Genesis and Gilgamesh comparison

There are many connections that can be made between the “Epic of Gilgamesh and “Genesis.” The most clear connection is the idea of a higher being.   In Genesis, the higher being is God, and in the Epic of Gilgamesh there are a lot of higher beings.  In both stories there is a flood sent by the higher being to destroy mankind.  However, in Genesis God wanted to destroy mankind for being evil while in Gilgamesh it was done on a whim. “The lord saw that the evil of human creature was great on the earth and that every scheme of his heart’s devising was only perpetually evil (A, 34).

Another similarity is in the instructions given to the creators of the ark.  In both stories the higher being gives clear instructions on what size the ship should be and who should be present on the ship.  In Gilgamesh, Utanapishtim brings his family as well as craftsmen, while in Genesis, Noah only brings his family and the animals.

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