In the essay “ What is intelligence, Anyway?”, Issac Asimov explains how the meaning of intelligence can be subjective. He uses past experiences to demonstrate that intelligence isn’t just about being academically proficient. He explains how his mechanic could do things he was incapable of doing. Issac is aware that he is academically intelligent but would look foolish if asked to do labor with his hands. Issac explains how test-taking is not the only way to measure a person’s intelligence. I believe that intelligence can be defined as the ability to make rational decisions in multiple environments. Intelligence is using your experience and knowledge to make the correct choice. I agree with Asimov’s definition of intelligence because I agree that intelligence does not only refer to people who are academically smart. In the real world, you need to have knowledge of many things to be able to survive. You need to have experience with people and understand how they work to be intelligent. My strengths include: being a hard worker, being respectful, and being able to adapt quickly. My interests include: playing soccer, exploring the wilderness, and learning more about technology. 

My intelligence results survey ranked Visual/Spatial as third, Logical/Mathematical as second, and Intrapersonal as first. I feel that these results are pretty accurate because I know how to distinguish among my own feelings and I always try to make the best decision. I am usually reserved and don’t want to overshare my feelings after meeting new people. My Intrapersonal intelligence type correlates with my strengths because I usually work more effectively when I am on my own and I know how to control my feelings when I am around or working with people. I feel that my visual intelligence correlates with playing soccer because always create mental pictures of past games so that I can improve. I notice how my opponents move and try to create effective strategies to win the game. I also take mental pictures of specific wilderness adventures. My Logical intelligence correlates with my interest in technology and playing soccer. My Intrapersonal intelligence helps me adapt quickly to my environment because I acknowledge the people that I am around and make sure that I control my own feelings. I am aware that working with different groups of people requires a different mindset.