NY Times/Thousand & One Nights

On November 16th the NY Times published an article entitled, “Diana’s Ring Seals Prince William’s Marriage Plans”. In the article we learn of Prince William’s future wife Kate Middleton. She is a highly educated college graduate of the prestigious University of St. Andrews in Scotland, where the two first met. “Miss Middleton is a different sort of royal bride from Diana…” One of the major differences pointed out were their differing education levels. Middleton, if made queen one day would be the first in British history to actually have obtained a college degree. This alone says a lot about her “…tough and savvy…” personality, she is much stronger than Princess Diana in many aspects. Middleton’s future marriage to Prince William definitely creates an aura of eeriness due to the history of where her ring originates from. Princess Diana, was killed tragically and without any knowledge that it was to happen.

There are many comparisons that can be made between Kate Middleton in this NY Times article and the character of Shahrazad in “The Thousand and One Nights”.  Shahrazad “…had studied historical reports, and was acquainted with the sayings of men and the maxims of sages and kings.” (B, 414)  She was a very educated woman who along with Middleton has a tough edge. Shahrazad is putting herself in situation which is very questionable in wanting to marry the king. The king has women put to death the morning following their marriage and Shahrazad wants to marry him? She wants to marry the king to try to save more women from being killed, but in doing so she is putting herself at risk of a possibly tragic outcome.


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