Asian Literature

Many teachers aspire to influence at least one student in their career. Some teachers create such an impact that students live by their teachings and their influence is carried on even after they graduate. Students always remember a wise teacher’s words. This is seen in both “The Analects” and the New York Times article about the teacher Fred Goldhaber. In “The Analects” students are mesmorized by the teachings of Confucius. His students admired him and considered his teachings to be a way of life. Confucius taught his students how they could live happy lives by spreading the importance of humanity. Confucius writes “seeking to achieve humanity leaves no room for evil” (A, 1049). His teachings were so influencial in China that it led to the spread of Confucianism. Even after his death Confucius’ teachings were still being taught and practiced.

In The New York Times article “Fred Goldhaber, 1st teacher at school for gays, dies at 63″ by Dennis Hevesi, students mourn the loss of a great teacher, Mr. Goldhaber. He was a very influencial teacher since 1985 for runaway homosexuals who believed they had nowhere to go. Many gays and lesbians took comfort in Mr. Goldhaber’s teachings and seeked his guidence at the Harvey Milk School of Manhattan. He was the first and for the first four year the only teacher at the school. A fellow collegue describes Mr. Goldhaber saying ” kids idolized him, many of them would have never gotten diplomas had it not been for the way he treated them”. Like Confucius, Mr. Goldhaber was

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