the earth… for I regret that I have made them.’” (pg. 34) This was not the case with the gods from the Epic of Gilgamesh. Utanapishtim says, “
“The hearts of the Great Gods moved them to inflict the Flood.”
The gods did not create the flood because humans were evil. They did it because they wanted to and they thought it was the right thing to do.
Even though the gods and God created the flood for different reasons, Utanapishtim and Noah went about saving themselves in similar ways.
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