Throne of Blood/ NYT Review

The New York Times article, “Sprawling Cinema, Tamed to a Stage,” by Charles Isherwood is a theater review of the play “Throne of Blood” which took place at Brooklyn Academy of Music on November 10, 2010.  “Throne of Blood” is a stage adaptation of Akira Kurosawa movie “Throne of Blood,” which is a version of Shakespeare’s “Macbeth.” I agree with Charles Isherwood, I found this play boring and difficult to keep up with the dialogue. I can’t give my full opinion about whether the play was similar to the description of the movie because I didn’t it.   As Isherwood said “[i]t essentially boils down to a lot of men charging back and forth across a mostly dark and bare stage in fancy samurai getups.  That’s what I felt well watching the play. As the play continues, I was just lost from time to time trying to figure out what was going on. The critic is right, the play set up on a plain stage with a screen with a stone wall stretching across the back of the stage.  It didn’t take my imagination there, it didn’t move me they way I expected.  But I agree the costumes were very nice from what I could see. As Mr. Isherwood states “Those getups, as I said, are beautifully designed by Stefani Mar and offer an eyeful of visual poetry to distract from the generally prosaic proceedings.” 

I mostly agree with the critic about the play, I couldn’t create the mood and atmosphere of what I envision the play “Macbeth” to be.

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