Journal #3 Next Steps…..
December 5, 2013
There are many resources that Baruch provide and are very helpful. I have uses the library resources. The library database is good in writing paper in both English and Business. The database is easy to read and easy to access. I have also access that study room. It is very helpful in meeting up with my group and just work through the project. Baruch has many other resources that I hope to be able to use in the future semester for many of my classes.
Working and researching the community service project, I have gain a lot. Even though I have not yet volunteer and actually participate in the experience, I have expectation not only in the organization but also in myself. I expect to reach out of my comfort zone but re-finding it after doing it over and over again. Choosing Citymeals on Wheels allows me to, in my mind, “expand my circle.” Citymeals on Wheels provides me with the opportunity to meet people that I would not have otherwise meet. Going out and help these elderly would not only bring comfort to elderly but also allows me to open up. I hope to gain a lot and might allow me to easier to talk to others.
The next steps. It would be hard to picture myself years from now. Carpe Diem. Seize the day. I was always pressure by the question what would you do in 10 years. What would you like to do as a career? I remember a friend of mine response to these questions, as “I want to be happy.” And that is what I want to be happy. No matter what my choices in life or what path I choice, it is most important to be happy. To me, in the long run, I would like to not regret my decisions. So where would I be in 3 year? Happy.
Journal Entry #2: Baruch Community
October 9, 2013
To serve you community always confused me in its meaning. What does it mean to serve your community? Does it mean physically going out and volunteering or even just hanging out in the community? I had done volunteering help others as well and hang around the community with friends. But what does it mean to contribute to the community? The Baruch community is another community that I would have to find my ground in.
To me the Baruch community is a second home that I need to find my place in. Second month into the school year, and I’m still back up with all the stress that college life bring. I feel like a beginning the college life is starting a new journey of exploration. Baruch has many opportunities, but I feel small compare to the vast options. At the same time, I feel that I am restricted. I always play within my circle and it is hard to expand outward.
At the Baruch community, I want to get a feel of the new community before I become a part of it. In the future, after I understand college and its requirement, I would like to contribute something too. At the moment, I am not to sure about that I going to contribute, but what ever it is it would have my touch in it.
Being a scholar doesn’t change my view of things. To me, I am just another student. Being a scholar only gives us a higher standard, but that does not change how we actually are.
Journal Entry #1: Introduction
September 25, 2013

I did not draw this picture. This drawing was done by Dayanni Bhagwandin in 2010. The drawing is done with charcoal and it is copy of a photograph of a waterfall.
My name is Ying. I enjoy reading and drawing. Even though reading usually leading into good writing but my imagination is …err… what you would call at the bottom of a dark pit. So basically I have no imagination, unless it is about drawing and sketching. Reading on the other hand is different. I don’t need much imagination for it or maybe enough imagination to make the movie in my head.
So … Drawing. Well there is really not much to say about that. Okay, maybe I have something to say about it.
1. I don’t draw portrait, unless you give me a couple of months then I might have it done for you.
2. Any large drawing might take a couple of weeks so don’t rush me unless you want a blank paper then I can give it to you as soon as you give me your request.
Anyway, enough about my rule on drawing and I am not really that serious about them too. I think the first time that I enjoy drawing was when I started high school. I had taken art classes before I started high school but the lesson is not like that in high school. In those art classes I paint and did charcoal drawing, but to me it seems that I was always judge in my art and didn’t care much about it. That change when I enter high school. I start to enjoy drawing especially charcoal. I think for my inspiration in drawing with charcoal, I have to thank my friend Dayanni with her drawing of the waterfall that gives me inspiration to tackle the water aspect of drawing. On my on free time, I like to draw designs, curves, lines, leaves, flowers, or anything things that has curves and no straight lines.
So drawings that I really love are:

I drew this in 2010 with charcoal and it is a copy of a landscape picture. I really like this drawing because it does not really show the complete shadow and there is a large difference between light and dark. As my teacher put it is is like a “watermark* drawing.
Feed test
September 16, 2013
Feed test