Narrative of Metacognition

According to Asimov’s essay, intelligence isn’t measured by how well one does on an exam. One’s intelligence is determined by what their area of expertise is. Everyone is a genius when it comes to a topic they’re passionate about, their intelligence can’t be measured by a test made for a different purpose. To me, intelligence is determined in many ways. When I hear someone explain a course or subject that I know absolutely nothing about, I automatically consider them intelligent because they’re experts on that topic. When someone is providing advice or wisdom, they prove to be intelligent because they are counseling others on how to overcome a situation. Intelligence is calculated differently for everyone, since we all have various levels of brilliance. When referring to myself, I’d like to believe that my strengths are time-management, dedication, and empathy. From my perspective, I always make sure to have any task, assignment, or commitment done on its designated due date. It makes me feel better and achieved when I’m “on time”. I consider myself dedicated when it comes to achieving a certain goal or small resolution. I also like to think that empathy is one of my strengths because I value my friendships and relationships, I want my loved ones to feel cared for and appreciated. Regarding my interests, I love to read and bake. I get really into books that I completely ignore those around me at times, I love mystery, fantasy, and romance novels. Baking is my guilty pleasure, I’m in no way a professional but when I feel overwhelmed I try to find new recipes and make small desserts for my sister and me. Lastly, when it comes to talents I’m not too sure or confident in anything. I’d say that my talent is being independent.

The Multiple Intelligence survey asked many questions that are meant to determine the types of intelligence that one has. Based on my results, my top three are Intrapersonal, Visual/Spatial, and Logical/Mathematical. Intrapersonal intelligence means having a strong understanding of one’s own emotions, for example, self-reflection, motivation, and goal setting. Visual intelligence regards being a visual learner or having understanding information better with observing in person. Logical/Mathematical intelligence is being able to critical think, problem solve, and logical reasoning. In my opinion, the results represent me accurately. In my eyes, I understand my emotions well, I know how to react to certain situations and when not to react. I also try to control my thinking when it becomes to negative and turn optimistic. Additionally, I learn best when observing in person, not only in educational settings but with others, activities, and more. I’m not too sure about logical intelligence because at times I tend to stress when things go wrong, and solving the problem takes my a while. However, I work well with dates and time stamps. Since I think my strengths are dedication and empathy, intrapersonal intelligence correlates. Having a good understanding of my emotions aids when comforting others and pursuing certain objectives. Visual and Logical intelligence could relate to my interests and talents, since I use visual learning when baking and reading certain novels. 

One thought on “Narrative of Metacognition

  1. Hi Marina, that is so cool that you know how to bake even though you say they might not be so professionally done, it’s a pretty good talent to have. I liked the way you more descriptive about what your talents and strengths are.

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