Next Steps…

I have come to realize that many people underestimate what Baruch has to offer coming into college but I learned that although Baruch might be a commuter school, it still has a lot of resources and opportunities at hand for students. For example, I have frequently made use of the Writing Center to receive help with my English papers and assignments. Being that the people that are looking over my work are actually certified English professors, I am glad that I am accessible to the expertise of faculty and staff and can make use of them. In terms of my academics in general, I also have Mr. Medina, the Baruch Scholars advisor, to turn to for direction and guidance when it comes to the Honors Program. Since Baruch Scholars have different requirements to meet compared to other students here at Baruch, Mr. Medina provides the help that we need to meet those standards.

With regard to the Community Service Project, my group members and I have done extensive research on our non-profit organization and we’re really excited to take part in the first chance of volunteer service that we get at the Clinton Foundation. Volunteering for any organization, and not just this one in particular, would help us to expose ourselves to real life problems, which will allow us to broaden our perspectives in general.

I have committed myself to a club from the very beginning of this semester because I knew that I wanted to get involved in some way or another. Although this club is taking up a big chunk of my time as of now, I hope to manage my time more appropriately and be able to allocate my use of time wisely so that I can involve myself in a lot more clubs next semester. Some of the clubs that I find myself drawn to are the Accounting Society Club, USG, and Women for Empowerment. But first, I want to set a stable foundation in terms of academics and then join other clubs when I see fit in the future.

What does it mean to serve your community?

I started volunteering for community service starting from the beginning of my high school career. When I was a freshman, I joined a club called SFSR (Students for Social Responsibility) that tried to raise awareness about the ways in which we, as members of the same community, can help the less unfortunate. The club’s activities mostly consisted of raising money through bake sales and collecting donations for local Long Island charities. After four years as a dedicated and active member, I was honored to have taken up the role as the president of the club my senior year. The duties of being the president ranged from running the meetings by announcing upcoming drives to personally delivering all the charity donations from our club to the non-profitable organizations. It was a lot of responsibility but the more effort that was put in, the more rewarding it was at the end of the day when I actually got to see the gratifying reactions from the recipients of the donations. I was more than happy that I had the opportunity to give back to the community the one way I knew how.

As a Baruch Scholar, I hope to accomplish more in the future through community service not just because of the school requirement to do so but because of my choice. Overall, I believe the group volunteer project will allow my group partners and me to learn a valuable lesson that we wouldn’t be able to gain from merely just schoolwork.

Journal #1: Where Have You Been and Where Are You Going?

Hello fellow Baruchians!

My life isn’t as simple as some of yours might be. I have a long history of moving around to different places and meeting new people. I was born in Korea and I moved to the United States when I was seven years old with my family. I first settled in Georgia for a year and then moved to Queens, New York. Spending all of my elementary years in Queens, I guess my mom thought we hadn’t moved around enough. She told us that she had bought a house in Roslyn, Long Island after I had just finished sixth grade. Roslyn was a 99.99% Jewish orientated school and obviously I was a little intimidated by that fact (because you know… I’m not…Jewish). However, I came to know some of the coolest people there that are still my best friends till this day. The journey doesn’t end here. Over the past summer, I got an apartment in Manhattan with my sister and officially moved in before college started. So yeah, a lot of moving here and there if you were still following.

As you can see, I have been exposed to many different cultures and environments within a span of just seventeen years. Thus, explaining my ability to adjust to new atmospheres wherever I go. I’m always up for meeting new people and experiencing new things. For these reasons, I’ve heard many times that I’m comfortable and easy to be around with 😉

At Baruch, I wish to build a strong foundation for my major and take advantage of all the opportunities that are offered here by the Zicklin School of Business. Despite what others might say about Accounting at Baruch, I want to be able to push through all those discouragements and graduate with as an accounting major. In addition, I also want to get involved a bit more and just make a lot of good friends!!

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