Possible Midterm Questions

1.A common theme in the stories we have read is the role of a God or Gods in human life. Explain the influence on humans the Hebrew God, the Greek Gods and the Gods of Gilgamesh have. Use a citation from the text to explain each.

2.How does the character of Enkidu compare to Adam in Genesis? How are they related? Cite and explain a key similarity or difference to support your argument.

3.The characters of Odysseus and Gilgamesh are powerful men whose lives are altered by the Gods. What did the Gods do to punish the hubris that was displayed? Did the characters deserve their punishment? Why or why not?

4. Were females a positive or negative presence in the stories we’ve read? Give examples to support your argument.

Aleksandra C., Amanda T., Thomas M., Jhosemary G., Maria P., Alena V., Sajjad A.

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2 Responses to Possible Midterm Questions

  1. Thomas Mullaly says:

    on question 4 that should probably be “presence” not preface, i’m sorry, my handwriting is terrible.

  2. sali says:

    Analyze the growth of Telemachus from the beginning of the Odyssey to the end.

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