NY Art Book Fair

NY Art Book Fair

When I first walked into the yard of P.S.1, it did not feel like it was a public school. There were large structures in the middle of the yard, and many people sitting around, reading, chating, and drinking.

As I walked inside the school, I was confused as to where to go find some published works. I soon noticed that there are different fairs in different rooms. Some rooms are filled with many books, others one or two. I arrived at the fair around 5:30 pm on Sunday, and some people were getting ready to leave. Yet there were still many people inside.

The setup of the rooms were pretty interesting. It has a very artistic feel in every room. There were posters, neon lights, projections, and walls filled with hanging books and newspaper. I saw some wearing costumes. At the end of the fair, I too just want to relax outside in the yard.


The first published work that I found interesting is Autobahn Flaggen by Sechsundzwanzig. It is a paperback book with a transparent cover. This publication was $45, and it used a perfect binding. I found the cover to be very unique, similar to the one we saw in class. As for the content, it has many pictures and a bunch of text that I didn’t read.


The second book that I saw at the fair is titled LOL!.  It is a paperback book, with a warnout black cover. It used a saddle stitch binding, with a piece of paper covering the side of it. The book is made up of pictures, each page with a person laughing. There were no text in this book. I find this book pretty interesting because it has a collectiong of different celebraties laughing out loud. This book is $20.


The next publication that I found interesting is called Michelle Grabner’s Black Circle Paintings Metalpoint Drawings and Monoprints, by Michelle Grabner. It used a hard, gloss cover, using a hard cover book binding. This book is $40. It used a semi gloss paper as the book block. I find this book interesting because it contained structures and pictures that looked like circles. Also, I like its simplistic layout of black and white.


Another publication that I found interesting is Lou Reed’s New York by Lou Reed. It is a hard cover book, using a hard cover binding. The text block used a semi gloss paper. This is a photo book of New York through the eyes of Lou Reed. Each page contains a full picture of a location in New York. I like this publication because I like the photography  of Lou Reed. This book is $60.


Here is a book called The Reporters of BBC Website by Nick Crowe. It is a soft cover book, using a perfect binding. The paper are made of think semi gloss paper. I find this book very unique. It shows pictures of people (reporters) in a sort of low resolution form. You need to step back in order to see the person clearly. This is a very interesting publication. There was no price on this book.


This publication is called Lovely Date Issue V: Numbers. It is a soft covered book made with very light paper, soft covered. It used a saddle stitched binding. The book block is made with light paper as well, similar to regular copy paper. I find the content interesting, show pictures of different creatures with numbers written all over them. The price of this publication was $15.

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