Assignment #1

Sample Post

This is a sample post.

Blogs@Baruch is built on the WordPress platform.  Each site allows you and users that you invite to create Posts.   

Posts are a great option for student-created content because they are easily sortable by category, tag, date, or author.

This post has been assigned to a Category “Assignment #1”. You can see the Category above the Post title and on the Navigation Menu.

Categories allow you to organize and group related posts together – for example, a series of student assignments.

Categories are added to a specific post before they are published or edited, using the Post settings panel to the right side of the Block Editor.

Any posts categorized as “Assignment #1” will appear if you select that link “Assigment #1” from the Navigation Menu. Posts that are uncategorized or assigned to another category will not appear under that link.

This post has been stuck to the top of the blog, meaning it will always show up at the top of the Posts page. You can change this setting in the Post settings panel.

Edit/Delete this Post by clicking the Edit link immediately below this Post, or from Dashboard > Posts.

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